The time has come for the Bauer College Alumni Association's
annual meeting on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at Cemo Hall.
Come join your Bauer family, which is currently comprised of
several thousand Bauer students, approximately 200 faculty,
150 staff members, an alumni base of more than 50,000 and
partners and supporters that are spread throughout the
city of Houston and around the world.
At this year's meeting the alumni board will
discuss what's on the horizon for the Bauer College
Alumni Association, as well as take a look at the 2015
accomplishments for the Association and our alma mater.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Margarita Barcenas,
President, Bauer College Alumni Association
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Meeting: Cemo Hall, Stubblefield Auditorium | 6 p.m.
Reception: Melcher Hall back drum | 7 p.m. Sharp
Parking: Provided in lot 20A to those who pre-register.
For registration, parking information and directions,