Bauer Faculty Recognized For Research Impact
Pavlou, Tirunillai Earn American Marketing Association Awards in Unprecedented Dual College Recognition
Published on June 6, 2019
The American Marketing Association’s annual research awards are a pinnacle of achievement for marketing scholars in a competitive, rapidly changing field. Two awards for the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research respectively, each recognizing research that has had the most impact since being published in that journal five years ago, are especially prized.
Bauer College will be recognized with an unprecedented honor at the AMA Summer Conference in August, as both of those awards will made to Bauer faculty members.

Assistant Professor of Marketing Seshadri Tirunillai
Bauer Assistant Professor of Marketing Seshadri Tirunillai and co-author Gerard Tellis of the University of Southern California will receive the 2019 O’Dell Award for “Mining Marketing Meaning from Online Chatter: Strategic Brand Analysis of Big Data Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation,” published in the Journal of Marketing Research.
Tirunillai’s paper introduced machine learning techniques to extract meaning from user-generated content in the form of unstructured textual data.
“The paper opened the door to a new and influential stream of research in marketing that multiple other researchers have built upon in the years since its publication, due in part to the paper’s rigorous and comprehensive application to an important marketing problem central to marketing practice,” the awards committee said.
Tirunillai’s research focuses on user-generated content, advertising, strategy and sales. His past honors include the John A. Howard/AMA Doctoral Dissertation Award (2012), Lehmann Award for best Journal of Marketing or Journal of Marketing Research paper based on a doctoral dissertation (2015), and best paper based on doctoral dissertation at the European Marketing Conference (2009). He was a finalist for the Bass Award for best Marketing Science paper based on a doctoral dissertation (2013).

Incoming Dean & Cullen Distinguished Chair Paul A. Pavlou
Bauer’s incoming dean, Paul A. Pavlou, former Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Research, Doctoral Programs, and Strategic Initiatives for the Fox School of Business at Temple University, and Manjit S. Yadav, Macy’s Foundation Professor and professor of marketing at Texas A&M University, will receive the 2019 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing award for “Marketing in Computer-Mediated Environments: Research Synthesis and New Directions.”
In their paper, Pavlou and his co-author synthesize the explosion of research related to the impact of the Internet and related technologies on consumers, firms and the marketplace, and identify emerging trends.
“The success in integrating our two disciplinary fields, marketing and information systems, into an impactful article on computer-mediated environments, was a valuable learning experience for me,” Pavlou said.
He added: “I personally place enormous importance to the broader impact of research across academia, practice, the classroom, and society and public policy. This is something I have pursued all my academic life. Accordingly, receiving this award for the long-term impact of my own research means a whole lot to me personally.”
Pavlou’s work as a researcher spans several disciplines focusing on data science, data analytics and digital business strategy. His research has been cited about 36,000 times according to Google Scholar, and he was recognized among the “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters, based on an analysis of “Highly Cited” authors in Economics & Business for 2002-2012.