Leiser Silva
Professor - Associate Dean, Graduate and Professional Programs
Leiser Silva has served as a Bauer faculty member since 2002 and serves as the associate dean for Bauer's Graduate and Professional Programs. In this role, Silva is responsible for curriculum design decisions for new and existing programs, graduate faculty appointments and accreditation standards within Bauer's Graduate and Professional Programs, which include Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA, Executive MBA, and Specialized Master's programs. In this role, Silva will also be responsible for marketing and recruitment efforts for all graduate programs for the C. T. Bauer College of Business.
Silva holds a Ph.D. in information systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a M.Sc. on systems analysis and design from the same institution, and a B.Sc. in computer sciences from the Universidad del Valle in Guatemala.
Silva is a professor in the Department of Decision & Information Sciences. He is teaching the core Management of Information Systems (MIS) courses to Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA and Executive MBA students. Before joining the University of Houston in 2002, he taught and conducted research at universities in Canada, Europe and Latin America.
His current research examines issues of power and politics in the adoption and implementation of information systems, particularly in the context of public organizations. Silva has made contributions to the body of literature in Information Systems that studies the relationship between strategy and Information Technology. His work has been published in leading academic journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS), Journal of Information Technology (JIT), European Journal of Information Systems and Information Systems Journal.
Research Interests
- power and politics in the adoption and implementation of information systems, particularly in the context of public organizations
- contextual and institutional aspects of managing information systems
- Silva, L., C. Hsu, J. Backhouse and A. McDonnell (2016). "Resistance and power in a security certification scheme: The case of c: cure." Decision Support Systems 92: 68-78.
- Silva, L. and H. Panahi (2016). "Catch me if you can: Online protests on sites powered by user-generated content." Information & Management 54(1): 103-114.
- Rodon, Joan, & Silva, Leiser. (2015). "Exploring the Formation of a Healthcare Information Infrastructure: Hierarchy or Meshwork?" Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
- Silva, Leiser, & Mousavidin, Elham. (2015). "Strategic Thinking in Virtual Worlds: Studying World of Warcraft" Computers and Human Behavior.
- Assad, N., Krotov, Vlad & Silva, Leiser (2015), "A Framework for Leading Change in the UAE Public Sector" International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
- Shemroske, Kenneth, & Silva, Leiser. (2015). "Mechanisms for Understanding Participation in Online File Sharing" International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD).
- Hayes, N., Miscione, Gianluca, Silva, Leiser, & Westrup, Chris. (2013). "Theorizing Development and Technological Change (Editorial)" Information Systems Journal (ISJ), 23(1), 281-285.
- Hsu, Carol, Backhouse, James, & Silva, Leiser. (2013). "Institutionalizing Operational Risk Management: An Empirical Study" Journal of Information Technology (JIT), 29(1), 59-72.
- Silva, L. and H. K. Fulk (2012). "From disruptions to struggles: Theorizing power in ERP implementation projects." Information and Organization 22(4): 227-251.
- Day, J. M. and L. Silva (2011). "Managing Information Flow Challenges in the Supply Chain." Cutter IT Journal 24(1): 14-19 Silva, L. (2011). Institutionalization Does Not Occur by Decree: Institutional Obstacles in Implementing a Land Administration System in a Developing Country. Spatial Data Infrastructures in Context. Z. Nedovi-Budic, J. Crompvoets and Y. Georgiadou. New York, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group: 21-47.
- Day, J., I. Junglas, and L. Silva (2009) "Information Flow Impediments in Disaster Relief Supply Chains," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (10) 8, pp. 637-660.
- Silva, L., L. Goel, and E. Mousavidin (2009) "Exploring the Dynamics of Blog Communities: The Case of MetaFilter," Information Systems Journal (19) 1, pp. 55-81.
- Silva, L. and E. Mousavidin. (2009) "Bringing Life to Information Systems: Lessons from the Aesthetics of World of Warcraft." 16th Annual Mardi Gras Conference (2009) on Virtual Worlds, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2009. Shemroske, K. and L. Silva. (2009) "A Proposed Social Mechanism for Community Membership: The Case of Online File Sharing Bittorrent." AMCIS 2009, San Francisco California, 2009.
- Figueroa B., E. and L. Silva (2009) "Explicando la Evolucion de Sistemas Humanos Complejos: Analisis Mediante "Equilibrio Punteado"," in E. B. Figueroa (Ed.) La Teoria de la Evolucion y las Ciencias Economicas y Sociales: A doscientos años del natalicio de Charles Darwin, Santiago, Chile: Universidad de Chile, Editorial Universitaria, pp. 235-273.
- Silva, L. and C. Westrup (eds.) (2007) Proceedings of the Ninth International Working Conference of IFIP WG 9.4: Taking Stock of E-Development, Sao Paulo: International Federation for Information Processing. ISBN: 1981-3945
- Silva, Leiser, Jennifer Gonzalez-Reinhart and Eugenio B. Figueroa. "Interpreting IS Alignment: A Multiple Case Study in Professional Organizations." Information and Organization. [2007]
- Silva, L. and R. Hirschheim ( 2007) "Fighting against windmills: Strategic information systems and organizational deep structures," MIS Quarterly (31).
- Silva, L. (2007) "Post-positivist Review of Technology Acceptance Model," Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
- Silva, L. (2007) "Epistemological and theoretical challenges for studying power and politics in information systems," Information Systems Journal (17) 2, pp. 165-183.
- Silva, L. (2007) "Institutionalization Does Not Occur By Decree: Institutional Obstacles in implementing a Land Administration System in a Developing Country," Information Technology for Development (13) 1, pp. 27-48.
