Business Analytics, Networking Focus of May 2 Supply Chain Conference
Bauer Supply Chain Center Conference to Connect Faculty and Students with Industry, Assess Best Practices and Strategies in Supply Chain
Published on April 28, 2014

The Bauer Supply Chain Center at the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston will host its Spring Conference on Friday, May 2, bringing together supply chain professionals, faculty and students to enhance industry and academic collaboration in the supply chain area.
The Bauer College supply chain program is one of the largest in the nation, with over 600 students majoring in supply chain management at the undergraduate level, plus a strong presence at the MBA and Ph.D. program levels.
The daylong conference will focus in the morning on connecting standout Bauer students from the business honors, MBA and undergraduate programs with recruiters and supply chain professionals during an industry/student forum and speed networking session, allowing students to professionally network and explore career opportunities in energy, healthcare, retailing, procurement and other supply chain related areas. Industry attendees will have a unique opportunity to build student relationships and to support their college recruiting programs.
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Spring 2014 Conference
May 2, 2014
University of Houston
University Classroom and Business Building (UCBB)
Rooms 328 & 330
8:45 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
The afternoon sessions will address supply chain analytics as a key enabler to optimizing supply chain performance across all industry sectors with presentations from leaders in the topic, including Bauer Clinicial Assistant Professor Wayne Winston and E. Andrew Boyd, an adjunct professor for the University of Houston’s Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering and a contributor to Houston Public Media’s Engines of Our Ingenuity. This session will also provide numerous opportunities for industry and faculty interaction and collaboration in the analytics area.
“As we continue to grow the Bauer Supply Chain Center, we want to engage the community of supply chain corporate members and share with them what we’re doing here at the Bauer College,” said Everette S. Gardner, chair of the college’s Department of Decision & Information Sciences. “Our supply chain programs have grown substantially over the last several years, and our goal is to connect what we’re doing in the classroom and through research with what the industry needs.”
Clinical Assistant Professor Dale Tibodeau, who serves as director of the center, echoed Gardner, noting that the May 2 conference will not only give Bauer students the opportunity to learn how supply chain touches all facets of multiple industries but will also highlight the thought leadership and faculty expertise on campus in the area.
"We’re bringing together our knowledge base at the University of Houston and Bauer College to offer real-world value, both to our students and to partner companies from various sectors within supply chain," Tibodeau said.
During the panel discussions, attendees will hear from supply chain executives from Bayer, Cameron, Chevron, FMC, Geokinetics, HP, Schlumberger, Achilles Group, Halliburton, LyondellBasell, SYSCO and Target.
The BSCC Spring Conference will be held in Room 328 of the University Classroom and Business Building (UCBB) on the University of Houston main campus.
The session will take place from 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., and will include refreshments and a complimentary lunch.
For more information or to RSVP for the conference, click here.