Recent Publications
- 2025 Publications
2024 Publications
- Jiang, L., Ye, S., Zhao, L., & Gu, B. "Does Search Cost Reduction for Partial Information on Online Platforms Lead to Better Consumer Decisions? Evidence from a Natural Experiment," accepted at Information Systems Research (ISR).
- Polyviou, Ariana; Pouloudi, Nancy; Pramatari, Katerina; and Silva, Leiser O. (2024) "A DNA Helix Analogy for Interdependent Mixed Methods Research: Enabling Cross-Fertilizations and Interim Meta-Inferences," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25(6), 1585-1627.
- Eoin Whelan, Adèle Morvannou, Xiao Ma, Richard James, Trevor Clohessy, and Ofir Turel. (2024). Examining the Impact of Mobile Gambling Harm Minimisation Features: A Dualistic Model of Passion Perspective. European Journal of Information Systems.
2023 Publications
- Xu, Ailing, Qiaochu He, and Yinliang Ricky Tan (2023) " Information Transparency with Targeting Technology for Online Service Operations Platform," Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
- Hossain MM, Das J, Rahman F, Nesa F, Hossain P, Islam AK, Tasnim S, Faizah F, Mazumder H, Purohit N, Ramirez G. Living with “long COVID”: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence. PLoS One. 2023 Feb 16;18(2):e0281884.
- Dhyani VS, Krishnan JB, Mathias EG, Hossain MM, Price C, Gudi N, Pattanshetty S, Zodpey S. Barriers and facilitators for the adoption of telemedicine services in low-income and middle-income countries: a rapid overview of reviews. BMJ Innovations. 2023.
- Sharma R, Lahariya C, Hossain MM. Impact of Climate Change, Food Insecurity, and COVID-19 on the Health of Neonates and Children: A Narrative Review. Indian Journal of Pediatrics (4.3). 2023 Jul 28:1-2.
- Hou M, Herold F, Healy S, Haegele JA, Block ME, Ludyga S, Schuch FB, Ng JL, Gerber M, Hossain MM, Taylor A. 24-Hour movement behaviors among visually impaired US children and adolescents. Mental Health and Physical Activity. 2023 Jul 29:100545.
- Bhattacharya S, Varshney S, Hossain MM, Saleem SM, Gupta P, Singh A. “Taste modification” strategy for prevention and control of hypertension in India: need for robust clinical trials. The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia. 2023 Jul 1;14.
- Hossain MM. Book Review: Managing Infodemics in the 21st Century: Addressing New Public Health Challenges in the Information Ecosystem. New Media & Society. 2023.
- Sun, Geng, Yeongin Kim, Yinliang Tan, and Geoffrey Parker. "Dinner at Your Doorstep: Service Innovation Through the Gig Economy in Food Delivery Platforms." Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
- Wei, Feiqiong and Tan, Yinliang and Gao, Haibing and Zhao, Huazhong, When Investors Meet Consumers: The Interaction of Different Backers in Crowdfunding Markets, Decision Sciences Journal, forthcoming.
- Robinson, Powell, Funda Sahin and Li Gao, “Distribution Network Design with Consideration of Hours of Service Regulation and Drop and Swap Trailer Operation,” Decision Sciences Journal, forthcoming.
- Bora Keskin & Meng Li, “Selling quality-differentiated products in a Markovian market with unknown transition probabilities,” Operations Research, Forthcoming.
- Jiang, L., Ravichandran, T., & Kuruzovich, J. (2022). "Review Moderation Transparency and Online Reviews: Evidence from a Natural Experiment," forthcoming in MIS Quarterly.
- Dimoka, Angelika, Guo, Xue, Paul A. Pavlou, and Crystal Reeck (2022), “Uncovering the Neural Processes of Privacy: A Neurally-Informed Behavioral Intervention to Protect Information Privacy,” Information Systems Research (forthcoming).
- Naeeni, Hannan Sadjady, Funda Sahin, and E. Powell Robinson Jr. "Socially responsible product-positioning: Impact of halo/horns spillover on product image." European Journal of Operational Research (2022).
- Wael Jabr, Abhijeet Ghoshal, Yichen Cheng, and Paul Pavlou (2023), “Maximizing Online Revisiting and Purchasing: A Clickstream-Based Approach to Enhancing Customer Lifetime Value” Journal of Management Information Systems, forthcoming.
