Recent Publications
UH Bauer faculty are among the most highly productive faculty of any business school in the world, publishing numerous articles in leading academic journals and books as well as holding editorial board positions. Following is a listing of recent publications by our faculty.
- 2025 Publications
- Turturea, R., Sauerwald, S., & Heugens, P. 2025. Forging agents of the state? How political institutions impact CEO compensation in state-owned enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming.
- Sauerwald, S., & Norlander, P. 2025. Political directors and the recruitment of foreign workers. Journal of Management, forthcoming.
- 2024 Publications
- Wesley, C.L., Ndofor, H.A., Ruggs, E.N., & Avery, D.R. (in press). What the Smart Money Says About Black CEOs. MIT Sloan Management Review, 65(3)
- Theodore Masters-Waage, Christiane Spitzmueller, Ebenezer Edema-Sillo, Ally Gutierrez, Michelle Penn-Marshall, Erika Henderson, Peggy Lindner, Cynthia Werner, Tracey Rizzuto, and Juan Madera (2024) “Underrepresented Minority Faculty Face Double Standard in Promotion and Tenure Decisions.” Nature Human Behavior.
- Chiu, S., Kong, D., & Celly, N. 2024. CEO Regulatory Focus and Environmental Resource Scarcity on Employee Downsizing. Management Decision. (Accepted)
- Sauerwald, S., & Su, W. 2024. Corporate philanthropy: Antecedents, consequences, and implications for corporate governance. In M. Magnan & G. Michelon (Eds.), Handbook on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: 192–203. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Callahan, C., Mitra, A., & Sauerwald, S. 2024. Ethics of care and employees: The impact of female board representation and top management leadership on human capital development policies. Journal of Business Ethics, (forthcoming).
- Roberson, Quinetta, Enrica N. Ruggs, Shaun Pichler, and Oscar Holmes IV. "LGBTQ systems: A framework and future research agenda." Journal of Management 50, no. 3 (2024): 1145-1173.
- Ruggs, Enrica N. and Oscar Holmes IV. "Why dropping the E in DEI is a Mistake" Harvard Business Review, August 2024.
- Yim, J. Call, M., Sullivan, D. W., Kim, Y., & Sha, Y. (In press). Motivational strivings, HR practices, and job performance: An advancement of the theory of purposeful work behavior. Human Resource Management.
- Sullivan, D. W., & Swider, B. W. (In press). The influence of friends’ person-organization fit during recruitment. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Bort, J. M., Meoli, A., & Sullivan, D. W. (2024). Financing A Free-for-All: Crowdfunding Open-Source Software. Small Business Economics. Advanced online publication.
- 2023 Publications
- Ruggs, E. N., Hall, A. V., Traylor, H. D., & Garcia, L. R. (2023). Amplifying Black excellence in industrial-organizational psychology. American Psychologist, 78(4), 613-628.
- Gooty, J., Ruggs, E. N., Aguinis, H., Bergeron, D., Eby, L. T., van Knippenberg, D., Post, C., Rupp, D. E., Thatcher, S. M. B., Tonidandel, S., & Yammarino, F. J. (in press). Gender inclusive leadership in business schools: Current challenges and actionable solutions. Journal of Management.
- Mahoney, Maggie; Sebastijanovic, Marina; and Miljanic, Olivia (2022) "Developing Global Competence in a Virtual Classroom," Southwestern Business Administration Journal: Vol. 20: Iss. 1, Article 3. Available at:
- Rude, Dale; Sebastijanovic, Marina; Belinne, Jamie, and Hopkins, Troy (2022) "The Career Project: An Intervention to Facilitate Career Development,” Southwestern Business Administration Journal: Vol. 20: Iss. 1, Article 6. Available at: "The Career Project" by Dale E. Rude, Marina Sebastijanovic et al. (
- Cristofaro, M., Bao, Y.J., Chiu, S., Hernández-Lara, A.B., & Perez-Calero, L. (2022). Affect and cognition in upper echelons’ strategic decision making: Empirical and theoretical studies for advancing corporate governance. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Chiu, S., Hoskisson, R.E., Kong, D., Li, A., & Shao, P. (2023) Predicting primary and secondary Stakeholder Engagement: A CEO motivation-Means Contingency Model. Journal of Business Research.
