Bauer Supply Chain Forum Hosts Fall 2015 Symposium
Industry Experts Discuss Trade Compliance
Published on December 3, 2015

The Bauer Supply Chain Fall 2015 Symposium provided a networking opportunity for supply chain students and industry leaders.
The Bauer Supply Chain Forum at the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston hosted industry leaders and top students in the discipline during the Bauer Supply Chain Fall 2015 Symposium.
The daylong symposium focused on the topic Trade Compliance, and included discussions and networking opportunities with leaders in the industry. The symposium serves as a way to connect students with industry leaders in order to enhance what they are learning in the classroom.
“These symposiums help make things more real and help students understand the industry better,” Decision & Information Sciences Clinical Assistant Professor Dale Tibodeau said. “There is pure knowledge and then there is the application and use of knowledge. Helping connect the dots between theory and practice is essential to learning and retaining and using what we learn.”
During the keynote address, co-speakers CEVA Logistics Senior Regulator Compliance Counsel Bob Mesinger, and Halliburton Senior Trade Counsel Lance Stricklin, who discussed the topic “Regulatory Concerns in the Global Supply Chain – What Gets You in Trouble?,” which encouraged attendees to think globally even if they’re business is only local as this will have major effects across the board.
In addition to panel discussions throughout the day on various topics, attendees had the opportunity for several networking breaks, which included representatives from companies like CEVA Logistics, Halliburton, the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations.
“We believe the collaboration and engagement we get from these events will pay off,” Tibodeau added. “One way is to get companies that may not already be recruiting our students orientated with what we are all about and begin to engage with us. These events are a key element to help move our program forward.”
The Bauer College supply chain program is one of the largest in the nation, with more than 600 students majoring in supply chain management at the undergraduate level, plus a strong presence at the MBA and Ph.D. program levels.
For more information on other events from the Supply Chain Forum, click here.