FMX_da <- read.csv("", head=TRUE, sep=",") summary(FMX_da) x_years <- FMX_da$Years us_CPI <- FMX_da$US_CPI us_M1 <- FMX_da$US_M1 us_i <- FMX_da$US_int us_GDP <- FMX_da$US_GDP us_CA <- FMX_da$US_CA mx_CPI <- FMX_da$MX_CPI mx_M1 <- FMX_da$MX_M1 mx_i <- FMX_da$MX_int mx_GDP <- FMX_da$MX_GDP mx_CA <- FMX_da$MX_CA S_mx <- FMX_da$MXN_USD T <- length(us_CPI) mx_I <- log(mx_CPI[-1]/mx_CPI[-T]) # Mex Inflation rate mx_y <- log(mx_GDP[-1]/mx_GDP[-T]) # Mex Income growth rate e_mx <- log(S_mx[-1]/S_mx[-T]) # Change in FX rate (MXN/USD) us_i_1 <- us_i[-1]/100 # Adjust to decimal percentage and sample size mx_i_1 <- mx_i[-1]/100 # Adjust to decimal percentage and sample size mx_i_0 <- mx_i[-T]/100 # Adjust to decimal percentage and sample size T_new <- length(mx_i_1) ###### Q2.1 ###### ## 2.1.a - Report Regression fit_i <- lm(mx_i_1 ~ us_i_1 + e_mx + mx_I + mx_y) summary(fit_i) ## 2.1.b - Report & interpret R^2 & Beta_1 # R2 = 0.8307 (83% of the variability of mexican interest rates is explained by the variables in the model # Beta_ 1 = 0.68262 (a 1% change in US interest rate increases Mex interest rates by 0.68%) ## 2.1.c - Drivers of regression # US interest rates & Mex inflation rates ## 2.1.d - Heteroscedasticity Tests: GQ gqtest(fit_i) ## 2.1.e - Heteroscedasticity Tests: LM-BP e_fit <- fit_i$residuals e_fit2 <- e_fit^2 # Potential driver of variance mx_I2 <- mx_I^2 # Potential driver of variance e_mx2 <- e_mx^2 # Potential driver of variance fit_i_BP <- lm(e_fit2 ~ us_i_1 + mx_I2 + e_mx2) # Aux Reg Re_e2 <- summary(fit_i_BP)$r.squared # Extract R^2 from Aux Regression, Re_e2 Re_e2 LM_BP_test <- Re_e2 * T # Compute LM Test: Re_e2 * length of data LM_BP_test p_val <- 1 - pchisq(LM_BP_test, df = 3) # p-value of LM_test & df= 3 variables in Aux Reg p_val ## 2.1.f - White SE library(sandwich) ## White SE White <- vcovHC(fit_i, type = "HC0") SE_White <- sqrt(diag(White)) b_i_r <- fit_i$coefficients # White SE HC0 t_White <- b_i_r/SE_White SE_White t_White ## 2.1.g - DW Test for AR(1) dwtest(fit_i) ## 2.1.h - LM Test for AR(p) bgtest(fit_i, order=4) ## 2.1.i - NW SE Var_NW <- NeweyWest(fit_i, lag = 12) SE_NW <- sqrt(diag(Var_NW)) b_i_r <- fit_i$coefficients t_b_NW <- b_i_r/SE_NW t_b_NW ###### Q2.2 ###### ## 2.2.a - Estimation Period y <- mx_i_1 xx_i <- cbind(us_i_1, e_mx, mx_I, mx_y) # X matrix T0 <- 1 T1 <- 170 # End of Estimation Period (2020.4) T2 <- T1+1 # Start of Validation Period (2021.1) y1 <- y[T0:T1] x1 <- xx_i[T0:T1,] fit_i_est <- lm(y1 ~ x1) # Estimation Period Regression (1971.2 - 2020.4) b_est <- fit_i_est$coefficients # Extract OLS coefficients from regression b_est # OLS coefficients summary(fit_i_est) # RW Assumption For Independent Variables xx_cons <- rep(1,T_new-T2+1) k_for <- length(xx_cons) # Create a constant for Validation forecasts y_mod_f0 <- cbind(xx_cons,xx_i[T1:(T_new-1),]) %*% b_est # Validation period data e_mod_f0 <- y[T2:T_new] - y_mod_f0 # Forecasat error mse_e_f0 <- sum(e_mod_f0^2)/k_for # MSE mse_e_f0 ## 2.1.g - Out of sample forecast for Mex interest rate in 2023.3 y_mod_f_1 <- c(xx_cons[1],xx_i[T_new,]) %*% b_est y_mod_f_1 ###### Q2.3 ###### RE_da <- read.csv("", head=TRUE, sep=",") summary(RE_da) x_date <- RE_da$DATE x_lv <- RE_da$LV_c u_lv <- RE_da$LV_u x_tech <- RE_da$TPI_FRBSF_c Nind <- RE_da$Nind_c ec_lv <- RE_da$LAS_EC x_Mkt <- RE_da$Mkt_RF x_SMB <- RE_da$SMB x_HML <- RE_da$HML x_RMW <- RE_da$RMW x_CMA <- RE_da$CMA Mkt_RF <- x_Mkt/100 SMB <- x_SMB/100 HML <- x_HML/100 RMW <- x_RMW/100 CMA <- x_CMA/100 zz <- x_lv T <- length(x_lv) Fin_c0 <- rep(0,224) Fin_c1 <- rep(1,132) Fin_c <- c(Fin_c0,Fin_c1) # Create 2008 Financial crisis dummy Feb1 <- rep(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create January dummy Mar1 <- rep(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create March dummy Apr1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create April dummy May1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create