- 2022 Publications
- Ray, C., Essman, S., Nyberg, A. J., Ployhart, R. E., & Hale, D. (in press). Human Capital Resources: Reviewing the First Decade and Establishing a Foundation for Future Research. Journal of Management, DOI: 01492063221085912.
- *Kong, D., *Chiu, S., & Christopoulos, G. (forthcoming) Face of morality: Powerful CEOs’ facial characteristics and moral foundations. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.(*equal authorship).
- Miller, C.C., Chiu, S,, Wesley, C.L., Vera, D.M., & Avery, D.R. Cognitive Diversity at the Strategic Apex: Assessing Evidence on the Value of Different Perspectives and Ideas among Senior Leaders. Academy of Management Annals, Forthcoming.
- Wesley C.L., Kong, D., Lubojacky C.J., Saxton, T., & Saxton M.K. (2022). Will the Startup Succeed in Your Eyes? Venture Evaluation of Resource Providers during Entrepreneurs’ Informational Signaling. Journal of Business Venturing, forthcoming.
- Vera, D., Bonardi, J. P., Hitt, M. A., & Withers, M. C. (2022). Extending the boundaries of strategic leadership research. The Leadership Quarterly, DOI#101617.
- Avery, D. R., Rhue, L. A., & McKay, P. F. (in press). Setting the stage for success: How participation diversity can help teams leverage racioethnic diversity. Journal of Management.
- Avery, D. R., McKay, P. F., Roberson, Q. M., & Thomas, K. M. (in press). R.E.A.L. (Racialized Experiences in Academic Life) talk: A curated conversation with four Black fellows. Journal of Business and Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s10869-021-09783-y
- Luksyte, A., Avery, D. R., Parker, S. K., Wang, L., Johnson, L., & Crepeau, L. (in press). Age diversity in teams: Examining the impact of the least agreeable member. Journal of Organizational Behavior. DOI: 10.1002/job.2570
- Avery, D. R., Brown, D. K., Dumas, T. L., George, E., Joshi, A. Loyd, D. L., van Knippenberg, D., Wang, M., & Yu, H. (2022). Racial biases in the publication process: Exploring expressions and solutions. Journal of Management, 48(1), 7-16. DOI: 10.1177/01492063211030561
- Chiu, S., Pathak, S. & Sabz, A. (In Press) The impact of advisor status on corporate divestitures and market reactions. Journal of Business Research.
- 2021 Publications
- Werner, S., & Sebastijanovic, M. (2021). Neutralizing the Zoombies: How to Eradicate Video Meeting Fatigue. Workspan (November 17),
- Duhaime, I. M., Hitt, M. A., Lyles, M. A., Vera, D., & Pathak, S. (2021). Part 8: Knowledge and Innovation. In Strategic Management State of the field and its future. essay, Oxford University Press.
- Wesley, C.L., Martin, G.W., Rice D.B., Lubojacky C.L. Do The Right Thing: An Imprinting Perspective on Upper Echelons. Journal of Business Ethics, (in press).
- Sebastijanovic, Marina; Miljanic, Olivia; and Felvegi, Emese (2021) "COVID-19 and Mass Sections in Business Education: Adaptation and Innovation Stemming from the Emergency Online Transition," Southwestern Business Administration Journal: Vol. 19 : Iss. 1 , Article 2.
- Kim. K., Atwater, L., Jolly, P., Ugwuanyi, I., Baik, K., & Yu, J. (forthcoming). Supportive Leadership and Job Performance: Contributions of Supportive Climate, Team-Member Exchange (TMX), and Group-Mean TMX. Journal of Business Research.
