by parks

  1. Overall Organization -- the Homepage

    The Current Research in Marketing WWW site is composed of many different pages which fulfill the functional requirements of the site organizers. These are three primary functions:

    1. Dissertation Abstracts -- provides scrolling, search and submission of disseratation abstracts
    2. Scholar Profiles -- provides scrolling and search of prominent scholar profiles
    3. Literature Reviews -- provides scrolling and search of specific literature topics

    Each of these three components utilizes the same basic organizing structures to deliver their content. All operate directly from a link off the CRIM Homepage. This CRIM homepage is currently located at:

    A sample of CRIM Homepage appears below (this is only an image -- the links do not work!)

    This homepage page is created by the file named index.htm.The file contents of this homepage are:

    <FRAMESET frameborder="1" bordercolor="#770000" COLS="180,*">
    <FRAME marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" SRC ="crimleft.htm">
    <FRAME name="bigwindow" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" SRC="crimtop.htm">

    This FRAME implementation establishes a two frame structure in columns. The first column (frame) is 180 pixels wide and its contents are found in the file crimleft.htm. The second column takes up the remaining hoirizontal space of the window and its contents are found tin the file crimtop.htm. Thus, the Homepage (i.e., index.htm) is formed of two frames:


    In turn, the left side of the homepage (i.e., crimleft.htm) contains:

    <FRAMESET frameborder="1" bordercolor="#ff0000" rows="55,*">
    <FRAME marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" NORESIZE SRC ="crimbtop.htm">
    <FRAME marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" SRC ="crimba.htm">

    This leftside similarly contains two elements -- but the left side is divided into TWO ROWS:

    1. a heading (which is also a link) about the ADVISORY BOARD. This rows is 55 pixels tall. The file is named crimbtop.htm. Contents of this file are:

      <body bgcolor="#ff0000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" text="#000000">
      <center><font face="Times New Roman" size="4"><a href="crimba2.htm"

      Note that the ADVISORY BOARD links to a file called crimba2.htm if the user clicks on the advisory Board heading.

    2. a scrolling gif89a animation which produces a six piece animation listing the members of the Advisory Board. This row takes up the remaining vertical position of the left side. Its content is found in crimba.htm. Contents of this file are:

      <body bgcolor="#ff0000" link="#770000" vlink="#770000" text="#000000">
      <center><img src="crimroll.gif" border="0"></center>

    The contents of crimba.htm file just plays the gif89a animation file crimroll.gif. This animated gif file has six files which are 160 pixels wide and 260 pixels tall. These files divide the Advisory Board list into six pieces and display them in sequence holdinmg each for 5 seconds. The files are: eb01.gif, eb02.gif, eb03.gif, eb04.gif, eb05.gif and eb06.gif. These files are stored in the crim directory.

    The right side of the CRIM homepage (i.e., ) contains:

    <body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#ff0000" vlink="#ff0000" text="#000000">
    <map name=mapcrim>
    <area shape="rect" href="" coords="0,0,365,15" target="_top">
    <area shape="rect" href="" coords="0,16,167,31" target="_top">
    <area shape="rect" href="" coords="168,16,365,31" target="_top">
    <center><img src="crim.gif" border="0"><br>
    <img src="mark2.gif" border="0" usemap="#mapcrim"><br>
    <table border="0" width="95%"><tr><td>
    <font face="TIMES NEW ROMAN"><font size="3"><b>Abstracts of Dissertations</b> (in progress or recently completed)<br>
    <img src="whitesp.gif" border="0"><a href="crim1000.htm" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Scroll Abstracts </a>
    <a href="" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Search Abstracts</a>
    <a href="crim1300.htm" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Submit Abstracts</a> <br>
    <font face="TIMES NEW ROMAN"><font size="3"><b>Current Research Profiles of Marketing Scholars</b><br>
    <img src="whitesp.gif" border="0"><a href="crim2000.htm" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Scroll Profiles</a>
    <a href="" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Search Profiles</a> <br>
    <font face="TIMES NEW ROMAN"><font size="3"><b>Literature Reviews of Topics Suggested by the Board</b><br>
    <img src="whitesp.gif" border="0"><a href="crim3000.htm" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Scroll Review Topics</a>
    <a href="" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Search Reviews</a> <br>
    <font face="TIMES NEW ROMAN"><font size="3"><b>MSI Information</b><br>
    <img src="whitesp.gif" border="0"><a href="msi.htm" target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Priority Research Topics</a>
    <font face="TIMES NEW ROMAN"><font size="3"><b>University of Houston</b><br>
    <img src="whitesp.gif" border="0"><a href=" " target="_top"><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"> Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship</a>
    </td></tr></table><hr width="80%" size="1">
    <font face="TIMES NEW ROMAN"><font size="2"><center><font size="2">This site is maintained by University of Houston <a href="dd.htm" target="_top"> CRIM Administrative Board</a>.<br>
    Contact:<a href="" target="_top"> Raj Echambadi or Judy Harris</a> for more information.
    Art by <a href=""> parks


