University of Houston College of Business Foundation Board

Board of Directors (from left): John L. King, Richard C. Kuriger, IV, Roger B. Dickey, Judy C. Bozeman, Cyril M. Theccanat, Leonard S. Roth, and Dennis J. Akromis.
2018-2019 Officers
Judy C. Bozeman
Chairman/President, University of Houston College of Business Foundation
John L. King
Vice President, University of Houston College of Business Foundation
Roger B. Dickey
Secretary/Treasurer, University of Houston College of Business Foundation
2018-2019 Directors
Lisa Airhart
Manager, Derivatives and Closing & Control, Phillips 66
Dennis J. Akromis
Past President, University of Houston College of Business Foundation
Edgardo E. Colon
Attorney At Law,
Colon Law Firm
Richard C. Kuriger, IV
Past President, University of Houston College of Business Foundation
Leonard S. Roth
Attorney At Law
Cyril M. Theccanat
Chairman of Investment Committee, University of Houston College of Business Foundation;
Chief Investment Officer, Consequent Capital Management
2018-2019 Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members
Paul A. Pavlou, Ph.D.
Cullen Distinguished Chair,
C. T. Bauer College of Business
Eloise Dunn Stuhr
Vice President of University Advancement, University of Houston