Tentative Schedule, Homework, Suggested Problem Sets and Links (FINA 4397/7354)

Press below to see the topics covered in each lecture:
1st Lecture - 2nd Lecture - 3rd Lecture - 4th Lecture - 5th Lecture
6th Lecture - 7th Lecture - 8th Lecture - 9th Lecture - 10th Lecture
11th Lecture - Review #1
First Midterm
Post Midterm Review Lecture - 12th Lecture - 13th Lecture - 14th Lecture - 15th Lecture -
16th Lecture - 17th Lecture - 18th Lecture - 19th Lecture - 20th Lecture
21st Lecture - 22nd Lecture - Review #2
Second Midterm
23rd Lecture - 24th Lecture - 25th Lecture - 26th Lecture - 27th Lecture - Review #Final
Final Exam

* 1st Lecture
  • (Slides fec-2a):
    Introduction to FINA 4397/7354
    Organization of class
    Review of Stats: Population & Samples, Statistic, Distribution, Population and Sample Moments
    Returns and Yields

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    * 2nd Lecture
  • (Slides fec-2b)
    Review from previous class
    Brief R review (bring your computer with R installed)
    Expected Returns and the Equity Risk Premium
    Hypothesis Testing

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    * 3rd Lecture
  • (Slides fec-2-c)
    Review from previous class
    Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals
    Application: Are Stock Returns Zero?
    Application: Value-at-Risk in FX Markets

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    * 4th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-2-d)
    Review from previous class
    Bootstrap: Application to Confindence Intervals
    Application: Value-at-Risk in FX Markets

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    * 5th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-3-a)
    Homework R Review
    Review from previous class
    Introduction: Least Squares Estimation
    Review: Linear Algebra
    R review of Regression and Linear Algebra (bring your computer with R installed)

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    * 6th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-3-b)
    Review from previous class
    Least Squares with Linear Algebra
    Testing Hypothesis about Single Parameter
    Application: Is IBM Riskier than the Market?
    R Examples

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    * 7th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-3-c)
    Homework 1 Review
    Goodness of Fit Measures: R^2, Adjusted R^2, IC
    Introduction to MLE

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    * 8th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-3-d)
    Review from previous class
    Data Problems

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    * 9th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-4)
    Review from previous class
    MLE: Linear Model
    Sampling Distribution of OLS
    Paired Bootstrap: Correlations

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    * 10th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-5)
    Review from previous class
    Testing in the CLM: Single and Multiple Parameter Hypotheses
    Wald tests and F-tests

    Application: The CAPM or the 3-Factor Fama-French Model?
    Non-Nested Models and Tests
    Application to FX Models: IFE or PPP?

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    * 11th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-6-a)
    Review from previous class
    Testing Remarks: Size of test
    Non-Nested Models and Tests
    FX Market Application: PPP or IFE?
    Functional Form and Specification: Non-linearities and RESET Test

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    * RV Lecture
  • (Slides fec-Rev1)
    Review Post First Exam: Regression & Testing

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    * 13th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-6-b)
    Review from previous class
    Functional Form and Specification: Checking assumption (A1)
    Testing Model Specification: LM Tests
    Functional Form: Intrinsic Linearity and RESET Test
    Functional Form: Chow Test
    Functional Form: Structural Change Tests
    Application: Did the 2008 Financial Crisis affect the 3-Factor F-F Model for IBM?

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    * 14th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-6-c)
    Homework 2 Review
    Review from previous class
    Evaluation of Forecasts
    Testing Forecast Accuracy

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    * 15th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-6-c)
    Review from previous class
    Evaluation of Forecasts
    Testing Forecast Accuracy
    FX Market Application: Fundamental Forecasting (JPY/USD)

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    * 16th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-6-d & 7-a)
    Review from previous class
    FX Market Application 2: Fundamental Forecasting (MXN/USD)
    Model Selection: General-to-Specific & Specific-to-General
    Departures from OLS Assumptions
    Stochastic Regressors and Non-normality: Violation of (A2) & (A5)

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    * 17th Lecture
  • (Slides 7-a)
    Review from previous class
    Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation: Violation of (A3)
    Testing for Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation

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    * 18th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-7-b)
    Review from previous class
    Testing for Autocorrelation
    Generalized Regression Model
    OLS under Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation
    White S.E and Newey-West S.E.
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    * 19th Lecture
  • (Slides 7-c)
    Review from previous class
    Generalized Least Squares (GLS)
    Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS)
    FGLS: Heteroscedasticity and AR(1) examples

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    * 21st Lecture
  • (Slides fec-project-PPP)
    Discussion of Project

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    * 22nd Lecture
  • (Slides fec-8-a)
    Time Series: Introduction, AR, MA and White Noise
    Stationarity, Non-stationarity, and Ergodictiy
    Moving Average & Autoregressive Processes

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    * 23rd Lecture
  • (Slides fec-8-b)
    Review from previous class
    MA, AR and ARMA Processes: Stationarity & ACF
    ARMA Processes: Examples

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    * 24th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-9-a)
    Review from previous class
    ARMA: Identification: ACF and PACF
    Non-stationarity: Deterministic Trend vs Stochastic
    ARIMA Processes Identification in Practice

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    * 25th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-9-a)
    Review from previous class
    Non-stationarity: Deterministic Trend vs Stochastic
    ARIMA Processes Identification in Practice
    ARIMA: Estimation
    ARIMA: Identification

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    * 26th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-9-b)
    Review from previous class
    ARIMA: Review: Identification, Estimation and Diagnostic Testing
    ARIMA: Seasonal Models: Deterministic and SARIMA
    ARIMA: Forecasting

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    * 27th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-9-c)
    Review from previous class
    ARIMA: Forecasting
    Exponential Smoothing and Holt-Winters: Forecasting
    Comparing Forecasts
    Combination of Forecasts

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    * 28th Lecture
  • (Slides fec-10)
    Volatility: Introduction to time-varying volatility
    ARCH Models
    ARCH Estimation: MLE
    GARCH: Forecasting and Persistence
    GARCH: VaR Application
    GARCH: Variations and Testing
    Realized Volatility
    Realized Volatility: Forecasting, VIX and VRP
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