- Li, A., Chiu, S., Kong, D., Cropanzano, R.S., & Ho, CW. (forthcoming) "How CEOs Respond to Mortality Salience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Integrating Terror Management Theory with Regulatory Focus Theory" Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Chiu, S. & Sabz, A. (forthcoming) Can corporate divestiture activities lead to better corporate social performance? Journal of Business Ethics.
- Y. Liu, R. T. Keller, and K. Bartlett. [in press]. Initiative climate, psychological safety, and knowledge sharing as a predictor of team creativity: A multilevel study of R&D project teams. Creativity and Innovation Management Journal.
- Maldonado, T., Vera, D., Spangler, W. “Unpacking humility: An examination of leader humility and leader personality and why it matters” Business Horizons, forthcoming.
- Miller, T.L., Wesley, C.L, Bell, M.P., Avery, D.R. (Forthcoming). Hold the torch: Shining a light on the lives of black management faculty, Journal of Management.
- Liu, Y, and Keller, R.T. (Forthcoming). How psychological safety impacts R&D project teams' performance, Research Technology Management.
- 2020 Publications
- Atwater, L., Sturm, R., Taylor, S., &Tringale, A. (in press). What’s happening in the workplace in the wake of the #MeToo Movement? Business Horizons.
- Avery, D. R. (in press). Lessons from the losing: Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for organizational diversity scholarship and practice. Journal of Management Studies.
- Avery, D. R. (2020). Commentary: Another challenge worth acknowledging. Behavioral Science and Policy, 6(1), 71-73.
- Avery, D. R. (in press). When demographics disadvantage: Why I do research on gender in the workplace (and believe you should too). In E. B. King, Q. M. Roberson, & M. R. Hebl (Eds.), Research in social issues in management: Perspectives on gender and work. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Avery, D. R., & Ruggs, E. N. (in press). A death in the family: A metaphor about race and police brutality. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Avery, D. R., & Volpone, S. D. (2020). The perils of ignoring demographic differences in micro organizational research (pp. 1-19). In E. B. King, Q. M. Roberson, & M. R. Hebl (Eds.), Research in social issues in management: Pushing understanding of diversity in organizations. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Avery, D. R., Ruggs, E. N. (2020). Confronting the uncomfortable reality of workplace discrimination. MIT Sloan Management Review Online.
- Bolea, A., Atwater, L. (2021). Becoming a Leader. New York: Routledge.
- Braddy PW, Sturm RE, Atwater L, Taylor SN, McKee RA. Gender Bias Still Plagues the Workplace: Looking at Derailment Risk and Performance With Self–Other Ratings. (2020). Group & Organization Management. 45(3):315-350.
- Chiu S., Pathak, S., Hoskisson, R.E, & Johnson, R. A. (in press). Managerial commitment to the status quo and corporate divestiture: Can power motivate openness to change? The Leadership Quarterly (Special Issue on Strategic Leadership and Strategic Management).
- Dawson, M., Guchait, P., & Madera, J. (2020). Organizational characteristics and personal values that define club management culture. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 21(3), 265-286.
- Eisenberger, R., Rhoades Shanock, L., & Wen, X. (2020). Perceived Organizational Support: Why Caring About Employees Counts. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 7, 101-124.
- Evans, K., Salaiz, A., Pathak, S., & Vera, D. (2020). "Community influential directors and corporate social performance." Business & Society, forthcoming.
- Guzzo, R. F., Abbott, J., & Madera, J. M. (2020). A micro-level view of CSR: a hospitality management systematic literature review. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 61(3), 332-352.
- Holmes, O., Jiang, K., Avery, D. R., McKay, P. F., Oh, I., & Tillman, J. (in press). A meta-analysis of 25 years of diversity climate research. Journal of Management.
- Hua, N., DeFranco, A., & Abbott, J. (2020). Management fees and hotel performance in the US. Tourism Management, 79, 104093.
