Victor Wayhan
Senior Professor of Practice
Victor B. Wayhan, Ph.D. is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management in the C.T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. He has an undergraduate degree in Operations Management from Bowling Green State University, a Masters degree in Educational Leadership from Lynchburg College, a MBA from Radford University, and a Ph.D. in Operations Management from the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. In addition, he has twelve years of industry experience, with his early career spent in the purchasing field and his later career spent in banking and investment banking. His research interests include quality management, purchasing and supply management, and the strategic sourcing process. He is currently the faculty advisor to the APICS student organization, the largest APICS student organization in the nation.
- Wayhan, V.B. & Balderson, E.L. (2007). TQM and Financial Performance: A Research Standard. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence Journal. 18(4): 393-401.
- Wayhan, V.B. & Balderson, E.L. (2007). TQM and Financial Performance: What Has Empirical Research Discovered? Total Quality Management and Business Excellence Journal. 18(4): 403-412.
Working Papers
- Wayhan, V.B., Khumawala, B., & Balderson, E.L. (In Press). An Empirical Test of Deming's Chain Reaction Model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence Journal.
- Wayhan, V.B., Khumawala, B., & Balderson, E.L. (In Press). Empirical Enhancements to Deming's Chain Reaction Model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence Journal.
- Phone:
- 713-743-4707
- Email:
- Room:
- MH 275E
- Website:
- No Web Site Currently
- Undergraduate Courses: SCM 4397 Strategic Sourcing and Spend Analysis
- SCM 4361 Supply Chain Management
- SCM 4371 Purchasing and Supply Management
- SCM 3301 Introduction to Operations Management
- SCM 4366 Distribution and Inventory Management
- SCM 4363 Operations in Service Industries
- MANA 4383 Strategic Management
- MANA 3335 Organizational Behavior
- SCM 7397 Purchasing Management
- SCM 7397 Supply Chain Management
- SCM 6301 Production and Operations Management
Contact Info
Ph.D. in Operations Management
University of Houston
Masters in Business Administration
Radford University
Masters in Educational Leadership
Lynchburg College |B.A. in Business Administration |Bowling Green State University