
UH Bauer faculty are among the most highly productive faculty of any business school in the world, publishing numerous articles in leading academic journals and books as well as holding editorial board positions. Following is a listing of recent publications by our faculty.

  • 2025
    • Lteif, Lama, Helen Sluis, Lauren Block, Luca Cian, Vanessa Patrick, and Maura Scott. "Creating Equity By Design: A Conceptual Framework for Marketplace Inclusion," Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. [forthcoming]
    • Ahearne, Molly, Mohsen Pourmasoudi, and Johannes Habel. "Inside Sales Structures and Firm Performance," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [forthcoming]
    • Hu, Ye. "Diversity Matters: How Film Critic Ratings Vary with Critic and Movie Cast Profiles," Journal of Marketing. [forthcoming]
    • Hu, Ye and Stowe Shoemaker. "Do More Experienced Gamblers Choose Slot Machines with Better Odds? A Large-Scale Multi-Armed Bandit Problem at a Casino," Customer Needs and Solutions. [forthcoming]
    • Wiseman, Phillip, Sascha Alavi, Johannes Habel, and Pia Ehlig. "Customer-Centric Contract Changes," Journal of Marketing Research. [forthcoming]
  • 2024
    • Patrick, Vanessa and Murali Kuppuswamy. "PLEASE Say No! How Empowered Refusal Upholds Purpose,” Amplify. [2024]
    • Lee, Byung Cheol and Jaeyeon Chung. "An empirical investigation of the impact of ChatGPT on creativity," Nature Human Behaviour. [2024]
    • Alavi, Sascha, Johannes Habel, and Arnd Vomberg. "Salesperson lifecycle management: Challenges and research priorities," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2024]
    • Habel, Johannes, Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, Nathaniel Hartmann, Ad de Jong, Nicolas Zacharias, and Fabian Kosse, "Neuroticism and the Sales Profession," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [2024]
    • Chaker, Nawar, Johannes Habel, Nathaniel Hartmann, Felix Johannsen, and Heinrich Rusche. "Quiet Sellers: How Introversion Drives Salesperson Performance," Journal of Retailing. [2024]
    • Winter, Christian, Nicolas Zacharias, Ad de Jong, and Johannes Habel. "The Stress of Prospecting: Salesperson Genetics and Managerial Remedies," Industrial Marketing Management. [2024]
    • Beveridge, Ivana, Jannis Angelis, and Martin Mihajlov. "Benefits and Challenges with Blockchain Technology in Global Food Supply Chains: Views from the Practice," British Food Journal. [2024]
    • Rapp, Adam and Johannes Habel. "Creating Tension in Sales Research," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2024]
    • Chaker, Nawar, Johannes Habel, Kelly Hewett, and Alex Ricardo Zablah. "The Future of Research on International Selling and Sales Management," Journal of International Marketing. [2024]
    • Ahearne, Michael, Mohsen Pourmasoudi, and Philip Wiseman. "Enabling Comparability of Responses in International Sales Force Surveys," Journal of International Marketing. [2024]
  • 2023
    • William Zahn, Yi Peng, David Mathis, Bryan Hochstein, and Christopher Plouffe. "Addressing concerns with salesperson competitive psychological climate, sales performance, and turnover intention: The role of threat and learning orientation," Industrial Marketing Management. [2023]
    • Samaraweera, Manoshi, Betsy Gelb, Willy Bolander, and William Zahn. "Treating top salespeople like superstars: the role of an informal sales climate in boosting sales output," Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. [2023]
    • Vaid, Shashank, Michael Ahearne, Benson Honig, and Ryan Krause. "Customer-related executive leadership turnover and firm performance: A dilemma of firm-level human resource contingencies," Journal of Business Research. [2023]
    • Krishnamurthy, Parthasarathy, Michael Mulvey, Kallana Gowda, et al. "Drivers of vaccine hesitancy among vulnerable populations in India: a cross-sectional multi-state study," Frontiers in Public Health. [2023]