2022 Publications
- Zhi Cao, Jingbo Zhou, Meng Li, Jizhou Huang, Dejing Dou. (2022). “Urbanites’ mental health undermined by air pollution,” Nature Sustainability, conditionally accepted.
- Hou, J. and Ma, X. (2022). “Space Norms for Constructing Quality Reviews on Online Consumer Review Sites,” Information Systems Research, 33(3), 1093-1112.
- Li, M., Li, Y., and Zhang, Y., (2022), "Supplier Bottleneck and Information Dissemination," Journal of Operations Management (forthcoming).
- Li, M., (2022), "Demand Uncertainty Reduction Among Competing Retailers," Production and Operations Management (forthcoming).
- Nwafor, O., Ma, X., Hou, J., and Johnson, N. (2022). Online Communities and Discontinuance of Information Technology-Enabled On-Demand Workers: Impacts of Informal Social Interactions Through Dual Commitments. International Journal of Information Management, accepted.
- Yuetao Gao, Shaoxuan Liu, Bo Shen, and Yinliang (Ricky) Tan (in press). Social Pricing of Luxury Products in a Distribution Channel. Production and Operations Management, forthcoming
- Jiang, D., Jiang, L., London, J., Grover, V., & Sun, H. (2022). “Everything Old Can Be New Again: A Structure-Based Approach Toward Innovative Theory Borrowing in IS Research,” forthcoming at MIS Quarterly.
- Banker, R. Feng, Q. and Pavlou, P.A., (2022), “Businessperson or Technologist: Stock Market Reaction to the Alignment between CIO Background and Firm Strategy” Journal of Management Information Systems (forthcoming).
- Fei, G., Li, X. and Pavlou, P.A. (2022), "How Does Rewarding Recipients Motivate Referrers to Make Online Referrals?" MIS Quarterly (forthcoming).
- Zhao, K., Lu, Y., Hu, Y., and Hong, Y. (2022). Direct and Indirect Spillovers from Content Providers’ Switching: Evidence from Online Live Streaming. Information Systems Research, accepted.
- Silva, Leiser O. and Romilla Syed (2022) Social Movement Sustenance on Social Media: An Analysis of Women’s March Movement on Twitter”. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, accepted.
- Li, Meng. Newsvendors with Customer Referrals. Production and Operations Management (2022). (Forthcoming)
- Ye, Yuan, Yonggang Lu, Powell Robinson, & Arunachalam Narayanan, “An empirical Bayes approach to incorporating demand intermittency and irregularity into inventory control,” European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming
- Li, Meng & Yan Liu (2022). Managerial Regret and Inventory Pricing. Management Science (forthcoming).
- X. Ma, J. Kuem, J. Hou, L. Khansa, and Z. Zhu. 2021. Are All Contributions Equal? Investigating the Role of Community Participation in Crowdwork. Decision Sciences, 52(6), 1282-1325.
2021 Publications
- Cheng, Aaron, Greenwood, Brad, and Paul A. Pavlou (2021), “Location-Based Mobile Gaming and Local Depression Trends: A Study of Pokémon Go” (forthcoming in Journal of Management Information Systems).
- Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, “Implications of Blockchain-Powered Marketplace of Pre-Owned Virtual Goods” Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
- Haibing Gao, Subodha Kumar, Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, and Huazhong Zhao. "Socialize More, Pay Less: Randomized Field Experiments on Social Pricing." Information Systems Research (2021).
- Hong, Yili, Jing Peng, Gordon Burtch, and Ni Huang. "Just DM Me (Politely): Direct Messaging, Politeness, and Hiring Outcomes in Online Labor Markets." Information Systems Research (2021).
- Huang, Ni, Probal Mojumder, Tianshu Sun, Jinchi Lv, and Joseph M. Golden. "Not Registered? Please Sign Up First: A Randomized Field Experiment on the Ex Ante Registration Request." Information Systems Research (2021).
- Kwark, Young, Gene Moo Lee, Paul A. Pavlou, and Liangfei Qiu. "On the spillover effects of online product reviews on purchases: Evidence from clickstream data." Information Systems Research (2021).
