February 2020
University of Houston
Bauer College of Business Email:
375J Melcher Hall
Houston, TX 77204
Ph.D., Marketing, May 2008
M.S., Statistics, June 2003
B.S.,, Mathematical and Computational
Science (Minor in Physics), June 2003
Academic Positions
C. T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
Professor (with tenure), August 2014 —
Stern School of Business, New York University,
Professor, July 2008—July 2014
Consumer Tracking and Shopper Marketing, Internet
Retailing, Entertainment Industry (Movies, TV, Casino, Mobile Games), Retailing,
Healthcare Marketing, Bayesian Nonparametrics, Bayesian models, Machine
& Awards
Fast Company Top 10 Most Innovative Companies Award (Data Science),
For Dash Labs, based on research in collaboration with Johnson Controls
International “Remote Diagnostics and Monitoring of Battery State-of-Health
using OBD-based Vehicle Tracking”
ARF Innovators A-list, 2017
For, commercialization based on paper “Automated Clustering of
Social Media Conversations” (U.S. Patent #9430738B1, granted) and “Systems and
Methods for Estimating and/or Improving User Engagement on Social Media
Content; U.S. Patent #15/695,622, pending)
AMA Retail and Pricing SIG Young Scholar Award, 2014
Winner, MSI/H. Paul Root Award, 2014
Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholar, 2013
Securities & Futures Institute best paper award, 2012 Asian
Financial Association International Conference
AMA Innovation, Technology and Interactivity SIG Best Article of the
Year, 2010
AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Faculty Fellow, 2011, 2013
Finalist, NYU Technology Venture Competition, 2011
For commercialization based on paper “Unsupervised
Emotional, Behavioral, and Topical Clustering of Social Media Conversations”
Second Prize, George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award, 2008
Winner, John Howard Dissertation Award, 2008
Winner, AMA EXPLOR Award, 2007
Winner, Levy and Weitz Retailing Dissertation Proposal Award, 2007
Honorable Mention, Mary Kay Dissertation Competition, 2007
Fellow, AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, 2007
Russell Ackoff Doctoral Student Award for Research on Human Decision
Processes, 2007
1. Eliashberg,
Jehoshua, Sam Hui, and John Zhang (2007), “From Story Line to Box Office: A New
Approach for Green-Lighting Movie Scripts,” Management
Science, 53(6), 865-880.
2. Hui, Sam, Yanliu Huang, and Edward George (2008), “Model-based Analysis of Concept Maps,” Bayesian Analysis, 3(3), 479-512.
3. Eliashberg, Jehoshua, Charles Weinberg, and Sam Hui (2008), “Decision Models for the Movie Industry,” in Handbook of Marketing Decision Models (Eds: Berend Wierenga), Springer, p437-468.
4. Hui, Sam, Jehoshua Eliashberg, and Edward George (2008), “Modeling DVD Pre-Order and Sales: An Optimal Stopping Approach,” Marketing Science, 27(6), 1097-1110.
5. Netzer, O., O. Toubia, E. Bradlow, E. Dahan, T. Evgenious, F. Feinberg, E. Feit, S. Hui, J. Johnson, J. Liechty, J. Orlin, V. Rao (2008), “Beyond Conjoint Analysis: Advances in Preference Measurement,” Marketing Letters, 19(3/4), 337-354.
6. Hui, Sam, Peter Fader, and Eric Bradlow (2009), “Path Data in Marketing: An Integrative Framework and Prospectus for Model Building,” Marketing Science, 28(2), 320-335.
Winner, Levy and Weitz Retailing Dissertation Proposal Award, 2007
7. Hui, Sam, Eric Bradlow, and Peter Fader (2009), “The Traveling Salesman Goes Shopping: The Systematic Deviations of Grocery Paths from TSP-Optimality,” Marketing Science, 28(3), 566-572.
Winner, AMA EXPLOR Award, 2007
8. Hui, Sam, Eric Bradlow, and Peter Fader (2009), “Testing Behavioral Hypotheses using An Integrated Model of Grocery Store Shopping Path and Purchase Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (3), 478-493.
Second Prize, George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award, 2008
Winner, John Howard Dissertation Award, 2008
9. Hui, Sam, Alvin Cheung, and Jimmy Pang (2010), “A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Residential Property Valuation: Application to Hong Kong Housing Market,” International Real Estate Review, 13(1), 1-29.