    • Friess, Maximilian, Sascha Alavi, Johannes Habel, and Bianca Richter. "When Sales Leaders Induce Competition Among Sales Employees: A Source of Motivation or Exhaustion?," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2023]
    • Cardy, Claire, Nawar Chaker, Johannes Habel, Martin Klarmann, and Olaf Plötner. "Customer–Salesperson Price Negotiations During Unexpected Demand Contractions," Journal of Service Research. [2023]
    • Cron, William, Sascha Alavi, and Johannes Habel. "Adaptive Selling in Business-to-Business Markets: Contextual Boundary of a Selling Strategy from Retailing," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2023]
    • Habel, Johannes, Sascha Alavi, and Nicolas Heinitz. "A theory of predictive sales analytics adoption," AMS Review. [2023]
    • Kassemeier, Roland, Sascha Alavi, Johannes Habel, Christian Schmitz, and Jan Wieseke. "Value-creating sales and digital technologies," European Journal of Marketing. [2023]
    • Patrick, Vanessa and Jeffrey Shulman. "ADDRESSING the Needs of Your Customers and Your Business with Inclusive Product Design," Sloan Management Review. [forthcoming]
    • Hartmann, Nathaniel, Heiko Wieland, Brandon Gustafson, and Johannes Habel. "Research on sales and ethics: Mapping the past and charting the future," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [2023]
    • Hartmann, Nathaniel, Nawar Chaker, Bruno Lussier, Denis Larocque, and Johannes Habel. "A theory of sales system shocks," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [2023]
    • Patrick, Vanessa. The Power of Saying No: The New Science of How to Say No that Puts You in Charge of Your Life, Sourcebooks. [2023]
    • Luo, Bowen. "Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships and the Distribution of New Products," Marketing Science. [forthcoming]
    • Plötner, Otto, Johannes Habel, and Bianca Schmitz. Solid Growth: Strategies of Industrial Champions in Global Markets, World Scientific. [2023]
    • Habel, Johannes, Sascha Alavi, and Nicolas Heinitz. "Effective Implementation of Predictive Sales Analytics," Journal of Marketing Research. [2023]
    • Kanuri, Vamsi, Johannes Habel, Nawar Chaker, Deva Rangarajan, and Paolo Guenzi. "B2B Online Sales Pushes: Whether, When, and Why They Enhance Sales Performance,” Production and Operations Management. [forthcoming]
    • Samaraweera, Manoshi, Betsy Gelb, Willy Bolander, and William Zahn. "Treating Top Salespeople like Superstars: The Role of an Informal Sales Climate in Boosting Sales Output," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2023]
    • Roelen-Blasberg, Tobias, Johannes Habel, and Martin Klarmann. "Automated Inference of Product Attributes and Their Importance from User-Generated Content: Can We Replace Traditional Market Research?," International Journal of Research in Marketing. [2023]
  • 2022
    • Gyomlai, Moumita Das, Michael Ahearne, Dominique Rouziès, and Jean-Noël Kapferer. "All that glitters is not sold: selling a luxury brand outside a luxury environment," Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. [2022]
    • Pourmasoudi, Mohsen, Michael Ahearne, Zachary Hall, and Partha Krishnamurthy. "The impact of the information revolution on the classical sales model," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2022]
    • Garcia, Laura, Brandon Birckhead, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, et al. "Durability of the treatment effects of an 8-week self-administered home-based virtual reality program for chronic low back pain: 6-month follow-up study of a randomized clinical trial," Journal of Medical Internet Research. [2022]
    • Alavi, Sascha, Pia Ehlig, and Johannes Habel. "Transformational and Transactional Sales Leadership During a Global Pandemic," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2022]
    • Bhargava, Hemant, Kitty Wang, and Luna Zhang. "Fending off Critics of Platform Power: Doing Well by Doing Good," Management Science. [2022]
