Bauer Professor Named Editor in Chief
Chet Miller Named to Serve Three Year Term for Academy of Management Discoveries
Published on March 15, 2023

Chet Miller, C. T. Bauer Professor of Organizational Studies, has been named the new editor in chief of the journal, Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD).
Miller is a widely published faculty member of the Bauer College Department of Management & Leadership whose research concerns the functioning of management teams, the design of organizational structures and management systems, and the design of strategic decision processes.
His work has appeared in Harvard Business Review, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Executive, Academy of Management Annals, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, and Advances in Strategic Management.
Among his highly-cited articles, two have ranked among the top 20 most cited articles for two types of textbooks.
AMD, published by Academy of Management, the premier professional association of management and organization scholars, is an academic journal that focuses on phenomenon-driven, exploratory empirical research that theories of management and organizations neither adequately predict nor explain. It has an impact factor of 6.53 for 2022 and a 5-year impact factor of 7.95. Miller will be serving a three-year term.