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C. T. Bauer College of Business Builds Partnership with the University of Bahrain
Partnership to Initially Focus on Expanding Research and Student Programs in Global Energy and Management & Leadership
Published on September 20, 2021

The C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston has developed a partnership and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Bahrain to expand global offerings of research and student programs, initially in its Global Energy and Management & Leadership graduate programs.
The partnership, developed over the course of more than a year, is an initiative within Bauer College’s Office of Global Initiatives and aims to expand research and offer Master programs in Global Energy Management and in Management & Leadership.
“I hope the agreement we are signing today between our universities flourishes and expands to different areas,” University of Houston President Khator said. “Bauer College is an outstanding program because it is so engaged and practical at the same time, and I’m glad that this collaboration is coming together.”
Since the launch of the Office of Global Initiatives in 2020 with Instructional Assistant Professor Nikhil Celly as Director, Bauer has forged numerous strategic partnerships with schools In South America, Europe, Middle East, South Africa, Russia, Vietnam, India, and the Philippines, expanding and enriching the Bauer College global footprint.
“Bahrain is focusing on partnerships internationally, and we have seen so many positive results from collaborative programs and research. It’s a great experience and everyone benefits,” University of Bahrain President Riyad Y. Hamzah Hamzah said. “The signing of this MoU marks a consolidation of a partnership with our institution. We must seize the opportunity the momentum of change attributed to the interconnectivity of online technology.”
In attendance of the signing was University of Houston President Renu Khator; University of Bahrain President Riyad Y. Hamzah Hamzah; C. T. Bauer College of Business Dean Paul A. Pavlou, University of Bahrain School of Business Dean Hatem Masri, Bauer College Director of the Office of Global Initiatives Nikhil Celly, and University of Houston Institute for Global Engagement Director Michael Pelletier.
“We hope this will be the start of many other initiatives on research and exchange programs with the University of Bahrain as part of expanding our global footprint in the Middle East and broadly Asia,” Bauer College Dean and Cullen Distinguished Chair Professor Paul A. Pavlou said.
To learn more about the Office of Global Initiatives, click here.