    • Nahm, Irene, Michael Ahearne, Nick Lee, and Seshadri Tirunillai. "Managing Positive and Negative Trends in Sales Call Outcomes: The Role of Momentum," Journal of Marketing Research. [2022]
    • Sipilä, Jenni, Sascha Alavi, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Urs Müller, and Johannes Habel. "Corporate Social Responsibility and Perceived Fairness of Price Increases," Psychology & Marketing. [2022]
    • Beveridge, Ivana, Olivier Furrer, and Betsy Gelb. "A Consumer Cultural Paradox: Exploring the Tensions Between Traditional and International Education," International Marketing Review. [2022]
    • Kassemeier, Roland, Sascha Alavi, Johannes Habel, and Christian Schmitz. "Customer-Oriented Salespeople's Value Creation and Claiming in Price Negotiations," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [2022]
    • Ahmadi, Iman, Johannes Habel, Miaolei Jia, and Sarah Wei. “Consumer stockpiling under the impact of a global disaster: The evolution of affective and cognitive motives,” Journal of Business Research. [2022]
    • Michael Ahearne, Yashar Atefi, Son Lam, and Mohsen Pourmasoudi. "The Future of Buyer-Seller Interactions: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [2022]
    • Wiseman, Phillip, Michael Ahearne, Zachary Hall, and Seshadri Tirunillai. "Onboarding Salespeople: Socialization Approaches," Journal of Marketing. [2022]
    • Ahmadi, Iman, Johannes Habel, Miaolei Jia, Nick Lee, and Sarah Wei. "Consumer Stockpiling Across Cultures During the COVID-19 Pandemic," Journal of International Marketing. [2022]
  • 2021
    • Alavi, Sascha and Johannes Habel. “The human side of digital transformation in sales: review & future paths,” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2021]
    • Zhang, Zhe and Vanessa M. Patrick. "The Power of a Nickname-When Judiciously Employed," Harvard Business Review.
    • Beveridge, Ivana. "Intercultural Marketing: Theory and Practice," Routledge. [2021]
    • Ziadni, Maisa, Lluvia Gonzalez-Castro, Steven Anderson, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, and Beth Darnall. "Efficacy of a Single-Session 'Empowered Relief' Zoom-Delivered Group Intervention for Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial Conducted During the COVID-19 Pandemic," Journal of Medical Internet Research. [2021]
    • Garcia, Laura, Brandon Birckhead, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Ian Mackey, Josh Sackman, Vafi Salmasi, Robert Louis, Todd Maddox, and Beth Darnall. "Three-month follow-up results of a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial of 8-week self-administered at-home behavioral skills-based virtual reality (VR) for chronic low back pain," Journal of Pain. [2021]
    • Garcia, Laura, Brandon Birckhead, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Josh Sackman, Ian Mackey, Robert Louis, Vafi Salmasi, Todd Maddox, and Beth Darnall. "An 8-Week Self-Administered At-Home Behavioral Skills-Based Virtual Reality Program for Chronic Low Back Pain: Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial Conducted During COVID-19," Journal of Medical Internet Research. [2021]
    • Garcia, Laura, Beth Darnall, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Ian Mackey, Josh Sackman, Robert Louis, Todd Maddox, and Brandon Birckhead. "Self-Administered Behavioral Skills–Based At-Home Virtual Reality Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial," JMIR Research Protocols. [2021]
    • Alavi, Sascha, Eva Boehm, Johannes Habel, Jan Wieseke, Christian Schmitz, and Felix Brueggemann. "The Ambivalent Role of Monetary Sales Incentives in Service Innovation Selling," Journal of Product Innovation Management. [2021]
    • Gelb, Betsy, Joanna Pishko, and Carl Herman. "What really motivates top salespeople: love or money?," Journal of Business Strategy. [2021]
    • Habel, Johannes, Sascha Alavi, and Kim Linsenmayer. "From personal to online selling: How relational selling shapes salespeople's promotion of e-commerce channels," Journal of Business Research. [2021]