- Backhouse, J., C. Hsu, and L. Silva (2006) "Circuits of Power in Creating de jure Standards: Shaping the International Information Systems Security Standard," MIS Quarterly (30) Special Issue on Standards, pp. 413-438.
- Lin, A. and L. Silva (2005) "The Social and Political Construction of Technological Frames," European Journal of Information Systems (14) 1, pp. 49-59.
- Dhillon, G., L. Silva and J. Backhouse (2004) "Computer crime at CEFORMA: a case study," International Journal Information Management (24) 6, pp. 551-561.
- Ives, B., M. S. Parks, J. Porra and L. Silva (2004) "Phylogeny and Power in the IS Domain: A Response to Benbasat and Zmud's Call for Returning to the IT Artifact," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (5) 3, pp. 108-124.
- Barrett, M., S. Jarvenpaa, L. Silva and G. Walsham (2003) "ICTs, Globalization and Local Diversity," Communications of the Association for Information Systems (11pp. 486-497.
- Silva, L. and J. Backhouse (2003) "The Circuits-of-Power Framework for Studying Power in Institutionalization of Information Systems," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (4) 6, pp. 294-336.
- Silva, L. and E. B. Figueroa (2002) "Institutional Intervention and the Expansion of ICTs in Latin America: The Case of Chile," Information Technology and People (15) 1, pp. 8-25.
- Silva, L. O. (2002) "Outsourcing as an improvisation: A case study in Latin America," The Information Society (18) 2, pp. 129-138.
- Silva, L. (2001) "Risky but Effective Improvisations in Managing Information Systems," The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries (5) 5, pp. 1-11.
- Silva, L. and J. Backhouse (1997) "Becoming Part of the Furniture: The Institutionalisation of Information Systems," in A. S. Lee, J. Liebenau, and J. I. DeGross (Eds.) Information Systems and Qualitative Research, London: Chapman & Hall, pp. 389-414.
- Burkhalter, B. R., R. Miller, L. Silva and E. Burleigh (1994) "Variations in estimates of Guatemalan infant mortality, vaccination coverage, and ORS use reported by different sources.," Panamerican Health Organization Bulletin (29) 1, pp. 1-24.
- Silva, L., E. Mousavidin, and L. Goel (2006) "Weblogging: Implementing Communities of Practice," in E. Trauth, D. Howcroft, T. Butler, B. Fitzgerald et al. (Eds.) Social Inclusion: Societal and Organizational Implications for Information Systems, New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 417-438.
- Krotov, V. and L. Silva. (2005) "Case Study Research: Science or a Literary Genre?" Americas Conference on Information Systems, Omaha, NE, 2005, pp. 2884-2890.
- Silva, L. (2005) "Theoretical approaches for researching power and information systems: the benefit of a Machiavellian view," in D. Howcroft and E. Trauth (Eds.) Handbook of Critical Information Systems Research: Theory and application, London: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., pp. 47-69.
- Barrett, M., S. Jarvenpaa, L. Silva and G. Walsham (2003) "ICTs, Globalization and Local Diversity" International Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona.
- Silva, L. (2000). "El impacto de los sistemas de informacion en organizaciones latino americanas". CAPIC, Universidad de Talca, Chile.
- Silva, L. (2000). "Outsourcing as an Improvisation". IFIP 9.4 Specialized group in developing countries. Information Flows, Local Improvisations and Work Practices, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Silva, L. (2000). "The Micropolitics of Adopting New Organizational Practices: The Case of Outsourcing Information Technology Services." APROS, Sydney, Australia.
- Hanseth, O., S. V. Scott, L. Silva and E. A. Whitley (1999). "Re-evaluating Power in Information Rich Organizations", New Theories and Approaches. New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes: Field Studies and Theoretical Reflections on the Future Work, St. Louis, Missouri, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Kern, T. and L. Silva (1998). "Mapping the areas of potential conflict in the management of information technology outsourcing". Sixth European Conference on Information Systems, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Silva, L. and J. Backhouse (1997). "Becoming Part of the Furniture: The Institutionalisation of Information Systems". Information Systems and Qualitative Research. IFIP 8.2 Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Dhillon, G., L. Silva and J. Backhouse. (1997). "Developing a Networked Authority: Nature and Significance of Power Relationships". 5th European Conference on Information Systems, Cork, Ireland, Cork Publishing Limited.
- Silva, L. and J. Backhouse (1996). "Legitimation and Power: BPR Critical Success Factors." 3rd European Academic Conference on Business Process Redesign, Cranfield University 21-22 February 1996.
- Silva, L. and J. Backhouse (1996). "Push Me, Pull You? Information Systems and Power in Organisations." Thirteenth Annual Computer Software Reliability Workshop: Design for Protecting the User., Burgenstock, Switzerland.
- Dhillon, G., L. Silva and J. Backhouse (1996). "Computer Crime at CEFORMA: A Case Study." Ethicomp 96, Madrid, Spain, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Silva, L. O. (1995) "Health information systems in developing countries: Who should be in control?," British Computer Society Bulletin (1995) October, pp. 63-64.
Silva, Leiser and Chris Westrup. (Editors.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Working Conference of IFIP WG 9.4: Taking Stock of E-Development. IFIP 9.4. [2007]
Contact Info
- Phone:
- 713-743-4370
- Email:
- lsilva@uh.edu
- Room:
- CBB 424R
- Website:
- No Web Site Currently
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Economics and Political Science
Universidad del Valle in Guatemala