Extending the Boundaries
Bauer Faculty Work Included in Special Issue of Top Academic Journal
Published on June 28, 2022

A recent special issue of the top academic journal, The Leadership Quarterly, features the work of a C. T. Bauer College of Business strategic leadership expert.
In “Extending the Boundaries of Strategic Leadership Research,” the issue’s introductory editorial, Bauer College Management & Leadership Professor Dusya Vera and her guest co-editors of the special issue, provide an overarching view of the leadership field and some of its most pressing research challenges. Vera is an Associate Editor of the influential business journal.
“One of the primary goals of the special issue was to help bridge the micro-macro divide regarding theories of strategic leadership, and to bring together theories that have emerged independently,” Vera said. “We sought to facilitate dialogue among leadership researchers studying CEOs, top management teams and boards of directors, and those coming from different fields.”
In the article, the co-editors identify and detail the need for more complete integration of several streams of research emanating from a number of fields such as organizational behavior, industrial and organizational psychology, organizational economics, behavioral strategy, and strategic management. They argue that the failure to collaborate is standing in the way of significant advancement in the field, hence the need for the special issue.
The issue’s 11 articles fall into two broad themes: CEO characteristics; and the dynamics of interactions among CEOs, top management teams and boards. The co-editors identify four promising areas for strategic leadership research: leader character, strategy implementation, vision and purpose, and leader-board dynamics.
Vera is an award-winning teacher and researcher with numerous publications in top academic and practitioner journals.