Syllabus for International Financial Management (FINA 4360)

Required: International Financial Management, 5th edition or later, by Jeff Madura. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 2002.
Recommended: FINA 4360 Lecture Notes Download Lecture Notes (version 2022) (pdf format).

Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1:00-1:50 (MH 210D or call me through MS Teams) or by appointment.
Telephone: 743-4763 (call me through MS Teams)
FAX: 743-4789

Outline of the course
PART 1.- The International Financial Environment
PART 2.- Exchange Rate Behavior
PART 3.- Exchange Rate Risk Management
PART 4.- Long-Term Asset and Liability Management
PART 5.- Short-Term Asset and Liability Management

Exams and Grading
Final grades will be determined as a weighted average of scores on the midterms, homework, a final exam and class participation, with the following weights:

First Midterm - June 18. Covers 1-10.


Secod Midterm - July 3. Covers 11-21 (except 19).


Homework (to be turned in two classes before each midterm), and Cases Pop Quizzes


Class Project (Due: June 24)


Class Participation


Presentation - TBA


Your final letter grade will be determined according to a curve, based on your overall weighted score (press here to read how the curve is constructed).

Note: All exams are open textbook. No additional books or notes will be allowed -no excepcions made.

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