Bauer Doctoral Student Research Advances Understanding of Organizational Commitment
Published on April 30, 2018

Onboarding new employees so that they are fully invested in a company’s customer-oriented commitment can present a challenge to companies of all sizes.
Research by a Bauer doctoral candidate on the topic received the prestigious Academy of Marketing Science Review/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Competition award for 2017.
Shashank “Sash” Vaid’s research advances a new perspective to better understand organizational commitment’s impact on marketing while addressing concerns that commitment may be induced over time and may be lacking in customer dimension. The research advances understanding of organizational commitment that has a bearing on employee-related outcomes.
“I refer to this perspective as instantaneous customer commitment—a set of early, utility-loyalty agnostic organizational commitment experiences that have a clear customer dimension and are aimed at ushering in long-term customer orientation in firms,” Vaid said.
Examples include paperless onboarding educating the new employee about specific customers; including a CEO quotation in appointment announcements such as a press release praising the incoming executive while mentioning target customers; advanced socialization on various customer dimensions (such as psychographics and demographics) and others.
Vaid’s research draws on developments in fields as diverse as HCI (Human Computer Interaction), Computational Organization Theory, Military Sciences, Religion and Economics.
He was also awarded the 2018 Dissertation Proposal Award at the American Marketing Association Conference recently.