Bauer Grad Students Visit Google & TRS Offices in Austin
Bauer’s Rockwell Career Center Gives MBA & MS Students Facetime with Employers
Published on April 12, 2019

Graduate students from the C. T. Bauer College of Business saw firsthand the operations of a tech giant and the state’s largest public retirement system during a trip to Austin this month.
Bauer MBA and MS students toured the corporate offices of Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) and Google, meeting with senior leaders at each organization. The trip was organized by the college’s Rockwell Career Center Graduate Career Services Team.
The trip offered students perspective on how different companies operate and uniquely prepared them for the job market, said Erin Reed, Bauer Associate Director, Graduate Career Services, who led the trip.
“Company treks are experiential trips for our MBA and MS students to gain exposure to new companies and industries that are outside of the Houston area, or companies that do not recruit here on campus but still hire MBA and MS students,” Reed said. “The opportunity allows students to meet with senior executives, employees from various functions, and university relations and recruiting representatives, in addition to getting immersed in the company culture during the visit.”
The students participated in panel discussions at both facilities, with staff from various units, including Performance and Analytics, Corporate Sales and Cloud Sales.
“Traveling to TRS and Google was very eye opening because of how the companies develop their people,” MBA Candidate Richard Hopp said. “I felt I gained a ton of information about both companies, as well as a much better understanding of how both companies view the future of business pivoting. It was inspiring to say the least.”
He added: “The rare opportunity to meet with two leading companies in diverse industries was extremely valuable. The trip packed in a lot, but I was able to envision what it would be like to live in Austin and work for Google and TRS. The companies did an outstanding job welcoming our class and providing us a wide scope as to what possible careers were available.”