- Skinner, Richard, R. Ryan Nelson, and Wynne W. Chin, “Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence: A Roadmap for Information Systems Research”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (Forthcoming)
- Zhao, Keran; Hu, Yuheng; Hong, Yili; and Westland, Christopher (2021) "Understanding Characteristics of Popular Streamers on Live Streaming Platforms: Evidence from," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(4).
- Wang, Ada Shuting, Min-Seok Pang, and Paul A. Pavlou. "Cure or poison? Identity verification and the posting of fake news on social media." Journal of Management Information Systems (Forthcoming)
- Li, Jialu, Meng Li, and Xuan Zhao. "Transshipment Between Overconfident Newsvendors." Production and Operations Management (2020).
- Cui, Ruomeng, Meng Li, and Shichen Zhang. "AI and Procurement." Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2021).
- Venkatraman, Vinod, Angelika Dimoka, Khoi Vo, Paul A. Pavlou (2021), “Relative Effectiveness of Print and Digital Advertising: A Memory Perspective,” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming.
- Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, Yan Xiong, Haibing Gao, Xi Li, & Huazhong Zhao (2021), “Less is More? The Strategic Role of Retailer's Capacity,” Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
- Yuheng Hu, Yili Hong. 2021. SHEDR: An End-to-End Neural Event Detection and Recommendation Framework for Hyperlocal News Using Social Media, INFORMS Journal on Computing, forthcoming.
- Ziru Li, Chen Liang, Yili Hong, Zhongju Zhang. 2021. How Do On-demand Ridesharing Services Affect Traffic Congestion? How Do On-demand Ridesharing Services Affect Traffic Congestion? The Moderating Role of Urban Compactness, Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
- Liu, Bailing and Paul A. Pavlou (2021), “Achieving a Balance between Privacy Protection and Data Collection: A Field Experimental Examination of a Theory-Driven IT Solution,” Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
- Sebastijanovic, Marina; Miljanic, Olivia; and Felvegi, Emese (2021) "COVID-19 and Mass Sections in Business Education: Adaptation and Innovation Stemming from the Emergency Online Transition," Southwestern Business Administration Journal: Vol. 19 : Iss. 1 , Article 2.
- Kwak, D.-H., Ma, X., and Kim, S. “When Does Social Desirability Become a Problem? Detection and Reduction of Social Desirability Bias in Information Systems Research,” Internet & Management, forthcoming.
- Chen PY, Hitt LM, Hong Y, Wu SY. 2021. "Measuring Product Type and Purchase Uncertainty with Online Product Ratings: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Application," Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
- Atasoy, Hilal, Ganju, Kartik, and Paul A. Pavlou, "Do Electronic Health Record Systems Increase Medicare Reimbursements? The Moderating Effect of the Recovery Audit Program" Management Science, forthcoming.
- Grimes, G. M., Schuetzler, R. S., Giboney, J. S. (2021). Mental models and expectation violations in conversational AI interactions. Decision Support Systems, forthcoming.
- Schuetzler, R. S., Grimes, G. M., Giboney, J. S., Rosser, H. (2021). Deciding Whether and How to Deploy Chatbots. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, forthcoming.
- Gord Burtch, Qinglai He, Yili Hong, Dokyun Lee., “How Do Peer Awards Motivate Creative Content? Experimental Evidence from Reddit,” Management Science, forthcoming
- Nina Huang, Zhijun Yan, Haonan Yin (2021) “Effects of Online-Offline Service Integration on e-Healthcare Providers: A Quasi-Natural Experiment,” Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
2020 Publications
- Lee, Gene, Kwark, Young, Paul A. Pavlou, and Liangfei Qiu (2020), “On the Spillover Effects of Online Product Reviews on Purchases: Evidence from Clickstream Data” forthcoming in Information Systems Research.
- Chen, Pei-yu, Pavlou, Paul A., Wu, Shin-yi, and Yang, Yang. “Attracting High-Quality Contestants to Contests in the Context of Crowdsourcing Contest Platforms.” Production and Operations Management, forthcoming, [2020].
- Hong, (Kevin) Y., Peng, J., Burtch, G., Huang, Ni. "Just DM Me (Politely): Direct Messaging, Politeness, and Hiring Outcomes in Online Labor Markets." Information Systems Research, forthcoming [2020].