- Khuntia, J., Kathuraia, A., Saldhana, T., Celly, N., & Roja, M. (In Press). Leveraging Supply Chain Information Integration in Bottom-of-Pyramid Segments of Emerging Markets. Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
- Kim KY, Atwater L, Jolly PM, Kim M, Baik K. (2020). The Vicious Cycle of Work Life: Work Effort Versus Career Development Effort. Group & Organization Management. 45(3):351-385.
- Madera, J. M., Taylor, D. C., & Barber, N. A. (2020). Customer Service Evaluations of Employees With Disabilities: The Roles of Perceived Competence and Service Failure. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 61(1), 5-18.
- Miller, C., & McKee, R. (2020). Decision Comprehensiveness and the Outcomes of Firms: Reinterpreting and Extending a Recent Meta-analysis. Strategic Organization, in press. (
- Lee, L., Guchait, P., & Madera, J. M. (2020). Negative affect, deep acting, and customer compensation as responses to customer mistreatment: The effect of customer-based perspective-taking. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89, 102532.
- Pathak, S. & Chiu, S. (in press) Firm-advisor ties and financial performance in the context of corporate divestiture. Journal of Business Research.
- Rockstuhl, T., Eisenberger, R., Shore, L. M., Kurtessis, J. N., Ford, M. T., Buffardi, L. C., & Mesdaghinia, S. (2020). Perceived organizational support (POS) across 54 nations: A cross-cultural meta-analysis of POS effects. Journal of International Business Studies, 1-30.
- Ruggs, E. N., & Avery, D. R. (2020). Organizations cannot afford to stay silent on racial injustice. MIT Sloan Management Review Online.
- Salaiz, A., Evans, K., Pathak, S. & Vera, D. (2020). “The impact of corporate social responsibility and irresponsiblity on firm financial performance: New insights to an old question.” Organizational Dynamics.
- Salaiz, A., Chiu, S-C., & Walls, J. L. (in press) Sustainability agency at the top of the organization: Microfoundations research on corporate sustainability, in Teerikangas, S., Onkila, T., Koistinen, K., & Mäkelä, M. Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. London: Edward Elgar.
- Shoss, D., Johnson, L. U., & Witt, L. A. (2020). Emotions running high: Examining the effects of supervisor and subordinate emotional stability on emotional exhaustion. Journal of Research in Personality, 84, 103885.
- See, K., Anisman-Razin, Moran, Miller C., & Sitkin S. (2020), Stretch Goals as a Method for Leveraging Opportunties Created by Uncertainty: The Courage to Say Yes and to Say No to Seemingly Impossible Challenges. Oxford Handbook of Uncertainty Management in Work Organizations (G. Grote & M. Griffin, Eds.), Oxford University Press.
- Vera, D., Samba, C., Kong, D. & Maldonado, T. (2020). “Resilience as thriving: The role of positive leadership practices.” Organizational Dynamics.
- Werner, S. & Balkin, David B. (2020), “Strategic Benefits: How Employee Benefits can Create a Sustainable Competitive Advantage,” Journal of Total Rewards, forthcoming.
- Yu, H., Lee, L., & Madera, J. M. (2020). Collecting Repeated Data Over Time: Applying Experience Sampling Methodology to the Hospitality Management Context. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 1938965520961061.
- 2019 Publications
- Joo, M., Yu, G., & Atwater, L., "Formal mentoring with a leadership component and motivation to lead in South Korea", Journal of Vocational Behavior, (2019).
- Kim, Y., Atwater,L., Latheff, Z., & Zheng, D., "Subordinates attributed motives for abusive supervision can mitigate its negative effects", Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, (2019).
- Atwater, L., Tringale, A., Sturm, R., Taylor, S., & Braddy, P., "Looking ahead: How what we know about sexual harassment now informs us of the fugure", Organization Dynamics, (2019).
- Chiu, S. & Walls, J. 2019. Leadership change and corporate social performance: The context of financial distress makes all the difference. The Leadership Quarterly. (forthcoming)
- Madera, J. M., Lee, L., & Dawson, M. (2019). Sexual harassment and assault training: Consider the industry. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice. Forthcoming.