    This crimtop.htm file contains the primary links to all the other CRIM elements.

    • the top portion specifies a MAP which is used to link the the UH Marketing Dept and MSI
    • display the crim.gif logo
    • displays the clickable map mark2.gif
    • Provides links to the three primary content components:
      1. Dissertation Abstracts
        • Scroll links to crim0000.htm
        • Search links to
        • Submit links to crim1300.htm
      2. Scholar Profiles
        • Scroll links to crim2000.htm
        • Search links to
      3. Literature Reviews
        • Scroll links to crim3000.htm
        • Search links to
    • link to MSI topics undefined
    • link to UH Marketing Department
    • CRIM Administration links to dd.htm
    • e-mail to webmasters
    • link to parks' homepage

    Thus in summary the index.htm file is composed of the following frame relationships:

    references two frames that make up rows:

    This frame is column is 55 pixels wide
    It shows the words
    If clicked it links to
    which has a list of the entire board

    contains directions to display


    Contains the primary links to:

    • UH
    • MSI

    • Abstracts
      (scroll, search and submit)
    • Scholar Profiles
      scroll and search
    • Literature Reviews
      scroll and search

    • MSI Priority Research
    • UH Marketing Department
    • CRIM Administration
    • e-mail webmasters
    • art by parks


    Files required to create this homepage are:

    • index.htm -- The homepage. Frames-based and calls two pages crimleft.htm and crimtop.htm.
      1. crimleft.htm -- Frames-based left-side of the homepage. Uses two elements:
        1. crimbtop.htm -- creates ADVISORY BOARD logo and link
          • crimba2.htm -- this file creates the black-on-red advosory board text to be used by the gif89a animation crimroll.gif
          • eb01.gif -- 1st panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
          • eb02.gif -- 2nd panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
          • eb03.gif -- 3rd panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
          • eb04.gif -- 4th panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
          • eb05.gif -- 5th panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
          • eb06.gif -- 6th panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
        2. crimba.htm -- creates rolling advisory board list. Uses:
          • crimroll.gif -- gif89a animation of the advisory board
      2. crimtop.htm -- the main menu on the right of the homepage

    • crim.gif -- clock and logo image file

    • mark2.gif -- UH/MSI image which appears just below the clock/logo. Used as the source for map co-ordinates in crimtop.htm

    The following sections provide details on the elements linked from the Homepage's righthand side. All the links on the homepage's right-hand side are contained in crimtop.htm.

  2. ABSTRACTS SCROLL -- crim1000.htm

    All three abstracts components (scroll, search and submit) are related to a few files:

    • crim1000.htm

      This htm file contains ALL the abstracts but without the detailed abstract text. It has links:

      • back to the homepage (i.e., crim0000.htm)
      • to the top of the list (i.e., top of crim1000.htm)
      • to the individual detailed abstracts

    • The individual abstract files are stored in the subdirectory named:


      The files are numbered sequentially: abs00001.htm, abs00002.htm, abs00003.htm, etc.

