Managing Human Resources
3-Day Workshop
Upcoming Dates: Available Soon
Time: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Cost: $3,200
Location: UH Campus
Day 1
Human Resource Strategy
9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The primary purpose of this course is to consider the effective management of people at work through human resource management (HRM) functions. This course examines what can or should be done to make people more productive and satisfied with their working life. The topics covered will include the importance of HRM, Strategic HRM within an integrative framework, justice as perceived by employees, The Civil Rights Act, and other Discrimination Laws, and effective selection within legal constraints. The workshop will include several group experiential exercises.
Learning Goals
- Describe the importance of managing human resources.
- Show how environmental factors impact the formulation of HRM strategies.
- Explain how to implement an HRM strategy effectively.
- Describe the importance of fairness and legal compliance.
- Detail the main labor laws in the U.S.
- How to handle people’s issues without violating labor regulations
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of line managers with respect to various HR functions.
1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Compensation is one of the most effective strategies organizations have to influence their collaborators if it is well-designed and implemented. The focus of this course is to consider the applied issues in the direct compensation of employees. The course is intended to develop skills in making compensation decisions and examine current issues in compensation administration. It will help understand how compensation practices align with business and Human resource strategies to impact organizational success. The workshop will include several group experiential exercises.
Learning Goals
- Explain the strategic importance of an organization’s approach to total compensation.
- Discuss how organizations establish the internal values of jobs.
- Describe how organizations set pay levels using external market values.
- Explain how to design the internal pay structure.
- Show different ways to pay for performance and the costs and benefits of each.
- Detail how benefits can be used strategically.
Day 2
Staffing and Onboarding
9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The primary purpose of this course is to understand how workforce planning, recruitment, selection, and onboarding are conducted to enhance the success of the organization. Workforce planning uses supply and demand forecasts to anticipate labor shortages and surpluses. Recruitment evaluates and screens candidates regardless of race, gender, age, or disability. In the context of selection, we will discuss numerous techniques and demonstrate the economic benefits to organizations that use valid selection procedures. The workshop will include several group experiential exercises.
Learning Goals
- Explain the strategic importance of managing talent through workforce planning, recruitment, and retention.
- Show workforce planning methods and their relationship with business and HRM strategies.
- Specify several recruiting sources and internal and external approaches.
- Describe the strategic importance of selecting employees to fit the job and the organization
- Demonstrate effective interviewing and selection techniques.
- Describe the techniques used for screening job applicants.
- Explain how to develop an onboarding process
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of line managers with respect to recruiting, selection, and onboarding.
Development and Training
1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
The main objective of this course is to understand the formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessments of personality, skills, and competencies that help employees outperform in their current job and prepare them for future challenges. We will discuss the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that improve an employee’s ability to meet changes in job requirements and internal client and customer demands. In the course, we will discuss senior management approaches to systematically review leadership talent in the organization to ensure a succession planning process.
The workshop will include several group experiential exercises.
Learning Goals
- Describe the strategic importance of training and developing a competitive workforce.
- Explain how training and development practices fit within an integrated HR strategy.
- Show how training and development needs are determined.
- Discuss the different formats that can be used for training and development activities.
- Explain the strategic importance of training and development.
- Show how to maximize training’s effectiveness.
- Describe how to develop a model of succession planning.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of line managers with respect to training and development.
Day 3
Employee Retention in Turbulent Times
9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Employee retention is more important and more difficult now than ever before. This course helps managers and organizations improve their retention practices, policies, and outcomes. Topics include types and metrics of retention and turnover; factors that drive retention and turnover; and best practices to increase retention.
Learning Goals
- Understand the concepts of retention and turnover and how to measure them.
- Identify the causes of retention and turnover, including personal, job-related, contextual, and organizational factors.
- Explore best practices for managing retention and turnover.
- Analyze the impact of job design on retention and turnover rates.
- Evaluate staffing strategies to enhance retention and minimize turnover.
- Develop strategies for effective training programs aimed at improving retention.
- Implementing performance management techniques.
- Design compensation and benefits packages that contribute to higher retention rates.
Managing a Remote Workforce
1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
This workshop is designed to equip managers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead a workforce in the new business environment of more remote workers. We will examine the challenges of maintaining an organizational culture and effective communication in a remote work environment and how systems, policies, and processes can be adapted for this situation with a special focus on the performance management system. We will also explore leadership styles that will help you get the most out of your remote employees. Finally, we will discuss how to optimize your and your employees’ well-being when you or your employees work remotely.
Learning Goals
- Examine the functions of an organizational culture and its importance.
- Discuss how organizational cultures are formed and how a remote workforce affects the formation.
- Analyze different strategies leaders can use to create a culture of trust and build rapport with their remote employees.
- Discuss how to delegate tasks and responsibilities remotely.
- Examine the typical performance appraisal process and its importance.
- Discuss how to set effective goals for remote employees.
- Analyze the psychosocial effects of a remote work environment.
- Understand the importance of maintaining a work-life balance.

Steve Werner, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Department of Management & Leadership
JPMorgan Chase Professor of International Business

Marina Sebastijanovic, Ph.D.
Instructional Associate Professor
MS in Management & Leadership Faculty Director

Alejandro Fernandez
Professor of Practice