- Burtch, G., Hong, (Kevin) Y., Kumar, S. "When Does Dispute Resolution Substitute for a Reputation System? Empirical Evidence from a Service Procurement Platform." Production and Operations Management, forthcoming [2020].
- Pavlou, Paul A. “Social Capacitance: Leveraging Absorptive Capacity in the Age of Social Media.” Journal of Business Research, forthcoming [2020].
2019 Publications
- Porra, Jaana., Lacity, M. and Parks, Michael. "'Can Computer Based Human-Likeness Endanger Humanness?' – A Philosophical and Ethical Perspective on Digital Assistants Expressing Feelings They Can’t Have." Information Systems Frontiers (ISF) [2019]
- Kwak, D., Ma, Xiao, Polites, G., Srite, M., Hightower, R., and Haseman, W. "Cross-Level Moderation of Team Cohesion in Individuals’ Utilitarian and Hedonic Information Processing: Evidence in the Context of Team-based Gamified Training." Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) [2019]
- Hou, J., Kim, K., Kim, S., and Ma, Xiao. "Disrupting Unwanted Habits in Online Gambling Through Information Technology." Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) [2019]
- Tollerson, C. D., Chin, Wynne and Gamble, G. O. "Fundamental-equity Investors' Decision-context Framework and Employment Taxonomy." Journal of Management Policy and Practice [2019]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Yuan, Y., Feng, B., Ding, X., Heim, G. "Impacts of Hospital Complexity on Experiential Quality: Mitigating Role of Information Technology." Decision Sciences (DS) [2019]
- Pang, Min-Seok and Pavlou, Paul A. "On Information Technology and the Safety of Police Officers." Information Systems Research (ISR) [2019]
- Wu, Shin-yi and Pavlou, Paul A. "Optimal Fixed-Up-To (FUT) Pricing for Information Services." Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) [2019]
- Grimes, George and Marquardson, J. "Quality Matters: Evoking Subjective Norms and Coping Appraisals by System Design to Increase Security Intentions." Decision Support Systems (DSS) [2019]
- Ding, X., Peng, Xiaosong (David), Heim, G. "Service Mix, Market Competition, and Cost Efficiency: A Longitudinal Study of U.S. Hospitals." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2019]
- Freeman, N.K., Zhao, Ming, Melouk, S.H. and Mittenthal, J. "The Economics of Flipping Operating Rooms." Production and Operations Management (POM) [2019]
- Schuetzler, R. S., Grimes, George M., Giboney, J. S. "The Effect of Responsive Automated Conversational Agents on Perceptions and Behavior During Deception." Computers in Human Behavior [2019]
- Schuetzler, R. S., Grimes, George M. and Giboney, J. S. "The Impact of Chatbot Conversational Skill on Engagement and Perceived Humanness." Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) [2019]
- Jiang, Lianlian, Jiang, D. and Grover, V. "The Sphere of Influence of Information Systems Journals: A Longitudinal Study." Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) [2019]
- Leidner, D. E. and Chin, Wynne W. "Unconventional Editorial Conventions." Database for Advances in Information Systems, The (DB) [2019]
- Vaezi, R., Mills, A., and Chin, Wynne W. "User Satisfaction with Information Systems: A Comprehensive Model of Attribute-level Satisfaction." Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) [2019]
2018 Publications
- Narayanan, Arunachalam, Sahin, Funda, Robinson, E. Powell. "Demand and Order Fulfillment Planning: The Value of Point-of-sale, Sell Through and Order Data in Forecast Accuracy." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2018]
- Freeman, N., Narayanan, Arunachalam and Burns, G. "A Decision Support System for Empty Hopper Car Management." Interfaces (INFORMS) [2018]
- Ma, Xiao, Khansa, L. and Kim, S.S. "Active Community Participation and Crowdworking Turnover: A Longitudinal Model and Empirical Test of Three Mechanisms." Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS). [2018]
- Lu, G., Ding, X., Peng, Xiasong (David), Chang, H. "Addressing Endogeneity in OM Research: A Literature Review and Practical Guide." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2018]
- Wilkie, D. C. H., Johnson, L. W., Chin, Wynne W. "Does the Type of Attribute Matter? Examining Whether Underlying Factors Explain Product Attribute Preference." Journal of Brand Management [2018]