    • All the data to create the abstract files is contained in a single file: dissabsi.txt
      This file is stored on the server in the crim root directory. Users submitting abstracts attach their data to the bottom of this file (See ABSTRACT SUBMIT section below).

    The file dissabi.txt is always resident on the server and may be updated at any time by users submitting thier abstracts.

    But periodically (daily or weekly), the file must be used to update the site with the new abstracts. This is NOT automatic. The submit abstracts feature only adds the user data to the bottom of the dissabsi.txt file on the server --- more needs to be done.

    Specifically, to update the site with the new abstracts:

    1. copy the dissabsi.txt file to this local pc

      Use WS_FTP to:

      • logon to the server (userid and password is required)
      • change to the public_html sub directory (say: cd public_html)
      • using WS_FTP, click on the dissabsi.txt file in the right windows
      • click on the <--- button to transfer the file to the pc

    2. from WIN 95, go to the MS-DOS prompt (select START, then PROGRAMS, then MS-DOS)
    3. change to the crim subdirectory
    4. Enter: crimabs
    5. the crimabs.exe program will execute and produce:

      • a screen that shows you how many abstracts were found in dissabsi.txt
      • creates a new crim1000.htm
      • creates a new set of abs00001.htm, abs00002.htm, abs00003.htm,... files stored in the abs subdirectory

    6. Using WS-FTP, copy the new crim1000.htm file to the crim subdirectory on the server
      THIS IS THE SAME PLACE YOU GOT dissabsi.txt
    7. Using WS_FTP, change to the abs subdirectory on the server (on the right side click abs)
    8. Using WS_FTP, change to the abs subdirectory on the pc (on the left side click abs)
    9. Using WS_FTP, mark all the abs0000x.htm files on the pc side
    10. click ---> to move them all to the server
    11. Check it out! See that all abstracts are in crim1000.htm and connect to all abs0000x.htm files


    The search button operates an ICE search script named This script provides a form to the user to specify the search parameters and when submitted executes the search. The PERL script does not normally need modifying unless you wish to change the look of the search page. BUT...


    To reindex the abstracts for searching:

    1. Using TELNET, logon to the server (userid and password required)
    2. Change the the public_html subdirectory (say: cd public_html)
    3. Enter: indxcrim

      This reindexes the search using all the new abstracts in the abstract subdirectory.
      This program takes a few minutes to execute.
      Be patient.

    4. When completed change to WS_FTP.
    5. Using WS_FTP, copy the indexabs.idx file to the pc (use any old subdirectory)
    6. Using NOTEPAD or WORD edit the file indexabs.idx
    7. Using the REPLACE command in the editor to change:

      all occurences of:




    8. save the modifications to the file indexabs.idx
    9. Using WS_FTP, copy the modified indexabs.idx file back to the server
    10. Reindexing abstracts is done!. Check it out!

  4. ABSTRACT SUBMIT -- crim 1300.htm

    The abstract submission is done by a C program named cgiabs.cgi.

    Initially, crim13000.htm presents the user with an HTML FORM to fill out.
    The user enters the data for the abstract, then clicks SUBMIT. The data is processed by the program cgiabs.cgi.

    The program cgiabs.cgi appends the user data to the end of the file dissabsi.txt discussed above. No regular maintenance action is required for the abstract submission..

  5. SCHOLAR PROFILE SCROLL -- crim2000.htm

    The scholar profile scroll is controlled by the crim2000.htm file. The file contains:

    <title>Current Research in Marketing University of Houston </title>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#ff0000" vlink="#ff0000" text="#000000"> <font face="Times Roman">
    <center><img src="crim.gif" border="0">
    <table width="90%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td colspan="2"><font face="Times Roman"> <center><font size="5"><b>CURRENT RESEARCH PROFILES OF MARKETING SCHOLARS</td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan="2"><p><br><font face="Times Roman"><font size="4"><center><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"><a href=""><b> SEARCH THE SCHOLAR PROFILES</b></a></center><p></td></tr>
    <tr><td width="40%"><font face="Times Roman"><font size="4"><center><b>SCHOLAR</b></center></td> <td width="*"><font face="Times Roman"><font size="4"><center><b>AFFILIATION</b></center></td></tr>

