Bauer Business Minds: Research for the Real World.
Bauer Business Minds: Research for the Real World - C. T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston

Photo: Paul Povel

Shaping the Research Field

Vanessa Patrick, Associate Dean of Research and Bauer Professor of Marketing at the C. T. Bauer College of Business has been named President-Elect of the Society of Consumer Psychology (SCP), the premier professional association for consumer psychologists. SCP advances the field of consumer psychology by promoting professional development and research opportunities for faculty and doctoral students from around the world.

Top in Productivity

Bauer College's Department of Marketing & Entrepreneurship have received exemplary rankings in the American Marketing Association's annual compilation of research productivity in the field of marketing.

Photo: Michael Ahearne/Seshadri Tirunillai

Additionally, Michael Ahearne was ranked 10th in the world for productivity, as well as Seshadri Tirunillai, who ranked 26th.

Photo: Paul Povel

Determining Selective Manipulation

In "Lying to Speak the Truth: Selective Manipulation and Improved Information Transmission," forthcoming in the Journal of Finance, Judge Elkins Professor of Finance Paul Povel and a co-author report that manipulated financial reporting isn’t necessarily a negative for a firm and its investors.

A Tremendous Recognition

C. T. Bauer College of Business doctoral student Arpit Agrawal's dissertation research has been honored with awards in three of the most noteworthy national and international competitions for academic work in the field of marketing.


The C. T. Bauer College of Business is an AACSB Accredited Business School.

The University of Houston is an EEO/AA institution.