- Gardner, Everette S. and Acar, Y. "Fitting the Damped Trend Method of Exponential Smoothing." Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS). [2018]
- Ishfaq, R. and Narayanan, Arunachalam. "Incorporating Order-fulfillment Flexibility in Automotive Supply Chain Through Vehicle Trades." Decision Sciences (DS) [2018]
- Ojha, Divesh, Sahin, Funda, Shockley, Jeff and Sridharan, Sri V. "Is There a Performance Tradeoff in Managing Order Fulfillment and the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains? The Role of Information Sharing and Information Type." International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE) [2018]
- Zhao, Ming and Freeman, Nickolas K. "Robust Sourcing from Suppliers Under Ambiguously Correlated Major Disruption Risks." Production and Operations Management (POM) [2018]
- Jenkins, J. L., Proudfoot, J. G., Valacich, J. S., Grimes, George M. and Nunamaker, J. F. "Sleight of Hand: Identifying Concealed Information by Monitoring Mouse-Cursor Movements." Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) [2018]
- Marquardson, J. and Grimes, George M. "Supporting Better Decisions: How Order Effects Influence Decision Support System Alignment." Interacting With Computers [2018]
- Haines, Russell, Scamell, Richard and Shah, Jaymeen. "The Impact of Technology Availability and Structural Guidance on Group Development in Workgroups Using Computer-Mediated Communication." Information Systems Management (ISM) [2018]
- Schuetzler, R. S., Giboney, J. S., Grimes, George M., Nunamaker, J. F. "The Influence of Conversational Agent Embodiment and Conversational Relevance on Socially Desirable Responding." Decision Support Systems (DSS) [2018]
2017 Publications
- Johnson, Norman A., Cooper, R. and Holowczak. "The Impact of Media on How Positive, Negative, and Neutral Communicated Affect Influence Unilateral Concessions During Negotiations." European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) [2017]
- Lanamaki, A., Porra, Jaana, and Hirschheim, R. "A Call to Write Nordic Information Systems Research Field History - Viewing the Scandinavian Way Through a Career Retrospectives Lens." Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS) [2017]
- Freeman, N.K., Zhao, Ming, Melouk, S.H. "An Iterative Approach for Case Mix Planning Under Uncertainty." Omega: International Journal of Management Science [2017]
- Anderson-Fletcher, Elizabeth, Vera, D., Abbott, J. "How Mindful is Your Company? Lessons for Organizations from the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Ebola Crisis." Organizational Dynamics [2017]
- Junglas, I., Goel, L., Ives, Blake, Harris, J. "Innovation at Work: The Relative Advantage of Using Consumer IT in the Workplace." Information Systems Journal (ISJ) [2017]
- Tollerson, C.D., Chin, Wynne W., Gamble, G.O., Murray, Michael J. and Chang, A. "Segment Data Decision-Usefulness Model: An Exploration." Journal of Accounting and Finance [2017]
- Lanamaki, A., Porra, Jaana. and Hirschheim, R. (Eds.) Special Issue on Scandinavian Research Career Retrospectives. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS) [2017]
- Nitzl, C. and Chin, Wynne W. "The Case of Partial Least Squares (PLS) Path Modeling in Managerial Accounting Research." Journal of Management Control [2017]
- Johnson, Norman, Cooper, Randolph and Holowczak, R. "The Influences of Media, Power, and Male Communication on Concession Making by Females during Negotiations." Decision Sciences (DS) [2017]
- Mousavidin, Elham and Silva, Leiser. "Theorizing the Configuration of Modifiable Off-the-Shelf Software." Information Technology and People (IT&P) [2017]
2016 Publications
- Silva, Leiser and Panahi, Hesam. "Catch Me if You Can: Online Protests on Sites Powered by User-generated Content." Information and Management (I&M) [2016]
- Johnson, Norman and Cooper, Randolph. "The Impact of Media on How Positive, Negative, and Neutral Communicated Affect Influence Unilateral Concessions During Negotiations." European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) [2016]
- Ives, Blake, Palese, Biagio and Rodriguez, Joaquin A. "Enhancing Customer Service through the Internet of Things and Digital Data Streams." MISQ Executive (MISQE) [2016]
- Pigni, F., Piccoli, G. and Ives, Blake. "Targeting Target: How to Steal a Hundred Million Dollars." Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases [2016]