    <tr><td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><a href="./prof/prof0001.htm"><b>Ed Blair</b></a></td> <td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><b>University of Houston</b></a></td></tr>

    <tr><td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><a href="./prof/prof0002.htm"><b>V. Kumar</b></a></td> <td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><b>University of Houston</b></a></td></tr>

    <tr><td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><a href="./prof/prof0003.htm"><b>Betsy Gelb</b></a></td> <td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><b>University at Houston</b></a></td></tr>

    <tr><td colspan="2"><p><br><center><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"><a href="crim0000.htm"><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><b> Return to CRIM Homepage</b></a></center><p></td></table>


    Note that this version produces this page:

    This is just a sample of crim2000.htm. LINKS DO NOT WORK

    Each scholar has an entry in the crim2000.htm file. Specifically:

    <tr><td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><a href="./prof/profxxxx.htm"><b>NAME</b></a></td> <td><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><b>AFFILIATION</b></a></td></tr>

    containing the filename (i.e., ./prof/profxxxx.htm where xxxx begins at 0001), NAME, and AFFILIATION data. Each entry must point to a unique htm file in the prof subdirectory.

    In this example, Blair is the file prof0001.htm, Kumar is in prof0002.htm, and Gelb is in prof0003.htm.

    So each additonal scholar requires an entry in crim2000.htm. You must modify the crim2000.htm by copying it from the server to the pc using WS_ftp, making ther modifications (i.e., adding the lines for each prof) and copying it back to the server.

    Additionally, for each new scholar added a new file must be created for them in the prof subdirectory. This file format is:

    <title>SCHOLARNAME Research Profile</title>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#ff0000" vlink="#ff0000" text="#000000">
    <font face="Times Roman"><center><img src="crim.gif" border="0">
    <table width="90%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td colspan="2"><font face="Times Roman"><center><font size="5"><b>RESEARCH PROFILE</td></tr>
    <tr><td width="40%"><font face="Times Roman"><font size="5"><center><b>SCHOLARNAME</b></center></td>
    <td width="*"><font face="Times Roman"><font size="5"><center><b>AFFILIATION</b></center></td></tr>
    <tr>>td colspan="2"><font face="Times Roman" size="5"><b<</b></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><font size="4" face="Times Roman" ><b>Forthcoming Papers:</b><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><p>
    <font size="4" face="Times Roman" ><b>Keywords</b>:KEYWORDS HERE
    <tr><td colspan="2"><font size="4" face="Times Roman" ><b>Working Papers:</b><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><p>
    <font size="4" face="Times Roman" ><b>Keywords</b>: KEYWORDS HERE
    <tr><td colspan="2"><font size="4" face="Times Roman" ><b>Research In Progress:</b><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><p>
    <font size="4" face="Times Roman" ><b>Keywords</b>: KEYWORDS HERE
    <tr><td colspan="2"><p><br><center><img src="sredball.gif" border="0" align="top"><a href="../crim2000.htm"><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><b> Return to Scholar List</b></a> <img src="sredball.gif" border="0" align="top"><a href="../crim0000.htm"><font size="3" face="Times Roman" ><b> Return to CRIM Homepage</b></a><p></center></td></table>

    an example profxxxx.htm

    Here is Ed Blair's (i.e., prof0001.htm):

    how prof0001.htm looks

    Click here to get a blank copy of ther scholar profile html file.

    Use this template to enter the research scholar's data. Save this file with the appropriate numbering scheme (i.e., profxxxx.htm where xxxx is the next sequence number for the files).

    Remember, two things are required:

    1. Create the profxxxx.htm file. Copy it to the crim/prof/ subdirectory
    2. Create the entry in crim2000.htm for that scholar.
      NOTE the xxxx sequence number must correspond. Copy the updated crim2000.htm file back to the server.


