Budget Process

Budget Training and Refence Materials

How to Use the Budget Development Module in PeopleSoft

Budget Timeline

October             Memos from UH President and VP for Academic Affairs are issued.  Memos contain    

                            guidelines for budget proposals in the upcoming fiscal year.

November         College deans and departments draft proposals for new or continuing initiatives for the next

                             academic year

December         Budget Proposal documents are due

February            Budget hearings are held

March                 New tuition and fee rates developed

                            Admin staff attend BDM training

April                   Planning & Budgeting Guide is distributed and BDM is opened to allow budget amount entry

                            Budget Office prepares comprehensive budget documents

May                     Board meets to approve student tuition and fees

July –August      Board of Regents meets to consider, approve or deny budgets


Budget Flowchart

Budget Flowchart [pdf]

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   Last Reviewed/Updated - 1/4/2012


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