Bauer in D.C. Fellows Selected for Spring 2022 Semester
Undergraduate Students to Live and Learn in Nation’s Capital
Published on January 28, 2022
Five undergraduate students from the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston will spend the spring semester interning in Washington, D.C., through the college’s Bauer in D.C. Fellowship Program.
The students will live and work in full-time internships in the nation’s capital for the next four months in various organizations, including the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
Administrators from the Bauer in D.C. Fellowship Program selected undergraduates Chelsea Cheramie, Maylyn Liu, Reggie Huerta, Sabah Shaikh and Sammy Guadarrama, through a competitive application process. The students are the 10th class of the fellowship program.
To prepare for the semester, the students, who were selected last May, participated in a series of workshops and orientation sessions led by Bauer Honors Academic Advisor & Bauer in D.C. Fellowship Program Director Colleen Davies, who also helped them identify and secure internship placements.
“We are thrilled to have Chelsea, Sammy, Reggie, Maylyn and Sabah representing the Bauer College in our nation’s capital this spring. Although the pandemic continues to provide challenges, these resilient Bauer in D.C. Fellows are adapting and thriving in their internships and their new city,” Davies said. “We know they will make us proud during their time in D.C.”
The students will document their time in D.C. on social media using #BauerinDC22. The college will also share photos and videos from the students once a month this semester on Bauer’s Official Instagram.

Chelsea Cheramie
Accounting senior
Chelsea Cheramie will be interning in the U.S. House of Representatives with Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia, representing the 29th District of Texas. The Congresswoman is a member of the House Financial Services Committee and the House Judiciary. Cheramie is eager to learn where the law of our nation lives and work in our nation’s Capital where the areas of business, law, and public policy intersect.

Sammy Guadarrama
Management Information Systems senior
Sammy Guadarrama will be interning for the Civics Program in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. He is excited by the opportunity to help the Foundation promote civics education nationwide. While in D.C., Guadarrama hopes to make a meaningful impact during his internship and explore potential career paths related to civics education.

Reggie Huerta
Accounting senior
Reggie Huerta will intern in Congress in the U.S. House of Representative in the Office of Congressman Kevin Brady of Texas’ 8th district. The Congressman is a current member of the Joint Committee on Taxation and ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee. Huerta look forward to embarking on this new adventure, where he hopes to gain exposure on the legislative side of U.S. tax policy and experience the intersection of government and business among other areas.

Maylyn Liu
Management Information Systems senior
Maylyn Liu is currently interviewing for a position in D.C. She is hoping to utilize her technical and creative skills to accelerate the progress of technological innovation. She is eager to represent Bauer in the nation's Capital and expand her business acumen outside of the classroom.

Sabah Shaikh
Supply Chain Management junior
Sabah Shaikh will be interning with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Office of Education and Workforce. Sahaikh is excited to learn and develop programs that connect the workforce to educational institutions.