- Lee. L., & Madera, J. M. (2019). Faking it or feel it: The emotional displays of surface and deep acting on stress and engagement. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Forthcoming.
- Tawse, A., Patrick, V., & Vera, D. 2019. "Crossing the chasm: Leadership nudges to help transition from strategy formulation to strategy implementation." Business Horizons, forthcoming.
- Maldonado, T., Salaiz, A. Vera, D., & Keller, R. 2019. "Taking stock of the absorptive capacity construct and its dimensions in the context of technological innovation: A meta-analytic approach." IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, forthcoming.
- Tabesh, P., Vera, D., & Keller, R. 2019. "Unabsorved slack resource deployment and exploratory and exploitative innovation: How much does CEO expertise matter?" Journal of Business Research, 94: 65-80.
- 2018 Publications
- McKee, R., Lee, Y., Atwater, L., & Antonakis, J., "Effects of personality and gender on self-other agreement in ratings of leadership", Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 91, (2018), 285-315.
- Chiu, S. & Sharfman, M. 2018. Corporate social irresponsibility and executive succession: An empirical examination. Journal of Business Ethics, 149(3): 707-723.
- Cullen, K. L., Gerbasi, A., & Chrobot-Mason, D., "Thriving in central network positions: The role of political skill", Journal of Management, 44, (2018), 682-706.
- Cullen-Lester, K. L., Webster, B. D., Edwards, B. D., & Braddy, P., "The effects of multiple negative, neutral, and positive organizational changes.", European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, (2018).
- Tabesh, P., Vera, D. and Keller, R., "Unabsorbed slack resource deployment and exploratory and exploitative innovation: How much does CEO expertise matter?", Journal of Business Research, (2018).
- Krylova, K.O., Elkins Longacre, T. & Phillips, J.S. (2018). Applicants with a tarnished past: Stealing thunder and overcoming prior wrongdoing. Journal of Business Ethics, 150, 793-802.
- Madera, J. M., Hebl, M. R., Ng, L., & Sunderman, J. (2018). Top management gender diversity and organizational attraction: When and why it matters. Archives of Scientific Psychology. Forthcoming.
- Yu, H., Sirsat, S., Neal, J. A., & Madera, J. M. (2018): Enhancing hospitality students' motivation to learn food safety knowledge using tablet personal computer (TPC)-based simulation game class activity. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. Forthcoming.
- Lou, A., Guchait, P., Lee, L., & Madera, J. M. (2018). Transformational leadership and service recovery performance: The mediating effect of emotional labor and the influence of culture. International Journal of Hospitality Management. Forthcoming.
- Guchait, P., Zhao, X., Madera, J. M., Okumus, F., & Hua, N., (2018). Can error management culture increase work engagement in hotels? The moderating role of gender. Service Business. Forthcoming.
- Madera, J. M., Hebl, M. R., Martin, R., & Valian, V. (2018). Raising doubt in letters of recommendation for prospective faculty: Gender differences and their impact. Journal of Business and Psychology. Forthcoming.
- Wang, X., Guchait, P., Paşamehmetoğlu, A., & Madera, J. M. (2018). Impact of error management culture on organizational performance, management team performance, and creativity in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. Forthcoming.
- Dawson, M., Guchait, P., & Madera, J. M. (2018). Defining club management culture: Selecting and retaining people who fit within the club industry. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. Forthcoming.
- Bahardwaja, S., Lee, L., & Madera, J. M. (2018). Customer evaluations of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors: Agentic and communal differences. International Journal of Hospitality Management. Forthcoming.
- Madera, J. M., Guchait, P., & Dawson, M. (2018). Managers’ reactions to customer vs coworker sexual harassment. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Forthcoming.
