In his best-selling book, 21 lessons for the 21st century, Yuval Noah Harari observes, "Humans were always far better at inventing tools than using them wisely." The two stories we have in today's newsletter deal with tools that managers need to learn to use strategically and wisely.
In the first story, Associate Professor Jaana Porra urges readers to rethink how humans interact with digital devices, to prevent the blurring of the human-machine interface. The second story, based on the dissertation work of Anoosha Izadi, a graduate of the Bauer doctoral program, finds that the use of a handwritten font on product packaging increases engagement with the product and results in higher product evaluations. It provides additional insight to why brands from Disney to H-E-B's Primo Picks use a handwritten font in their logo.
In other news … On Feb. 14, we hosted the inaugural Bauer Doctoral Program Working Paper Showcase.
Please listen to our new episode of Bauer Business Focus that features Michael Ahearne who discusses the importance of sales training in fostering an innovative corporate culture.
Happy Reading!
Dr. Vanessa Patrick
Associate Dean of Research
Bauer Professor of Marketing