    • Patrick, Vanessa. "Getting to Gutsy: Using Personal Policies to Enhance (and Reclaim) Agency in the Workplace," Rutgers Business Review. [2021]
    • Alavi, Sascha, Bruno Kocher, Sabrina Dörfer, and Johannes Habel. "The Role of Salesperson Communication in Luxury Selling," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. [2021]
    • Wang, Xin (Shane), Shijie Lu, Xi Li, Mansur Khamitov, and Neil Bendle. "Audio Mining: The Role of Vocal Tone in Persuasion," Journal of Consumer Research. [2021]
    • Patrick, Vanessa and Candice Hollenbeck. "Designing for All: Consumer Response to Inclusive Design," Journal of Consumer Psychology. [2021]
    • Chen, Ming, Ray Burke, Sam Hui, and Alex Leykin. "Understanding Lateral and Vertical Biases in Consumer Attention: An In-Store Ambulatory Eye-Tracking Study," Journal of Marketing Research. [2021]
    • Zhang, Zhe and Vanessa Patrick. "Mickey D’s Has More Street Cred than McDonalds: Consumer Brand Nickname Use Signals Information Authenticity," Journal of Marketing. [2021]
    • Habel, Johannes, Sascha Alavi, and Kim Linsenmayer. "Variable Compensation and Salesperson Health," Journal of Marketing. [2021]
    • Shankar, Venkatesh, Kirthi Kalyanam, Pankaj Setia, Alireza Golmohammadi, Seshadri Tirunillai, Tom Douglass, John Hennessey, J.S. Bull, and Rand Waddoups. "How Technology is Changing Retail," Journal of Retailing. [2021]
    • Vaid, Shashank, Michael Ahearne, and Ryan Krause. "Operations-Related Structural Flux: Firm Performance Effects of Executives'''' Appointments and Exits," Production and Operations Management. [2021]
    • Lu, Shijie, Dai Yao, Xingyu Chen, and Rajdeep Grewal. "Do Larger Audiences Generate Greater Revenues under Pay What You Want? Evidence from a Live Streaming Platform," Marketing Science. [2021]
    • Cron, William, Sascha Alavi, Johannes Habel, Jan Wieseke, and Hanaa Ryari. "No Conversion, No Conversation: Consequences of Retail Salespeople Disengaging from Unpromising Prospects," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [2021]
    • To, Ngoc (Rita) and Vanessa Patrick. "How the Eyes Connect to the Heart: The Influence of Eye Gaze Direction on Advertising Effectiveness," Journal of Consumer Research. [2021].
    • Roggeveen, Anne, Dhruv Grewal, John Karsberg, Stephanie Noble, Jens Nordfält, Vanessa Patrick, Elisa Schweiger, Gonca Soysal, Annemarie Dillard, Nora Cooper & Richard Olson. "Forging Meaningful Consumer-Brand Relationships Through Creative Merchandise Offerings and Innovative Merchandising Strategies," Journal of Retailing. [2021]
    • Bayuk, Julia and Vanessa Patrick. "Is the Uphill Road the One More Taken? How Task Complexity Prompts Action on Non-Pressing Tasks," Journal of Business Research. [2021]
    • Gelb, Betsy, Bruce Morris, and Ana Friedman. "Will that Brand Extension Hit Legal Headwinds? The Issue Is Natural Expansion of a Trademark," Business Horizons. [2021]
    • Du, Rex, Oded Netzer, David Schweidel, and Deb Mitra. "Capturing Marketing Information to Fuel Growth," Journal of Marketing. [2021]
    • Lu, Shijie, Koushyar Rajavi, and Isaac Dinner. "The Effect of Over-the-Top Media Services on Piracy Search: Evidence from a Natural Experiment," Marketing Science. [2021]
    • Ryoo, Jun Hyun (Joseph), Xin (Shane) Wang, and Shijie Lu. "Do Spoilers Really Spoil? Using Topic Modeling to Measure the Effect of Spoiler Reviews on Box Office Revenue," Journal of Marketing. [2021]
  • 2020
    • Rapp, Adam, Thomas Baker, Nathaniel Hartmann and Michael Ahearne. "The Intersection of Service and Sales: The Increased Importance of Ambidexterity," Journal of Services Research. [2020]
    • Hartmann, Nathaniel, Heiko Wieland, Stephen Vargo and Michael Ahearne. "Advancing Sales Theory through a Holistic View: How Social Structures Frame Selling," Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. [2020]