Lead Article
Methodology implemented by (top real estate valuation
website in Hong Kong; acquired by Baryes in October 2019)
10. Choi, Jeonghye, Sam Hui, and David Bell (2010), “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Imitation Behavior Across New Buyers at an Online Grocery Retailer,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (Feb), 75-89.
AMA Innovation, Technology and Interactivity SIG Best Article of the
Year, 2010
11. Deng, Xiaoyan, Sam Hui, and J. Wesley Hutchinson (2010), “Consumer Preferences for Color Combinations: An Empirical Analysis of Similarity-Based Color Relationships,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(4), 476-484.
12. George, Edward, and Sam Hui (2012), “Optimal Pricing Using Online Auction Experiments: A Polya Tree Approach,” Annals of Applied Statistics, 6(1), 55-82.
13. Hui, Sam and Eric T. Bradlow (2012), “Bayesian Multi-Resolution Spatial Analysis with Applications to Marketing,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 10(4), 419-452.
14. Hui, Sam (2013), “A Parsimonious Stochastic Model for Forecasting Gamers’ Revenues in Casinos,” Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 29(3), 254-263.
15. Hui, Sam, Jeffrey Inman, Yanliu Huang, and Jacob Suher (2013), “Estimating the Effect of Travel Distance on Unplanned Spending: Applications to Mobile Promotion Strategies” Journal of Marketing, 77 (March), 1-16.
Winner, MSI/H. Paul Root Award
Lead Article selected for AMA publicity program
16. Hui, Sam, Yanliu Huang, Jacob Suher, and Jeffrey Inman (2013), “Deconstructing the ‘First Moment of Truth’: Understanding Unplanned Consideration and Purchase Conversion Using In-Store Video Tracking,” Journal of Marketing Research, 50 (4), 445-462.
Selected for AMA publicity program
17. Hui, Sam, Tom Meyvis, and
Henry Assael (2014), “Analyzing Moment-to-Moment Data Using a Bayesian
Functional Linear Model: Application to TV Show Pilot Testing,” Marketing
Science, 33(2), 222-240.
18. Eliashberg, Jehoshua, Sam Hui, and John Z. Zhang (2014), “Assessing Box Office Performance Using Movie Scripts: A Kernel-Based Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(11), 2639-2648.
19. Choi, Darwin, and Sam K. Hui (2014), “The Role of Surprise: Understanding Over- and Underreaction Using In-Play Soccer Betting Market,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107, 614-629.
Securities & Futures Institute best paper award, 2012 Asian
Financial Association International Conference
20. Andrew, Michelle, Jody Goehring, Sam Hui, Joseph Pancras, and Lance Thornswood (2016), “Mobile Promotions: A Framework and Research Priorities,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 34, 15-24.
21. Krishnamurthy, P., S. Hui, N. Shivkumar, C. Gowda, and R. Pushpalatha (2016), “Assessing the Impact of Peer Educator Outreach on the Likelihood and Acceleration of Clinic Utilization among Sex Workers,” PLOS ONE, 11(7): e0159656.
22. Hui, Sam K. (2017), “Understanding Repeat Playing Behavior in Casual Games Using a Bayesian Data Augmentation Approach,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 15(1), 29-55.
23. Hui, Sam K., Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Shivkumar Narayanan, B.S. Hareesh, Prachi Patel (2019), “Understanding the Effectiveness of Peer Educator Outreach on Reducing Sexually Transmitted Infections using a Bayesian Latent Variable Model,” forthcoming at Marketing Science.
Under Review /
24. Ming Chen, Ray Burke, Sam Hui, and Alex Leykin (February 2020), “Understanding Lateral and Vertical Biases in Consumer Attention: An In-Store Ambulatory Eye-Tracking Study,” Under 2nd Review at Journal of Marketing Research.
25. Hu, Ye, Kitty Wang, Ming Chen, and Sam Hui (December 2019), “Rational Herding among Retail Shoppers: The Case of Home Shopping Network,” Under Review.
26. Hu, Ye, Ming Chen, and Sam Hui (February 2020), “Keep Calm and Be Nice: Deviations in Responses to Movie Trailers across Social Media Platforms,” Under Review.
Deng, Xiaoyan, Sam K. Hui, and Wes Hutchinson (2010), “Assisted Aesthetic Self-Design: Application to Nike Shoe Configurator,” in Margaret C. Campbell, Jeff Inman, and Rik Pieters (Eds), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 37.