- Zhao, Ming, Huang, Kai and Zeng, Bo. "A Polyhedral Study on Chance Constrained Program with Random Right-Hand Side." Mathematical Programming [2016]
- King, R. C., Schilhavy, R. A. M., Chowa, C. and Chin, Wynne W. "Do Customers Identify with Our Website? The Effects of Website Identification on Repeat Purchase Intention." International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJofEC) [2016]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Lu, G. "Exploring the Impact of Delivery Performance on Customer Transaction Volume and Unit Price: Evidence from an Assembly Manufacturing Supply Chain." Production and Operations Management (POM) [2016]
- Emery, C. R., Wu, S., Kim, O., Pyung, C., and Chin, Wynne W. "Protective Family Informal Social Control of Intimate Partner Violence in Beijing." Psychology of Violence [2016]
- Silva, Leiser, Hshu, C., Backhouse, J. and McDonnell, A. "Resistance and Power in a Security Certification Scheme: The Case of C:Cure." Decision Support Systems (DSS) [2016]
- Gardner, Everette S. and Acar, Y. "The Forecastability Quotient Reconsidered." International Journal of Forecasting [2016]
- Dibbern, J., Chin, Wynne W., and Kude, T. "The Sourcing of Software Services: Knowledge Specificity and The Role of Trust." Database for Advances in Information Systems, The (DB) [2016]
- Vaezi, R., Mills, A. and Chin, Wynne W. "User Satisfaction Research in Information Systems: Historical Roots and Approaches." Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) [2016]
2015 Publications
- Skinner, Richard, Nelson, R. Ryan, Chin, Wynne W. and Land, Lesley. "The Delphi Method Research Strategy in Studies of Information Systems." Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) [2015]
- Bregman, Robert, Peng, Xiaosong (David) and Chin, Wynne W. "The Effect of Controversial Global Sourcing Practices on the Ethical Judgments and Intentions of U.S. Consumers." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2015]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Verghese, Anto J., Shah, R. and Schroeder, R.G. "The Relationships Between External Integration and Plant Improvement and Innovation Capabilities: The Moderation Effect of Product Clockspeed." Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM) [2015]
- Krotov, Vlad, Taher, Nader Asaad Bin and Silva, Leiser. "A Framework for Leading Change in the UAE Public Sector." International Journal of Organizatinal Analysis [2015]
- Freeman, Nickolas K., Melouk, Sharif H. and Mittenthal, John. "A Scenario-Based Approach for Operating Theater Scheduling Under Uncertainty." Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) [2015]
- Goel, Lakshmi, Hart, Dana, Junglas, Iris and Ives, Blake. "Acceptable IS Use: Conceptualization and Measurement." Computers in Human Behavior [2015]
- Vaezi, R. and Chin, Wynne W. "An IS Scholar and Scholarship Ranking Based on Contributions to Doctoral Education." Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) 2015
- Venkatachalam, S. and Narayanan, Arunachalam. "Efficient Formulation and Heuristics for Multi-item Single Source Ordering Problem with Transportation Cost." International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) [2015]
- Perdikaki, O., Peng, Xiaosong (David) and Heim, G.R. "Impact of Customer Traffic and Service Process Impact of Customer Traffic and Service Process Outsourcing Levels on e-Retailer Performance." Production and Operations Management (POM) [2015]
- Krotov, Vlad and Ives, Blake. "IT Cost Benchmarking: Drawing the Right Conclusions." Business Horizons [2015]
- Warner, J., Koufteros, X. A. and Verghese, Anto J. "Learning 'Computerese': Examining the Role of Second Language Learning Aptitude in Technology Acceptance User Perception." Educational and Psychological Measurement [2015]
- Jennings, D.F., Narayanan, Arunachalam, Nepal, B. and Clark, N. "On Value Activities and Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Study." International Journal of Business Excellence [2015]
- Christian, J., Goldstone, A., Kuai, S-G, Chin, Wynne W., Abrams, D. and Kourtzi, Z. "Socio-cognitive Profiles for Visual Learning in Young and Older Adults." Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience [2015]
- Esquejo, Nats, Miller, Kevin, Norwood, Kevin, Oliveira, Ivan, Pratt, Rob and Zhao, Ming. "Statistical and Optimization Techniques for Laundry Portfolio Optimization at Procter & Gamble." Interfaces (INFORMS) [2015]