    • Ford, Weixing, Demetra Andrews, Anuradha Sivaraman, and Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy. "Not All Missed Opportunities Cast the Same Shadow: Voluntary Inaction Reduces the ‘Sting’ of Missed Sales Promotions," Journal of Consumer Behaviour. [2020]
    • Ziadni, Maisa, Abby Chen, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Pamela Flood, Richard Stieg, and Beth Darnall. "Patient-Centered Prescription Opioid Tapering in Community Outpatients with Chronic Pain: 2- to 3-Year Follow-up in a Subset of Patients," PAIN Reports. [2020]
    • Thammasitboon, Satid, Moushumi Sur, Joseph Rencic, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Shelley Kumar, Suresh Sundaram, and Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy. "Psychometric Validation of the Reconstructed Version of the Assessment of Reasoning Tool," Medical Teacher. [2020]
    • Hah, Jennifer, Jodie Trafton, Balasubramanian Narasimhan, Partha Krishnamurthy, Heather Hilmoe, Yasamin Sharifzadeh, James Huddleston, et al. "Efficacy of Motivational-Interviewing and Guided Opioid Tapering Support for Patients Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery (MI-Opioid Taper): A Prospective, Assessor-Blind, Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial," EClinicalMedicine. [2020]
    • Darnall, Beth, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Jeannette Tsuei, and Jorge Minor. "Self-Administered Skills-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Pilot Study," JMIR Formative Research. [2020]
    • Abouleish, Amr, Sandhya Vinta, Sarah Shabot, Nikul Patel, Erin Hurwitz, Partha Krishnamurthy, and Michelle Simon. "Improving Agreement of ASA Physical Status Class between Pre-Anesthesia Screening and Day of Surgery by Adding Institutional-Specific and ASA-Approved Examples: A Quality Improvement Project," Perioperative Medicine. [2020]
    • McKee, Rob Austin and Betsy Gelb. "Aggressive Listening: The Key to Employee Warnings," Rutgers Business Review. [2020]
    • Oneto, Stephanie, Betsy Gelb, and Travis Simkins. "Stigmatized Products: How Conflicting Laws Can Influence the Decision to Proceed," Journal of Business Strategy. [2020]
    • Patrick, Vanessa and Henrik Hagtvedt. “Everyday Consumer Aesthetics,” in Marcos Nadal & Oshin Vartanian (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Aesthetics, Oxford University Press. [2020]
    • Patrick, Vanessa and Alokparna (Sonia) Monga. “Building and Growing Luxury Brands: Strategies for Pursuing Growth while Maintaining Brand Coherence,” in Felicitas Morhart, Sandor Czellar and Keith Wilcox (eds)., Research Handbook on Luxury Branding, Edward Elgar Publishing. [2020]
    • Ahearne, Michael, Yashar Atefi, Zachary Hall, Sebastian Hohenberg, and Florian Zettelmeyer. "Open Negotiation: The Backend Benefits of Salespeople’s Transparency in The Frontend," Journal of Marketing Research. [2020]
    • Gelb, Betsy, Deva Rangarajan, Bryan Hochstein, and Mikael Blaisdell. "One Approach to Repeat Business: Customer Success Managers," Rutgers Business Review. [2020]
    • Chen, Huan, Jun Pang, Minkyung Koo and Vanessa Patrick. "Shape Matters: Package Shape Informs Brand Status Categorization and Brand Choice," Journal of Retailing. [2020]
    • Lu, Chongyu and Rex Du. "Consumer Click Through Behavior Across Devices in Paid Search Advertising," Journal of Advertising Research. [2020]
    • Hui, Sam, Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy, Shivkumar Narayanan, B. S. Hareesh and Prachi Patel. "Understanding the Effectiveness of Peer Educator Outreach on Reducing Sexually Transmitted Infections: The Role of Prevention versus Early Detection," Marketing Science. [2020]
    • Lu, Shijie, Shane Wang, and Neil Bendle. "Does Piracy Create Online Word-of-Mouth? An Empirical Analysis in Movie Industry," Management Science. [2020]
  • 2019
    • Blair, Edward and Johnny Blair. "Sampling: Probabilistic and Statistical," in P. Atkinson et al. (eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations, Sage Publications Ltd. [2019].