- Wang, X., Guchait, P., Paşamehmetoğlu, A., & Madera, J. M. (2018). Is “do it right the first time” necessarily right? The importance of error management culture in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Forthcoming.
- Madera, J. M. (2018). What's in it for me? Perspective taking as an intervention for improving attitudes toward diversity management. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 59(1), 49–60.
- Madera, J. M. (2018). When targets blame their organization for sexual harassment: A multilevel investigation of within-person appraisals. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Forthcoming.
- Samba, C., van Knippenberg, D., & Miller C.C., "The impact of strategic dissent on organizational outcomes: A meta-analytic integration", Strategic Management Journal, 39 (2), (2018), 379-402.
- Maldonado, T., Salaiz, A., Vera, D., Keller, R., "Taking Stock of the Absorptive Capacity Construct and its Dimensions in the Context of Technological Innovation: A Meta-Analytic Approach", IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, (2018).
- Maldonado, T., Vera, D. & Ramos, N., "How humble is your company culture? And, why does it matter?", Business Horizons, 61/5, (2018), 745-753.
- Greene, J., Mero, N., & Werner, S. 2018, "The negative effects of job embeddedness on performance.", Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(1), (2018), 58-73.
- Coombs, J.E., K.M.Gilley, J.P. O'Connor, T.E.Thorley, & C.L. Wesley, "Religiosity and Corporate Illegal Activity," Journal of Business Strategy, 35, (2018), 22-47.
- 2017 Publications
- Guchait, P., Sirasat, S., Neal, J., and Abbott, J.L (2017). Managing food safety errors: A case study of Chipolte. Mexican Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases.
- Abbott, J.L., and Guchait, P. (2017). The art of negotiation: A hospitality industry case study. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases.
- Cullen-Lester, K. L., Maupin, C., & Carter, D., "Integrating networks into leadership development: A conceptual model and evaluation of research and practice.", Leadership Quarterly, 28, (2017), 130-152.
- TenBrink, C., Gelb, B., and Robert T. Keller, "Successful Rebounds: How Firms Overcome Their Middle-Age Crisis.", Journal of Business Strategy, (2017).
- Keller, Robert T., "A Longitudinal Study of the Individual Characteristics of Effective R&D Project Team Leaders.", R&D Management, 47, (2017), 741-754.
- TenBrink, C., Robert T. Keller, and Gelb, B., "Turnaround Success in High Technology Growth Stage Firms.", Journal of Management Policy and Practice, (2017).
- Krylova, K.O., Jolly, P.M., Phillips, J.S., (2017), Followers' moral judgments and leaders' integrity-based transgressions: A synthesis of literatures, Leadership Quarterly, 28 (1), 195-209.
- Kim, K.Y., Longacre, T., and Werners, S., "The Effects of Multi-level Signals on Sex Discrimination Experiences Among Female Employees.", Human Resources Management, 56(6), (2017), 995-1013.
- Madera, J. M. (2017). Organizational support for diversity management practices: Perspective taking as an intervention for improving attitudes. Journal of Business and Psychology. Forthcoming.
- Yu, H., Neal, J. A., Dawson, M., & Madera, J. M. (2017). Implementation of behavior-based training can improve food service employees hand washing frequencies, duration and effectiveness. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Forthcoming.
- Madera, J. M., Lee, L., & Kapoor, C. E. (2017). Wait! What about customer-based subtle discrimination? Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 10(1), 107-111.
- Madera, J. M., Dawson, M., & Guchait, P., Berlarmino, A. (2017). Strategic human resources management research in hospitality and tourism: A review of current literature and suggestions for the future. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 48-67.
- Cardinal, L., M. Kreutzer, and C. Miller, "An Aspirational View of Organizational Control Research: Re-invigorating Empirical Work to Better Meet the Challenges of 21st Century Organizations", Academy of Management Annals, 11, (2017), 559- 592.
- Sturm, R., Vera, D & Crossan, M., "The Entanglement of Leader Character and Leader Competence and its Impact on Performance", Leadership Quarterly, 28, (2017), 349-366.
