In Memoriam: Bo Sun (GEMBA ’11)
Bauer Remembers Beijing GEMBA Alum
Published on December 18, 2012

Bo Sun, who served as vice president of PetroChina Ltd., general manager of Trans-Asia Gas Pipeline Co., and general manager of CNPC Kazakhstan, passed away on Dec. 8 at the age of 52.
Sun was a 2011 alumnus of the Global Energy Executive MBA (GEMBA) program at the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. He also graduated from China Petroleum University in 1983 with a drilling major.
He is one of the founding members of CNPC investment strategy and made a significant contribution to overseas oil business for china. He also led the company’s business in the Middle East, South American, Africa and Central Asia.
A memorial service was held in Beijing on Dec. 10. Over 2,000 of his colleagues, friends and classmates attended. He will be deeply missed.
鮑爾商學院深切緬懷北京GEMBA校友 我校校友孫波於2012年12月8日不幸辭世,享年52歲。此前,他曾先後擔任中國石油天然氣有限公司副總裁、 泛亞天然氣管有限公司總經理、中國石油天然氣集團公司哈薩克斯坦分公司總經理的職務。 孫波係鮑爾商學院2011級國際能源總裁MBA課程(GEMBA)學員,此前曾於1983年畢業於中國石油大學鑽井係。 他是中國石油天然氣集團公司投資戰略的創始成員之一,為中國的海外石油業務作出了重大貢獻,。他還領導了該公司的位於中東、 南美、 非洲和中亞地區的業務。