    • Tellis, Gerard, Deborah MacInnis, Seshadri Tirunillai, and Yanwei Zhang. "What Drives Virality (Sharing) of Online Digital Content? The Critical Role of Information, Emotion, and Brand Prominence," Journal of Marketing. [2019]
    • Izadi, Anoosha and Vanessa Patrick. "The Power of the Pen: Handwritten Fonts Promote Haptic Engagement," Psychology and Marketing. [2019]
    • Izadi, Anoosha, Melanie Rudd and Vanessa Patrick. "The Way the Wind Blows: Direction of Airflow Energizes Consumers and Fuels Creative Engagement," Journal of Retailing. [2019]
    • Koo, Mingkyung, Hyewon Oh and Vanessa Patrick. "From Oldie to Goldie: Humanizing Old Produce Enhances its Appeal," Journal of the Association of Consumer Research. [2019]
    • Bublitz, Melissa, Tracy Rank Christman, Luca Cian, Xavier Ignacio Cortada, Adriana Madzharov, Vanessa Patrick, Laura Peracchio, Maura Scott, Aparna Sundar, Ngoc Minh (Rita) To and Claudia Townsend. "Collaborative Art: A Transformational Force within Communities," Journal of the Association of Consumer Research. [2019]
    • Du, Rex, Linli Xu, and Kenneth Wilbur. "Immediate Responses of Online Brand and Price Search to TV Ads," Journal of Marketing. [2019]
    • Darnall, Beth, Maisa Ziadni, Partha Krishnamurthy, Pamela Flood, Lauren Heathcote, Ian Mackey, Chloe Jean Taub, and Amanda Wheeler. "My Surgical Success”: Effect of a Digital Behavioral Pain Medicine Intervention on Time to Opioid Cessation After Breast Cancer Surgery – A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial," Pain Medicine. [2019]
    • Ren, Charlotte, Ye Hu, and Tony Cui. "Responses to Rival Exit: Product Variety, Market Expansion, and Preexisting Market Structure," Strategic Management Journal. [2019]
    • Gelb, Betsy, Deva Rangarajan, Heli Hallikainen, and Tommi Laukkanen. "How Big Data Can Transform Outcomes and Opportunities," Rutgers Business Review. [2019]
    • Ebrahimi, Mahdi, Maryam Kouchaki, and Vanessa Patrick. "Juggling Work and Home Selves: Low Identity Integration Feels Less Authentic and Increases Unethicality," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [2019]
    • Rudd, Melanie, Rhia Catapano, and Jennifer Aaker. "Making Time Matter: A Review of Research on Time and Meaning," Journal of Consumer Psychology. [2019]
    • Tawse, Alex, Vanessa Patrick and Dusya Vera. “Crossing the Chasm: Leadership Nudges to Help Transition from Strategy Formulation to Strategy Implementation,” Business Horizons. [2019]
    • Lai, Christine and Betsy Gelb, "Another Look at Motivating – and Retaining – Salespeople," Journal of Business Strategy. [2019]
    • Ahearne, Michael, Jeffrey Boichuk, Raghu Bommaraju, and Thomas Steenburgh. "Managing Laggards: The Importance of a Deep Sales Bench," Journal of Marketing Research. [2019]
    • Ahearne, Michael, Raghu Bommaraju, Ryan Krause and Seshadri Tirunillai. "Does a Customer on the Board of Directors Affect Business-to-Business Firm Performance?," Journal of Marketing. [2019]
    • Du, Rex, Mingyu Joo, and Kenneth Wilbur. “Advertising and Brand Attitudes: Evidence from 575 Brands over Five Years,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics. [2019]
  • 2018
    • Ahearne, Michael and Thomas Steenburgh. "How to Sell New-to-the-World Products," Harvard Business Review. [2018]
    • Rudd, Melanie, Christian Hildebrand, and Kathleen Vohs. "Inspired to Create: Awe Enhances Openness to Learning and the Desire for Experiential Creation," Journal of Marketing Research. [2018]
    • Rudd, Melanie. "Feeling Short on Time: Trends, Consequences, and Possible Remedies," Current Opinion in Psychology. [2018]
    • Carlin, Barbara, Betsy Gelb, Jamie Belinne, and Latha Ramchand, "Bridging the Gender Gap in Confidence," Business Horizons. [2018]
