Emergency Procedures

Business Contunuity Plan

    College/Division: Bauer College
    Department: All
    Updated By: Sara Brown

    Date Updated:January 2012


                    Questions                                Answers
    What critical business functions does your department perform for the university?  (Examples include: research, teaching, other products or services your department provides to the university and/or the general public, and administrative functions). Teaching and Research
     What do you need from other departments to perform critical functions?  Power, Water & IT Services
    Which departments depend on you to perform their functions?  None
    Are there days of the week or month, or months of the year when a major emergency would be more disruptive than at other times?  If so, which days or months and why? No
    Is essential data needed for critical functions backed up regularly?  Yes
    Would critical information be accessible if your building was closed, or if the university network was down? Yes
    Do key personnel in your department have a copy of the department's disaster recovery procedures? Yes 
    Are special vendor/contractor arrangements necessary for your department(s) to insure continuity of services? No
    What personnel would you need to restore your most critical functions?  IT and Physical Plant
    Can some employees telecommute during a disaster? What can you do now to plan for that? Yes.  Remote access is in place for telecommuting employees.
    What equipment is necessary for the department to perform its functions?   Computing Infrastructure
    Have precautions been taken to secure essential equipment in the event of the most likely emergencies? Yes
    How would you replace equipment within hours or days to be able to resume normal business? Purchase or Utilize personal laptops
    If your department couldn't use its office space to operate, how much space would you need to relocate? Unknown
    Have you developed communication procedures for all phases of an emergency?  Yes
    Is your contact information for all personnel current?  Yes
    Have you identified personnel in your department that will be responsible for communicating with department employees during an emergency? Yes

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   Last Reviewed/Updated - 1/4/2012


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