In Every Issue

Together, we can do what has never before been done.
Latha Ramchand, Dean and Professor, Finance
Letter from the Dean
If you look at an organizational chart for Bauer College, you will notice that the Dean appears on the top. You might assume that the title of Dean means that I am the leader of the college.
Yes, it is true that in my role, I am responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of Bauer College. That is a responsibility I take seriously. But, as you will read throughout this issue of Inside Bauer, leadership is not about titles, and it is not about where your name appears on an organizational chart.
Leadership is about service. That makes many of our more than 6,000 students leaders, as they volunteer their time on the weekends and over school breaks serving others, whether it is at the Houston Food Bank, a local elementary school or helping out in some other way.
Leadership is about innovation. That makes our nearly 200 faculty leaders, as they produce research that breaks new ground in business and develop teaching methods that help our students not just to learn, but to transform.
Leadership is about passion. That makes our over 180 staff leaders, as they work tirelessly to grow our programs, share the Bauer story and support student success.
Leadership is about vision. That makes our nearly 60,000 Bauer alumni leaders, as they see not just where we are now, but where we could be in the future, with their support and commitment to our goals.
You see, I believe that being dean of Bauer College, is about working alongside others, not ahead of others. It is about listening, learning and doing what results from the collective service, innovation and passion that our students, faculty, staff and alumni bring to the conversation. Together, we can do what has never before been done. Together, we can change the lives of students and in turn, make the world a better place. Together, we are making awesome happen.
I hope that this issue of Inside Bauer inspires you to embrace your own leadership qualities and find ways to share your talents with the world. As always, I invite you to be part of our story and share your insight, your comments and your feedback.
Sincerely and with warm regards,
Latha Ramchand
Dean and Professor, Finance
C. T. Bauer College of Business
University of Houston
A Carnegie-designated Tier One research university