    • Atefi, Yashar, Michael Ahearne and James Maxham. "Does Selective Sales Force Training Work? Evidence from a Field Experiment in a Retail Setting,” Journal of Marketing Research. [2018]
    • Zhang, Zhe and Vanessa Patrick. “Call me Rollie! The Role of Brand Nicknames in Shaping Consumer-Brand Relationships,” Journal of the Association of Consumer Research. [2018]
    • Kong, Dejun Tony and Betsy Gelb. “Curbing, Not Rewarding, Jerk Behaviors on the Job,” Rutgers Business Review. [2018]
    • TenBrink, Candace, Betsy Gelb, and Robert Keller. “Successful Rebounds: How Firms Overcome Their Middle-Age Crisis,” Journal of Business Strategy. [2018]
    • Ahearne, Michael, Raghuram Bomaraju, Zachary Hall, and Seshadri Tirunallai. "The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Sales Force," Journal of Marketing Research. [2018]
    • Damangir, Sina, Rex Yuxing Du, and Ye Hu. "Uncovering Patterns of Product Co-Consideration: A Case Study of Online Vehicle Price Quote Request Data," Journal of Interactive Marketing. [2018]
  • 2017
    • Manning, Gerald, Michael Ahearne, and Barry Reece. Selling Today (14th ed), Prentice Hall. [2017]
    • TenBrink, Candace, Robert Keller, and Betsy Gelb. "Turnaround Success in High Technology Growth Stage Firms," Journal of Management Policy and Practice. [2017]
    • Hayati, Babak, Yashar Atefi and Michael Ahearne, "Sales Force Leadership During Strategy Implementation: A Social Network Perspective," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [2017]
    • Ahearne, Michael, "Research Centers, Business Schools, and the World of Sales," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. [2017]
    • Tirunillai, Seshadri and Gerard Tellis. "Does Offline TV Advertising Affect Online Chatter? Quasi-Experimental Analysis Using Synthetic Control," Marketing Science. [2017]
    • Wang, Kitty and Avi Goldfarb. "Can Offline Stores Drive Online Sales?", Journal of Marketing Research. [2017]
    • Hochstein, Bryan, William Zahn, and Willy Bolander. "Exploring the Unintended Negative Impact of an Ethical Climate in Competitive Environments," Marketing Letters. [2017]
    • Briley, Donnel, Melanie Rudd, and Jennifer Aaker. "Cultivating Optimism: How to Frame Your Future during a Health Challenge," Journal of Consumer Research. [2017]
    • Rangarajan, Deva, Betsy Gelb, and Amy Vandaveer, "Strategic Personal Branding and How It Pays Off," Business Horizons. [2017]
    • TenBrink, Candace, and Betsy Gelb, "When Firms Mature: Keeping the Ho-hum at Bay and Embracing Change," Journal of Business Strategy. [2017]
    • Wang, Tingting, Anirban Mukhopadhyay and Vanessa Patrick, "Getting Consumers to Recycle NOW!: Positive Effects of Cuteness in Prosocial Behavior," Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. [2017]
    • Hollenbeck, Candice and Vanessa Patrick. "Alleviating Survivor Loneliness: The Value of Expressive Gift Systems in Peer-to-Peer Online Patient Survivor Networks," Review of Marketing Research. [2017]
    • Patrick, Vanessa and Ngoc (Rita) To. "Winning Over the Hearts and Minds of India’s Luxury Consumer: Unique Challenges for Luxury Brand Strategy in India" in Maheswaran and Puliyel (eds.), Indian Consumer Perspectives, Oxford University Press. [2017]
    • Hui, Sam. “Understanding Repeat Playing Behavior in Casual Games Using a Bayesian Data Augmentation Approach,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics. [2017]
    • Patrick, Vanessa, Yashar Atefi and Henrik Hagtvedt. "The Allure of the Hidden: How Product Unveiling Confers Value," International Journal of Research in Marketing. [2017]
    • Bolander, Willy, William Zahn, Terry Loe, and Melissa Clark, "Managing New Salespeople's Ethical Behaviors during Repetitive Failures: When Trying to Help Actually Hurts," Journal of Business Ethics. [2017]
