Bauer Students Spend Time One-On-One with Warren Buffett
Bauer Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship Invited to Visit Buffett
Published on January 30, 2018

Students from the Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship traveled to Omaha, Neb. this January to have lunch and tour Berkshire Hathaway with famed investor Warren Buffett.
Famed investor Warren Buffett recently met with a select group of undergraduate students from the C. T. Bauer College of Business at Berkshire Hathaway headquarters in Omaha, sharing his wisdom on life, business and success.
Twenty students from Bauer’s Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship were part of a select group invited in January to tour Berkshire Hathaway headquarters and have lunch with Buffett. During the lunch, Buffett spent time one-on-one with the students, giving them the chance to ask him anything during a question-and-answer session.
“It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” Bauer entrepreneurship junior Jonathan Daniels said. “He talked about how building great companies come from building great people. Some of his business partners were closer to him than his own wife. It was cool to see that Buffett's most prized possessions aren't Berkshire Hathaway stock, but love, health and family values.”
Since 2009, Buffett has included Bauer in his exclusive list of schools invited to spend time with him. The center’s namesake, Melvyn Wolff (BBA ’53), who passed away last May, served as chairman of Star Furniture, a Berkshire Hathaway company.
“Meeting Warren Buffett was a humbling experience. He imparted advice that addressed each of the areas I am still growing in and learning about,” Bauer entrepreneurship senior Dane Ralph said. “The two most important things in life are love and time, and neither can be bought. Be the kind of person that brings others joy and builds them up. Don’t be the person no one wants to be around.”