Faculty Matters
Faculty matters are coordinated between the deans, department chairs and Faculty Affairs Office, with the support of department business administrators and the dean's executive administrative assistant.  The Director of Business Operations plays a role in adminstrative details that apply to some faculty.
General Policies
Faculty Development Leave Policy

Summarized below are the guidelines for submitting applications for the Bauer College Faculty Development Leave Program. Please note that the deadline for submission for the program is Monday April 13, 2009.

Research Funding Guidelines and Information

1. The deadline for submission for the program is April 13, 2009.  Five copies of the application should be submitted to the Associate Dean for Academic and Administrative Affairs in Room 350 Melcher.

2. The leave will be granted for either one academic year at one-half salary or for one long semester at regular salary.

3. Applicants for Faculty Development Leave must be tenured faculty members at the time of application who have been employed by the University of Houston as full-time faculty members for a minimum of six consecutive academic years.  Those granted a leave will not be eligible for another leave until the seventh academic year after the academic year for which they last held a Faculty Development Leave.  Acceptance of a development leave award constitutes the applicant's agreement to continue service at the University for one academic year after completion of the leave.

4. Recipients of Faculty Development Leave are required to submit appropriate materials and undergo normal merit evaluation during the period of their leave.  Failure to do so will result in a merit rating of 0x for the period under consideration.

5. Applicants are encouraged to seek external funding for travel, research, or study.  However, no person on faculty development leave may accept employment from any other person, corporation, institution, or government, unless such employment is approved by the Dean.

6. An award recipient who makes substantial changes in the development leave activity as originally proposed must notify the Dean of the college of such changes and receive approval for the award to remain in force.  Substantial changes would include change of collaborators in a leave activity, change of location of leave activity, or major change in the topic or focus of the project.

7. Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

               a. The quality of the proposed activities for advancing the faculty member and his/her field.

               b. The relevance of the proposed activities to the College's mission, objectives, and priorities.

               c. The faculty member's previous research, teaching, and service contributions to the College.

               d. The availability of other faculty members to assume the faculty member's academic              

                    responsibilities while on leave.

8. At the conclusion of the leave period, each recipient of Faculty Development Leave must submit a brief 2 to 5 page report to the Dean outlining the activities undertaken during the period of leave.

Proposal Format

To facilitate review and ensure comparability of evaluation, applications should include the following information and be organized in the following format:

1. Cover sheet

2. A complete vita including: (a) academic degrees with dates; (b) positions held at the University of Houston and elsewhere; and, (c) professional activities, including publications, previous grants, and significant contributions to the University of Houston.

3. A full statement of the activity for which the proposed Faculty Development Leave is requested.  This statement should include: (a) specific reference to the research, study, or other activity to be undertaken; (b) the location at which the activity is to be undertaken; (c) the relevance of the activity to the applicant's responsibilities at the University of Houston; and, (d) any other information that will be helpful in evaluating the applicant's proposal.

4. A description of any grant or other assistance awarded or applied for during the period for which leave is requested.

5. An indication of whether the application is for the Fall semester, Spring semester, or full academic year.

6. Names and affiliations of individuals from whom letters of recommendation have been requested, if any.  All letters of recommendation should be submitted to the Associate Dean for Academic and Administrative Affairs.

7. A statement (if applicable) from the host institution where the Faculty Development Leave will be undertaken, indicating that institution's support of the activity.

8. Applicants who have previously received a Faculty Development Leave must provide a statement of the activities undertaken during that leave period.

Tenure Calculation

The year in which a faculty is hired in a tenure track position is considered their first year of hire. e.g. If the start date on the offer letter states September 1, 2009 then;

First year: Academic Year 2008-2009

Second year: Academic Year 2009-2010

Third Year: Academic Year 2010-2011

ePDR Instructions

ePDR Instructions [doc]

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   Last Reviewed/Updated - 3/25/2009


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