- Koufteros, X. A., Verghese, Anto J. and Lucianetti, L. "The Effect of Performance Measurement Systems on Firm Performance: A Cross-Sectional and a Longitudinal Study." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2015]
- Khansa, L., Ma, Xiao, Liginlal, D. and Kim, S. S. "Understanding Members’ Active Participation in Online Question-and-Answer Communities: A Theory and Empirical Analysis." Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) [2015]
2014 Publications
- Johnson, Norman A. and Cooper, Randolph. "Understanding the Influence of Instant Messaging on Ending Concessions during Negotiations." Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) [2014]
- Keskin, Burcu. B., Capar, Ibrahim, Sox, Charles and Freeman, Nickolas K. "An Integrated Load Planning Algorithm for An Outbound Supply Chain." Interfaces (INFORMS) [2014]
- de Farias, Jr., I. R., Kozyreff, E. and Zhao, Ming. "Branch-and-cut for Complementarity-constrained Optimization." Mathematical Programming Computation [2014]
- Rodón, Joan and Silva, Leiser. "Exploring the Formation of a Healthcare Information Infrastructure: Hierarchy or Meshwork?" Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) [2014]
- Syntetos, Aris A., Babai, M. Zied and Gardner, Jr., Everette S. "Forecasting Intermittent Inventory Demands: Simple Parametric Methods vs. Bootstrapping." Journal of Business Research [2014]
- Ma, Xiao, Khansa, L., Deng, Y. and Kim, S. S. "Impact of Prior Reviews on the Subsequent Review Process in Reputation Systems." Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) [2014]
- Shemroske, Kenneth and Silva, Leiser. "Mechanisms for Understanding Participation in Online File Sharing." International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) [2014]
- Ma, Xiao, Kim, S. H. and Kim, S. S. "Online Gambling Behavior: The Impacts of Cumulative Outcomes, Recent Outcomes, and Prior Use." Information Systems Research (ISR) [2014]
- Freeman, Nickolas K., Mittenthal, John and Melouk, Sharif H. "Parallel Machine Scheduling to Minimize Overtime and Waste Costs." IIE: Transactions [2014]
- Silva, Leiser and Mousavidin, Elham. "Strategic Thinking in Virtual Worlds: Studying World of Warcraft." Computers in Human Behavior [2014]
- Schwarz, A., Chin, Wynne W., Hirschheim, R. and Schwarz, C. "Towards A Process-Based View Of Information Technology Acceptance." Journal of Information Technology (JIT) [2014]
2013 Publications
- Deng, Y., Hou, J., Ma, Xiao and Cai, S. "A Dual Model of Entertainment-Based and Community-Based Mechanisms to Explore Continued Participation in Online Entertainment Communities." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking [2013]
- Sahin, Funda, Narayanan, Arunachalam and Robinson, E. Powell. "Rolling Horizon Planning in Supply Chains: A Literature Review." International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) [2013]
- Cooper, Randolph and Johnson, Norman. "So Close Yet No Agreement: The Effects of Threats to Self-Esteem When Using Instant Messaging and Audio During Seller-Buyer Negotiations." Decision Support Systems (DSS) [2013]
- de Farias, Jr., Ismael Regis and Zhao, Ming. "A Polyhedral Study of the Semi-continuous Knapsack Problem." Mathematical Programming [2013]
- Narayanan, Arunachalam, Sawaya, William and Johnson, Michael. "Analysis of Differences in Non-teaching Factors Influencing Student Evaluation of Teaching Between Engineering and Business Classrooms." Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education [2013]
- Johnson, Norman A. and Joseph, R. C. "Big Data and Transformational Government." IT Pro IEEE Computer [2013]
- de Farias, Jr., I. R., Kozyreff, E., Gupta, R. and Zhao, Ming. "Branch-and-cut for Separable Piecewise Linear Optimization and Intersection with Semi-continuous Constraints." Mathematical Programming Computation [2013]
- Gardner, Jr., Everette S. "Conservative Forecasting with the Damped Trend." Journal of Business Research [2013]
- Narayanan, Arunachalam and Moritz, Brent. "Decision Making and Cognition in Multi-Echelon Supply Chains: An Experimental Study." Production and Operations Management (POM) [2013]
- Song, J., Kim, J., Jones, D. R., Baker, J., and Chin, Wynne W. "Discoverability and User Satisfaction in Mobile Application Stores: An Environmental Psychology Perspective." Decision Support Systems (DSS) [2013]
