Student Matters
Students affect every realm of operations in the Bauer College.  They are our customers, our products, our core mission and some are even our co-workers. For many students, their experience within Bauer provides their first insight to the inner workings of a large organization. Our solid operating practices create a prime opportunity to expand their learning of business beyond the curriculum they receive in the classroom.
General Information

Student Insurance

Foreign students are required to have active health insurance.  Those students are automatically enrolled for coverage with the UH Health Center, which is billed to them through their tuition and fee bills.  If they have other outside insurance, they must complete a medical waiver, attach proof of insurance and drop it off in person to the Health Center.  This waiver must be completed every Fall and Spring that the student has outside insurance.

Students who are employees also have the option to enroll in HealthSelect (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) for a higher premium that is deducted from their paychecks.  Non-employed students can elect to enroll in group health insurance through Macori.  Please note that group insurance for students is only provided when they are hired for a long semester or more.  Assignments that begin in the summer or are shorter than 4.5 months in duration do not qualify for insurance benefits.

Student Fundraising

Students who want to engage in fundraising activities must usually do so through an official student organization group.  Official student organizations are those that have charters on file with the University of Houston.  Student organizations often hold bake sales or raffles in Melcher Hall to raise funds.

The other options are to either work at concession stands at  UH games or sell coke products. They can promote their mission by handing out flyers during these activities. In this way, students will receive a check for their activities, which can be deposited as a gift check. These are both approved procedures and the contact person is:

Esmeralda Valdez


Senior Honors Thesis

As an incentive to Bauer undergraduate seniors, the college offers a stipend for participating in a Senior Honors Thesis.  The process is as follows:

1)  Names will be submitted to the dean's office by the Bauer Honors Advisor.

2)  The stipend money will be distributed in the form of a voucher, paid at the close of each semester (after students have received a grade in the course).   If a student drops the course or does not receive a passing grade, they will not receive the voucher for that semester.

3)  Business students are only eligible for the voucher if they are doing a business thesis in a business area (ie receiving business credit for their thesis).  If business students choose to do a thesis in an area outside of business (for example, economics or English), they are not eligible for the voucher.

4)  It will be up to the student to submit voucher paperwork (created by the Bauer Honors program) to the Dean’s office to receive the voucher after each semester.  Students will be given one month to submit their paperwork, unless for some reason a grade is not posted by the professor/thesis director in a timely manner.

5)  If a student receives an “incomplete” in the first half of the course first semester), they can receive the full stipend only after they have defended their thesis (second semester) and received a passing grade in both semesters.


Jesse Jones PhD Grants

Jesse Jones Dissertation Completion Grants available for doctoral students who meet the following criteria:


  1. The student has formally established a dissertation committee, i.e., the committee has been approved in writing by the Associate Dean.
  2. The student has successfully defended the dissertation proposal.  Conditional pass on the proposal defense is not sufficient to meet this requirement.
  3. The student has submitted an application packet that includes copies of the memos verifying items 1 and 2, plus a cover letter—no more than two pages—outlining how the funds would be used.  The student must include their name and PS ID on the cover letter and deliver the packet to Mary Gould in 262 MH.
  4. The student has completed the online Bauer Scholarship Application.


This is a one-time award with a maximum amount of $1,500.  No late or incomplete applications are considered and, if awarded, the amount may be less than $1,500.  It is not a requirement that the student wait until their last semester of enrollment to apply, although the student must meet Bauer College and UH full-time enrollment requirements, as appropriate.  Students on leave of absence or less than full-time enrollment are not eligible for this grant.


PhD Travel Awards 

$500 will be provided by the dean's office in the final summer to attend a job hunting conference.

An additional $500 will be provided by the dean's office to support travel to present a paper at one prestigious conference.

Continuous Enrollment of Doctoral Students

Doctoral students are expected to be enrolled in consecutive long semesters (i.e., fall and spring semesters) until the degree program is completed and the degree is awarded.

Any doctoral student who is not enrolled should not expect to be able to use the facilities of the University of Houston campus. Students who cannot enroll in a given semester must apply to their college for a leave of absence in order to remain in good standing. Students should contact the office of the dean for individual college regulations on enrollment. A student who does not return to enrolled status at the end of an approved period of leave is no longer considered to be pursuing an advanced degree.

A student who leaves the university without obtaining a formal leave of absence from graduate study is not automatically readmitted. The recommendation of the department and the approval of the college dean, based on the academic merits of the student's request, are required. If readmitted, the student will be subject to all of the current requirements for the degree in effect at the time of readmission.

Doctoral students who have begun their graduate research must be continuously enrolled in each long semester unless they have an approved leave of absence. A doctoral student not on campus, and who is not using university resources, may be permitted by the Dean of the College and the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, under certain circumstances, to register for as few as one hour.

Policy for Graduate Certification Programs [doc]

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   Last Reviewed/Updated - 2/9/2012


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