May dummy Jun1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create June dummy Jul1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create Jul dummy Aug1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create Aug dummy Sep1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create Sep dummy Oct1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create Oct dummy Nov1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create Oct dummy Dec1 <- rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), (length(zz)/12+1)) # Create Oct dummy Feb <- Feb1[1:T] Mar <- Mar1[1:T] Apr <- Apr1[1:T] May <- May1[1:T] Jun <- Jun1[1:T] Jul <- Jul1[1:T] Aug <- Aug1[1:T] Sep <- Sep1[1:T] Oct <- Oct1[1:T] Nov <- Nov1[1:T] Dec <- Dec1[1:T] Spring <- Mar + Apr + May Summ <- Jun + Jul + Aug Fall <- Sep + Oct + Nov u_lv2 <- u_lv^2 x_tech2 <- x_tech^2 Nind2 <- Nind^2 u_lv_Nind <- u_lv*Nind u_lv_tech <- u_lv*x_tech u_lv_Spring <- u_lv*Spring u_lv_Summ <- u_lv*Summ u_lv_Fall <- u_lv*Fall Nind_Spring <- Nind*Spring Nind_Summ <- Nind*Summ Nind_Fall <- Nind*Fall tech_Spring <- x_tech*Spring tech_Summ <- x_tech*Summ tech_Fall <- x_tech*Fall u_lv_Finc <- u_lv*Fin_c Nind_Finc <- Nind*Fin_c tech_Finc <- x_tech*Fin_c Finc_Spring <- Fin_c*Spring Finc_Summ <- Fin_c*Summ Finc_Fall <- Fin_c*Fall ## 2.3.a - GUM and Reduced (Specific) Models fit_lv_gum <- lm(formula = x_lv ~ u_lv + x_tech + Nind + + Mkt_RF + SMB + HML + RMW + CMA + u_lv2 + Nind2 + x_tech2 + Spring + Summ + Fall + Fin_c + u_lv_Nind + u_lv_tech + u_lv_Spring + u_lv_Summ + u_lv_Fall + Nind_Spring + Nind_Summ + Nind_Fall + tech_Spring + tech_Summ + tech_Fall + u_lv_Finc + Nind_Finc + tech_Finc + Finc_Spring + Finc_Summ + Finc_Fall) summary(fit_lv_gum) ## Keeeping all variables with a p-value of 10% or less. fit_lv_red <- lm(x_lv ~ u_lv2 + x_tech2 + Spring + Fin_c + tech_Summ + u_lv_Finc) summary(fit_lv_red) ## 2.3.b - Drivers (variables with significant t-stats at 5% level) # Drivers: u_lv2, x_tech2, u_lv_Finc) ## 2.3.c - Financial Crisis? # Fin_c not significant in reduced model. Spring and Summer (interacting with Tech factor) also not signficant. No evidence of lasting effect of 2008 Financial Crisis and seasonality on LAS home prices. ## 2.3.d - JB Test, using package tseries (function jarque.bera.test) e_lv <- fit_lv_gum$residuals library(tseries) jarque.bera.test(e_lv) ## 2.3.e - White and NW SE # At 5% level, we have evidence of both heteroscedasticiy & autocorrelation. Then, use NW SE. Var_NW <- NeweyWest(fit_lv_red, lag = 12) SE_NW <- sqrt(diag(Var_NW)) b_lv_red <- fit_lv_red$coefficients t_b_NW <- b_lv_red/SE_NW t_b_NW # Once, we take into account autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, nothing is signficant. Model not good for LAS. ###### Q2.4 ###### SFX_da <- read.csv("",head=TRUE,sep =",") x_dat <- SFX_da$Date x_dis <- SFX_da$DIS x_Mkt_RF<- SFX_da$Mkt_RF x_SMB <- SFX_da$SMB x_HML <- SFX_da$HML x_CMA <- SFX_da$CMA x_RMW <- SFX_da$RMW x_RF <- SFX_da$RF T <- length(x_slb) lr_dis <- log(x_dis[-1]/x_dis[-T]) Mkt_RF <- x_Mkt_RF[-1]/100 SMB <- x_SMB[-1]/100 HML <- x_HML[-1]/100 CMA <- x_CMA[-1]/100 RMW <- x_RMW[-1]/100 RF <- x_RF[-1]/100 dis_x <- lr_dis - RF ## 4.a fit1 <- lm(dis_x ~ Mkt_RF + SMB + HML) # Model 1 summary(fit1) fit2 <- lm(dis_x ~ Mkt_RF + CMA + RMW) # Model 2 summary(fit2) ## 4.b library(lmtest) jtest(fit1,fit2) ###### Q2.5 - THEORY REVIEW ###### # 2.5.a. False. Violations of Assumption (A3) make us use OLS with appropriate Standard Errors (White or NW) # 2.5.b. False. White SE are used when only heteroscedasticy is present. For autocorrelated errors, we use NW. # 2.5.c. True. (A3) does not affect unbiaseded (or consistency) # 2.5.d. False. The J-test can reject both models # 2.5.e. False. The Chow test for structural test is conditional on a given date. IF the data is wrong, the Chow test is looking at the wrong time for structural change.