- Anderson-Fletcher, E., Vera, D., & Abbott, J., "How mindful is your company? Lessons for business from the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Ebola Crisis.", Organization Dynamics, 46, (2017), 202-211.
- Werner, S., "Adapting Total Rewards to Industry Factors: The Case of the Oil and Gas Industry.", World at Work Journal, 26(4), (2017), 6-15.
- 2016 Publications
- Guchait, P., Abbott, J.L., Madera, J., and Dawson, M. (2016). Should organizations be forgiving or unforgiving? A two- study replication of how perceived forgiveness climate in hospitality organizations drives employee a ttitudes and behaviors, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
- Kim,K., Atwater, L., Smither, J., & Patel, P., "Multi-source feedback, human capital and financial performance of organizations," Journal of Applied Psychology, (2016).
- Celly, N., Kathuria, A. & Subramanian, V. 2016. ‘Overview of Indian Multinationals’ in Thite, M., Wilkinson, A & Budhwar, P. (eds), Indian Multinationals: Taking India to the World. Oxford University Press.
- Chiu, S. & Sharfman, M. 2016, "Corporate social irresponsibility and executive succession: An empirical examination," Journal of Business Ethics, (2016).
- Chiu, S., Johnson, R.A., Hoskisson, R., & Pathak, S., "The impact of CEO succession and successor origin on the scale and scope of divestiture" Leadership Quarterly, 27(4), (2016), 617-633.
- Cullen-Lester, K. L., Woehler, M. L., & Willburn, P., "Network-based leadership development: A guiding framework and resources for management educators." Journal of Management Education, 40, (2016), 321-358.
- Cullen-Lester, K. L., Leroy, H., Gerbasi, A., & Nishii, L., "Energy’s role in the extraversion (dis)advantage: How energy ties and task conflict help clarify the relationship between extraversion and proactive performance." Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37, (2016), 1003-1022.
- Chrobot-Mason, D., Gerbasi, A., & Cullen-Lester, K. L., "Predicting leadership relationships: The importance of collective identity." Leadership Quarterly, 27, (2016), 298-311.
- Cullen-Lester, K. L. & Yammarino, F. J., "Collective and network approaches to leadership: Special issue introduction." Leadership Quarterly, 27, (2016), 173-180.
- Krylova, K.O., T. Longacre-Elkins, and J. Phillips, "Applicants with a Tarnished Past: Stealing Thunder and Overcoming Prior Wrongdoing." Journal of Business Ethics, (2016).
- Krylova, K.O., P. Jolly, and J. Phillips, "Followers' Moral Judgments and Leaders' Integrity-Based Transgressions: A Synthesis of Literatures." Leadership Quarterly, (2016).
- Krylova, K., Vera, D., & Crossan, M., "Knowledge transfer in knowledge- intensive organizations: The crucial role of improvisation in transferring and protecting knowledge." Journal of Knowledge Management, 20/5, (2016), 1045- 1064.
- Madera, J. M., Dawson, M., & Neal, J. A. (2016). Why investing in diversity management matters: Organizational attraction and P-O fit. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1177/1096348016654973.
- Madera, J. M., Dawson, M., & Guchait, P. (2016). Psychological diversity climate: justice, racioethnic minority status and job satisfaction. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(11), 2553-2569.
- Guchait, P., Paşamehmetoğlu, A., & Madera, J. M. (2016). Error management culture: Impact on group cohesion, stress, and turnover intentions. The Service Industries Journal, 36, 124-141.
- Madera, J. M., Dawson, M., & Neal, J. A. (2016). Managers’ psychological diversity climate and fairness: The utility and importance of diversity management. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 16(3), 288-307.
- Guchait, P., Madera, J. M., & Dawson, M. (2016). Learning in the service environment: The influence of diversity climate. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 26, 448-470.
- Madera, J. M. (2016). Facial stigmas in dyadic interviews: Nonverbal behavior and attitudes toward the stigmatized target. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 40, 456-475.