Huang, Yanliu, Sam Hui, and Barbara Kahn (2008), “Health Communication Effectiveness: Using Underlying Processes to Understand the Relationship between Risk Attitude and Behavioral Intentions,” in Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman (Eds), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35.
Invited Talks
Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology (Aug 2007)
University of Maryland
(Sept 2007)
New York University (Sept
INSEAD (Sept 2007)
Stanford University (Sept
Yale University (Sept
Northwestern University
(Oct 2007)
Columbia University (Oct
Duke University (Oct
MIT (Feb 2008)
Goethe University,
Frankfurt (May 2009)
Singapore Management
University (Jan 2010)
Chinese University of
Hong Kong (Feb 2010)
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor (April 2010)
Cornell University (April
University of Delaware
(April 2011)
Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology (Jan 2012)
Carnegie Mellon
University (April 2012)
London Business School (July 2012)
University of Chicago
(May 2013)
University of Texas,
Austin (Sept 2013)
Cornell University
(Economics) (Sept 2013)
Penn State University
(Oct 2013)
Chinese University of
Hong Kong (Dec 2013)
University of Southern
California (Feb 2014)
University of California,
San Diego (Mar 2014)
Southern Methodist
University (Apr 2014)
University of Houston
(Apr 2014)
Temple University (Apr
Erasmus University (June
Indiana University (Feb
Northwestern University
(Sept 2016)
University of Illinois at
Chicago (Oct 2017)
Tulane University (Nov
Penn State University
(Mar 2018)
Conference presentations
“Analysis of Path Data in
Marketing”, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA (Jan 2007)
“Analysis of Path Data in
Marketing”, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, FL (May
“Combining Multiple
Sources of Information Using Latent Variable Models,” 7th Invitational Choice Symposium,
Wharton, Philadelphia, PA (June 2007)
“Analysis of Path Data in
Marketing”, AMA Summer Educator’s Conference, San Diego, CA (Aug 2008)
“Analysis of Path Data in
Marketing’, INFORMS annual meeting, Washington, DC (Oct 2008)
“Nonparametric Demand
Estimation Using Online Auction Experiments: A Polya Tree Approach,” Marketing
Science Conference, Ann Arbor, MI (June 2009)
“Green-lighting Movie
Scripts: Revenue Forecasting and Risk Management”, Marketing Modelers
Conference, New York, NY (April 2010)
“Green-lighting Movie
Scripts: Revenue Forecasting and Risk Management”, Four School Conference (Wharton, Yale,
NYU, Columbia) (April 2010)
“Tracking Consumers’
In-Store Shopping Behavior,” MSI Shopper Marketing Conference, New York, NY
(June 2010)
“Optimal Pricing Using
Online Auction Experiment: A Polya Tree Approach,” Marketing Science
Conference, Cologne, Germany (June 2010)
“Green-lighting Movie
Scripts: Revenue Forecasting and Risk Management”, UCLA/Mallen Conference (November
“Understanding Unplanned
Purchase Behavior using In-store Path and Eye Tracking,” Marketing Science
Conference, Houston, TX (June 2011)
“Green-lighting Movie
Scripts: A Nearest-Neighbor Regression Approach” Marketing Science Conference,
Boston, MA (June 2012)
“Understanding Unplanned
Purchase Behavior using In-store Path and Eye Tracking,” Path-to-Purchase
conference, NYU (September 2012)
“Understanding Unplanned
Purchase Behavior using In-store Path and Eye Tracking,” Marketing Modelers (April
“Deconstructing the First
Moment of Truth: Understanding Unplanned Consideration and Purchase Conversion
Using In-Store Video Tracking” Marketing Dynamics Conference, UNC Chapel Hill
(May 2013)
“Understanding Unplanned
Purchase Behavior using In-store Path and Eye Tracking,” AMA/EMAC/ECMI
Invitation Symposium, Erasmus University (June 2014)
“Understanding Gamer
Retention in Social Games using Aggregate DAU and MAU data: A Bayesian Data
Augmentation Approach,” Marketing Science Conference, Emory University (June
“Mobile Promotion”, 2015
Thought Leadership Conference, College Station (Feb 2015)
“Understanding the Effectiveness of Peer Educator Outreach on Reducing Sexually Transmitted Infections using a Bayesian Latent Variable Model,” Marketing Science Conference on Health, St. Louis (Nov 2016)
“Cracking the Teamwork Code: A Study of
Personality” Birkman 2018 Conference, Atlanta (Feb 2018).