Bauer Full-Time MBA Ranks Among the Best, According to Bloomberg BusinessWeek
Full-Time MBA Program Ranks No. 31 Among Publics
Published on November 17, 2017

The Full-Time MBA program at the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston ranks No. 31 among publics in the Bloomberg BusinessWeek list of the Best Business Schools of 2017.
The full-time MBA program at C. T. Bauer College of Business has jumped ahead 10 points in the Bloomberg BusinessWeek 2017 ranking of best graduate business schools. The advancement over last year’s ranking puts the MBA program at 31 in the U.S. for public universities. Rankings are calculated based on input from employers, alumni and students. Post-MBA salary and job placement are also taken into account.
“It is really nice to see that ranking move up,” Bauer College Dean Latha Ramchand said. “We have become more selective in the way we recruit and admit students, and with that, the quality of the classroom is enhanced.”
A focus on rigorous and relevant curriculum, individualized executive coaching and strong professional support set the Bauer program apart, Ramchand said.
Steven Koch, Assistant Dean for Graduate and Professional Programs at Bauer, noted that the upswing in the Bloomberg ranking came a few years after an initiative to be more in touch with students throughout the program was put in place.
“We think it’s significant. It’s momentum that we will build on going forward,” Koch said.
As enrollment in MBA programs across the U.S. has slightly fallen in recent years., Bauer has instituted changes to better enhance the experience and education of its students.
One example is their Integrated Coaching Advising and Mentoring (ICAM) initiative that teams students with a faculty mentor, as well as career and academic advisers, for the duration of the two-year program. Students in the Full-Time MBA program can also take advantage of three hours a semester with an executive coach, Koch said.
Bauer’s focus has been on improving the program, which typically has an enrollment of roughly 85 students, rather than striving for growth.
“We’re really firm about not growing at the expense of the quality of the applicants,” Koch said. “We’re if anything, more selective than we used to be.”
Bloomberg Businessweek best U.S. business schools rankings are based on data compiled from more than 600 recruiters, 10,000 alumni, and 9,000 recent graduates of full-time MBA programs. A complete list of rankings and methodology can be found here.