  • 2016
    • Patrick, Vanessa and Henrik Hagtvedt. "Luxury Branding," in Srivastava and Thomas (eds.), The Future of Branding, Sage Publications. [2016]
    • Ahearne, Michael, Jeff Boichuk, Craig Chapman, and Tom Steenburgh. "Real Earnings Management in Sales," Journal of Accounting Research. [2016]
    • Mead, Nicole, Vanessa M. Patrick, Manissa Gunadi, and Wilhelm Hoffmann. “Simple Pleasures, Small Annoyances, and Goal Progress in Daily Life," Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. [2016]
    • Patrick, Vanessa. “Everyday Consumer Aesthetics,” Current Opinion in Psychology. [2016]
    • Andrew, Michelle, Jody Goehring, Sam Hui, Joseph Pancras, and Lance Thornswood. “Mobile Promotions: A Framework and Research Priorities,” Journal of Interactive Marketing. [2016]
    • Krieger, Abba, Leonard Lodish, and Ye Hu, “An Integrated Procedure to Pretest and Select Advertising Campaigns for TV,” Customer Needs and Solutions, 3 (2), 81-93. [2016]
    • Krishnamurthy, Parthasarathy, Sam Hui, Narayanan Shivkumar, Chandrasekhar Gowda, and R Pushpalatha. "Assessing the Impact of Peer Educator Outreach on the Likelihood and Acceleration of Clinic Utilization among Sex Workers," PLOS ONE. [2016]
    • Gelb, Betsy and Teri Elkins Longacre. "To Implement Strategy, Reduce the Stigma of Retirement," Journal of Business Strategy. [2016]
    • Mead, Nicole and Vanessa Patrick, "The Taming of Desire: How Postponing Pleasures can Facilitate Self-Control," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [2016]
    • Hagtvedt, Henrik and Vanessa Patrick, "Gilt versus Guilt: Should Luxury and Charity Partner at the Point of Sale?," Journal of Retailing. [2016]
    • Hollenbeck, Candice and Vanessa Patrick, "Mastering Survivorship: How Brands Facilitate the Transformation to Heroic Survivor," Journal of Business Research. [2016]
    • Krishnamurthy, Parthasarathy, Ranganathan Govindaraj, Courtney Williams and Gulshan Doulatram, "Impact of Urine Drug Screening on No Shows and Dropouts among Pain Patients: A Propensity-matched Cohort Study," Pain Physician. [2016]
    • Echambadi, Raj, James Hess, Niladri Syam, and Pavan Chennamaneni, "Diagnosing Harmful Collinearity in Moderated Regressions: A Roadmap," International Journal of Research in Marketing. [2016]
    • Syam, Niladri, James Hess and Ying Yang, "Can Sales Uncertainty Increase Firm Profits?" Journal of Marketing Research. [2016]
    • Ahearne, Michael, Florian Kraus, Til Haumann and Jan Weiseke, "When Sales Managers and Salespeople Disagree in the Appreciation for their Firm: The Phenomenon of Organizational Identification Tension," Journal of Retailing. [2016]
  • 2015
    • Du, Rex and Wagner Kamakura, "Improving the Statistical Performance of Tracking Studies Based on Repeated Cross-Sections with Primary Dynamic Factor Analysis," International Journal of Research in Marketing. [2015]
    • Du, Rex, Ye Hu, and Sina Damangir, "Leveraging Trends in Online Searches for Product Features in Market Response Modeling," Journal of Marketing. [2015]
    • Lai, Christine and Betsy Gelb, "Key Account Teams: Success Factors for Implementing Strategy", Journal of Business Strategy. [2015]
    • LeBon Joel, “Why the Best Salespeople Get So Lucky,” Harvard Business Review Online. [2015]
    • Hall, Zachary, Michael Ahearne and Harish Sujan, "The Importance of Starting Right: The Influence of Accurate Intuition on Performance in Salesperson-Customer Interactions," Journal of Marketing. [2015]
    • Le Bon, Joel and Carl Herman, Key Account Management: Strategies to Leverage Information, Technology, and Relationships to Deliver Value to Large Customers, Business Expert Press. [2015]
    • Blair, Edward and Johnny Blair, Applied Survey Sampling, Sage Publications. [2015]