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Bauer Assistant Professor Named Best Associate Editor
Xiao Ma Recognized at International Conference on Information Systems
Published on January 12, 2021

C. T. Bauer College of Business Assistant Professor Xiao Ma was named Best Associate Editor at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) in 2020. ICIS is one of the most prestigious gatherings of information systems academics and research-oriented practitioners in the world. Every year, its 270 or so papers and panel presentations are selected from more than 800 submissions. Ma, part of the Management Information Systems (MIS) and Business Analytics (BZAN) groups of the Department of Decision & Information Sciences faculty, led the track, “User Behaviors, User Engagement, and Consequences,” at the most recent conference.
Ma’s research has focused on identifying problematic online gambling behavior and proper interventions, behavior analytics in online labor and knowledge communities, economics of IS, and methodological issues in IS research, etc. His latest research focuses on healthcare analytics, natural experiments by which to reveal theoretical and managerial implications of digital system design change, and artificial intelligence and deep-learning algorithms, exploring how the advanced computational methods can benefit research in business analytics both theoretically and managerially. His research has appeared in premier information systems journals, including Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Sciences, and Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
He received the Lucile and Leroy Melcher Excellence in Research Award and the Dr. Ben Ostrofsky Research Award in Outstanding MIS Research from the Bauer College in 2020.