- Sitkin, SB, Miller, CC, and See K, "The Stretch Goal Paradox," Harvard Business Review, (2016).
- Vera, D., Nemanich, L., Velez-Castrillon, S., & Werner, S, "Knowledge-based and contextual factors associated with R&D teams’ improvisation capability" Journal of Management, 42, (2016), 1874-1903.
- Banks, M., Vera, D., Pathak, S., & Ballard, K. 2016. "Stakeholder Management as a Source of Competitive Advantage: A Relationship and Portfolio Perspective" Organization Dynamics, 14: 18-27.
- Werner, S., Kuiate, C.S., Noland, T., and Francia, A., "Benefits and Strategic Outcomes: Are Supplemental Retirement Plans and Safer Driving Related in the U.S. Trucking Industry?" Human Resources Management, 55(5), (2016), 885-900.
- Lee, H., Werner, S., & Kim, T. Y., "High performance work systems and organization attraction: the moderating effects of vocational interests." Employee Relations, 38(5), (2016), 682-702.
- Saxton, T., Wesley C.L., and Saxton M.K., "Venture Advocate Behaviors and the Development of the Emerging Enterprise." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 10, (2016), 107-125.
- 2015 Publications
- Park, J. Abbott, J., and Werner, S. (2015). A perspective-taking model for global assignments. Journal of Global Mobility. Vol. 2
- Guchait, P., Lee, C., Wang, C. and Abbott, J. (2015). Impact of error managementpractices on service recovery performance and helping behaviors in the hospitality industry: The mediating effects of psychological safety and learning behaviors. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. Vol. 14(4).
- Anderson-Fletcher, E. ,Vera, D. and Abbott, J. (2015). "The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Ebola Crisis: A Perfect Storm of Human Errors, Systems Failures, and Lack of Mindfulness." Hobby Center for Public Policy White Paper Series No. 1.
- Taylor, S., Sturm. R., Atwater, L., Braddy, P., "Underestimating one's leadership impact: Are women leaders more susceptible?" Organization Dynamics, (2015).
- Atwater, L., Kim, Y., Witt, A., Colloson, K., Latheef, Z., Longacre, T., & Zheng, D. , "Reactions to abusive supervision: Examining the roles of emotions and gender" International Journal of Human Resource Management, (2015).
- Graves, L. M., Cullen, K. L., Lester, H. F., Ruderman, M. N., & Gentry, W. A., "Managerial motivational profiles: Understanding their nature, antecedents, and consequences." Leadership Quarterly, 87, (2015), 32-42.
- Gentry, W. A., Clark, M. A., Young, S. F.,Cullen, K. L., & Zimmerman, L., "How displaying empathic emotion may differentially predict likelihood of derailment for male and female leaders in Australia." Leadership Quarterly, 26, (2015), 641- 653.
- Cullen, K. L., Gentry, W. A., & Yammarino, F. J., "Biased self-perception tendencies: Self-enhancement/self-diminishment and leader derailment in individualistic and collectivistic cultures." Applied Psychology, 64, (2015), 161-207.
- Meschi, P., Metais, E., and Miller, C., "Leader Longevity, Cognitive Inertia, and Performance in Organizations with Stretch Goals" Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 32, (2015), 467-504.
- Kim, K.Y, Pathak, S., and Werner, S., "When do International Human Capital Enhancing Practices Benefit the Bottom Line?: An Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity Perspective." Journal of International Business Studies, 46, 784-805.
- Balkin, D.B., Roussel, P., and Werner, S. , "Performance Contingent Pay and Autonomy: Implications for Rewarding Extra-Role Creativity." Human Resource Management Review, 25/4, 384-395.
- Ndofor, H.A., Wesley, C.L., Priem, R.L. , "Providing CEOs with Cheating Opportunities: The Effects of Complexity-based Information Asymmetries on Financial Reporting Fraud." Journal of Management, 41, 1774-1797.