International Financial Management (FINA 4360 (ex FINA 4386))

International financial markets have become increasingly important for domestic companies over the past 20 years. More and more companies are involved in international business. This trend is forecasted to become acentuated in the near future. In this class, we will introduce the most important techniques, tools and instruments used in international financial management used in international markets. The concept of hedging currency risk will be emphasized. Theoretical and empirical aspects will be analyzed and discussed.

About FINA 4360

*Syllabus for FINA 4360
*Introduction to FINA 4360
*Exams (Articles for Exams and Old Practice Exams)
*Class Participation
*Lecture Notes
*Research Project
*Paper for Honors College Students
*Basic Student Etiquette
*Comments Collected from FINA 4360 Evaluations
*Academic Honesty
*Students with Disabilities
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