Jaana Porra, M.Sc., MBA, Ph.D. jaana@bau.cba.uh.edu


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Table of Contents

Jaana Porra, M.Sc., MBA, Ph.D. jaana@bau.cba.uh.edu

Why Information Systems?

Information Systems are more than Computers

Where is Competitive Advantage?

Where is Competitive Advantege?

Where is Competitive Advantage?

Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage = Strategic Change

Competitive Advantage is supported by a Strategic Information System

Changing Attitudes about IS

How to Create Competitive Advantage?

The Value Chain Model -- Another way of Looking at an Organization Porter, 1985

Strategies and Tools for gaining Competitive Advantage

Strategies and Tools for gaining Competitive Advantage

The Cost of Inventory

Threats -- The Competitive Forces Model

End of Lecture 3!

Author: Porra