    Scholar Profile Search is performed by the PERL script named This script presents the user with search options and calls the search process when the user SUBMITS the form. This


    To reindex the profiles for searching:

    1. Using TELNET, logon to the server (userid and password required)
    2. Change the the public_html subdirectory (say: cd public_html)
    3. Enter: indxprof

      This PERL script ( reindexes the search using all the new profiles in the prof subdirectory.
      This program takes a few minutes to execute.
      Be patient.

    4. When completed, change to WS_FTP.
    5. Using WS_FTP, copy the indxprof.idx file to the pc (use any old subdirectory)
    6. Using NOTEPAD or WORD edit the file indxprof.idx
    7. Using the REPLACE command in the editor to change:

      all occurences of:




    8. save the modifications to the file indxprof.idx
    9. Using WS_FTP, copy the modified indexprof.idx file back to the server
    10. Reindexing profiles is done!. Check it out!

  7. LITERATURE REVIEWS -- crim3000.htm

    The literature review scroll is controlled by the file crim3000.htm. This file's contents are:

    <title>Current Research in Marketing University of Houston </title>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#ff0000" vlink="#ff0000" text="#000000">
    <font style="Times Roman">
    <center><img src="crim.gif" border="0"><p>
    <table width="96%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td colspan="3"><p><br><center><font size="5"><b>LITERATURE REVIEW</b><p></center></td></tr>
    <tr><td colspan="3"><font size="4"><p><br><center><img src="sredball.gif" border="0"><a href=""> <b> SEARCH THE REVIEWS</b></a><p></center></td></tr>
    <tr><td width="32%"><font size="4"><center><b>TOPIC</b></center></td><td width="32%"><font size="4"><center><b>SUGGESTED BY</b></center></td><td width="32%"><font size="4"><center><b>REVIEW STATUS</b></center></td></tr>

    <tr><td> Green Marketing</td><td> Jagdish Sheth</td><td><a href="./rev/rev0001.htm"> Review</a> by:<br>Raj Echambadi and Andrea Stanaland</td></tr>

    <tr><td> Relationship Marketing </td><td> Ed Blair </td><td> <a href="./rev/rev0002.htm">Review</a> by:<br> Raj Echambadi and Wagner Kamakura</td></tr>

    <tr><td> Non-Normal Data in Marketing </td><td> Dipak Jain </td><td> <a href="./rev/rev0003.htm">Review</a> by:<br> Raj Echambadi </td></tr>

    <tr><td colspan="3"><p><br><center><img src="sredball.gif" border="0" align="top"><a href="crim0000.htm"><font size="3"><b>Return to CRIM Homepage</b></a></center><p></td></table>

    crim3000.htm contents

    This html file looks like this:

    Note that each literature review in crim3000.htm has an entry like this:

    <tr><td> TITLE</td><td> Jagdish Sheth</td><td><a href="./rev/rev0001.htm"> Review</a> by:<br>Raj Echambadi and Andrea Stanaland</td></tr>

    Click here to get a blank copy of ther literature review htm file.

    Use this template to enter the lieterature review data. Save this file with the appropriate numbering scheme (i.e., revxxxx.htm where xxxx is the next sequence number for the files).

    Remember, two things are required:

    1. Create the revxxxx.htm file. Copy it to the crim/rev/ subdirectory
    2. Create the entry in crim3000.htm for that literature review.
      NOTE the xxxx sequence number must correspond. Copy the updated crim3000.htm file back to the server.


    Lietrature Review Search is performed by the PERL script named This script presents the user with search options and calls the search process when the user SUBMITS the form. This


    To reindex the literature review files for searching:

    1. Using TELNET, logon to the server (userid and password required)
    2. Change the the public_html subdirectory (say: cd public_html)
    3. Enter: indxrev

      This PERL script ( reindexes the search using all the new reviews in the rev subdirectory.
      This program takes a few minutes to execute.
      Be patient.

