Bauer Professor Named Among Top Management Researchers
Published on August 27, 2018

Management Professor Chet Miller
In the realm of management textbooks, tens of thousands of articles are cited, enough to blur the eyes of any worthy student in the field.
Bauer College Professor Chet Miller is in a rarefied group, however, with two of his articles ranking among the top 20 most cited articles for two types of textbooks.
Miller's paper "Strategic Planning and Firm Performance: A Synthesis of More than Two Decades of Research," has been recognized as one of the top 20 most cited articles in general management textbooks (in a field of more than 11,000 articles).
Miller's paper "Curvilinearity in the Diversification Performance Linkage: An Examination of Over Three Decades of Research," was recognized as one of the top 20 most cited articles in strategic management textbooks (of nearly 4,800 articles).
His accomplishments are noted in “A Pluralist Conceptualization of Scholarly Impact in Management Education: Students as Stakeholders,” a forthcoming article in the Academy of Management Learning and Education.
Miller's published research focuses on the functioning of management teams, the design of organizational structures and management systems, and the design of strategic decision processes.