    4. When completed, change to WS_FTP.
    5. Using WS_FTP, copy the indxrev.idx file to the pc (use any old subdirectory)
    6. Using NOTEPAD or WORD edit the file indxrev.idx
    7. Using the REPLACE command in the editor to change:

      all occurences of:




    8. save the modifications to the file indxrev.idx
    9. Using WS_FTP, copy the modified indexrev.idx file back to the server
    10. Reindexing literature reviews is done!. Check it out!

    11. ADVISORY BOARD ANIMATION -- crimba.htm and crimroll.gif

      The crimroll.gif file is a gif89a construction. It is an animation of six 160 pixel wide by 260 pixel tall gif files. The text for the image files is created by makeeb.htm (click the filename to see the black on red text).

      From this page the six images are cropped and saved as:

      1. eb01.gif

      2. eb02.gif

      3. eb03.gif

      4. eb04.gif

      5. eb05.gif

      6. eb06.gif

      Together these six images are used to create the crimroll.gif animation. This is done using the GIF CONSTRUCTION SET. See Parks' tutorial on Royal Frazer's GIF89a CONSTRUCTION SET. The animation appears as:


      In the crim directory on the server:

      • index.htm -- The homepage. Frames-based and calls two pages crimleft.htm and crimtop.htm.
        1. crimleft.htm -- Frames-based left-side of the homepage. Uses two elements:
          1. crimbtop.htm -- creates ADVISORY BOARD logo and link
            • crimba2.htm -- page of advisory board memebers
          2. crimba.htm -- locates and creates rolling advisory board list. Uses:
            • crimroll.gif -- gif89a animation of the advisory board
            • eb01.gif -- 1st panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
            • eb02.gif -- 2nd panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
            • eb03.gif -- 3rd panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
            • eb04.gif -- 4th panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
            • eb05.gif -- 5th panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
            • eb06.gif -- 6th panel of the crimroll.gif gif89a animation
            • makeeb.htm -- creates the black-on-red advosory board letters
        2. crimtop.htm -- the main menu on the right of the homepage

      • crim.gif -- clock and logo image file

      • mark2.gif -- UH/MSI image which appears just below the clock/logo. Used as the source for map co-ordinates in crimtop.htm

      • sredball.gif -- small red ball image file
      • redball.gif -- big red ball image file
      • Forms for Search Scripts: All referenced in crimtop.htm.
        1. -- form for dissertation abstract search
        2. -- form for profile search
        3. -- form for literature review searches
      • Search Indexing Scripts: all are executed using Telnet
        1. -- indexes the /ab subdirectory containing all the abstracts
          creates indxcrim.idx
        2. -- indexes all the scholar profiles in the /prof subdirectory
          creates indxprof.idx
        3. -- indexes all the reviews in the /rev subdirectory
          creates indxrev.idx
      • Index files created for searching: created by the indexing scripts above
        1. indxcrim.idx -- contains index of /abs
        2. indxprof.idx -- contains index of /prof
        3. indxrev.idx -- contains index of /rev
      • dd.htm-- HTML file on the crimtop.htm part of the homepage. Contains administrator bios:
        1. bioand.htm
        2. biodeb.htm
        3. biogill.htm
        4. biojud.htm
        5. biokamp.htm
        6. bioraj.htm
        7. biovelu.htm
      • crim1000.htm -- Scroll of dissertation abstracts
      • crim1300.htm -- submit abstracts page
      • crim2000.htm -- Scroll of scholar profiles
      • crim3000.htm -- Scroll of literature reviews
      • howto.htm
        This how-to documents. Uses how01.gif, how02.gif, how03.gif and how04.gif
      • needs.htm -- the needs a reviewer page for lit topics
      • proftemp.htm -- a template for scholar profiles
      • revtemp.htm -- a template for lietrature reviews
      • msi.htm -- the Marketing Science Institute page
      • whitesp.gif -- a white image file used as a horizontal spacer

      One file needs to be stored locally on the pc. It is named crimabs.exe. This file uses the dissabsi.txt from the server to create all the new disseratation abstracts submitted on-line.

      Questions by e-mail to: or call at 713-743-4729

      Return to CRIM Homepage