- Chin, Wynne W., Schwarz, A., Junglas, I, and Sundie, J. "Don’t Mind The Gap: A Conceptual And Psychometric Analysis Of The Individual Evaluation Of Discrepancies In The Context Of Is User Service Satisfaction." Database for Advances in Information Systems, The (DB) [2013]
- Hong, Visich, Pinto, Khumawala, Basheer. "Evaluation of Mixed Model U-Line Operational Designs." International Transactions in Operational Research [2013]
- Birx, Donald, Anderson-Fletcher, Elizabeth and Whitney, Elizabeth. "Growing an Emerging Research University." Journal of Research Administration [2013]
- Chuang, H., Lu, G., Peng, Xiaosong (David), Heim, G.R. "Impact of Value-Added Service Features in e-Retailing Processes: An Econometric Analysis of Website Functions." Decision Sciences (DS) [2013]
- Jenkins, J. L., Grimes, George M., Proudfoot, J. G. and Lowry, P. B. "Improving Password Cybersecurity Through Inexpensive and Minimally Invasive Means: Detecting and Deterring Password Reuse Through Keystroke-Dynamics Monitoring and Just-in-Time Fear Appeals." Information Technology for Development (ITD) [2013]
- Hsu, Carol, Backhouse, James and Silva, Leiser. "Institutionalizing Operational risk Management: An Empirical Study." Journal of Information Technology (JIT) [2013]
- Heim, G.R., Peng, Xiaosong (David), Jayanthi, S. "Longitudinal Analysis of Inhibitors of Manufacturer Delivery Performance." Decision Sciences (DS) [2013]
- Melouk, Sharif H. and Freeman, Nickolas K. "Simulation Optimization-based Decision Support Tool for Steel Manufacturing." International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE) [2013]
- Porra, Jaana, Hirschheim, R. and Parks, M. "The Historical Method and Information Systems Research." Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) [2013]
- Koufteros, X., Peng, Xiaosong (David), Lu, G., Peters, R. "The Impact of Organizational Structural Design on Internal and External Integration: An Empirical Assessment and a Cross-Regional Examination." Journal of Organization Design [2013]
- Zhao, Ming and de Farias, Jr., Ismael Regis. "The Piecewise Linear Optimization Polytope: New Inequalities and Intersection with Semi-continuous Constraints." Mathematical Programming [2013]
2012 Publications
- Johnson, Norman, Goel, L., Junglas, I. and Ives, Blake. "How Cues of What Can be Done in A Virtual World Influence Learning: An Affordance Perspective." Information and Management (I&M) [2012]
- Ives, Blake and Adams, Dennis. "Shaping the Future of IT Within the Academy." Database for Advances in Information Systems, The (DB) [2012]
- Harris, J., Ives, Blake and Junglas, I. "IT Consumerization - When Gadgets Turn into IT Tools." MISQ Executive (MISQE) [2012]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David) and Lai, F. "A Critical Assessment of the Use of Partial Least Square in Empirical Operations Management Research." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2012]
- Heim, G., Mallick, D. and Peng, Xiaosong (David). "Antecedents and Consequences of Development Practices and Software Tools Used by New Product Development Teams: An Exploratory Study." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management [2012]
- Visich, John, Gu, Chan and Khumawala, Basheer. "B2C Mass Customization in the Classroom." Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education [2012]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Heim, G. and Mallick, D. "Collaborative Product Development: The Effect of Project Complexity on the Use of Information Technology Tools and New Product Development Practices." Production and Operations Management (POM) [2012]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Schroeder, R. and Shah, R. "Competitive Priorities, Plant Improvement and Innovation Capabilities, and Operational Performance: A Test of Two Forms of Fit." International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM) [2012]
- Peña-Vinces, J., Cepeda-Carrión, G. and Chin, Wynne W. "Effect of ITC On The International Competitiveness of Firms." Management Decision [2012]
- Narayanan, Arunachalam and Robinson, E. Powell. "Efficient and Effective Heuristics for the Coordinated Capacitated Lot-size Problem." European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) [2012]
- Narayanan, Arunachalam and Robinson, E. Powell. "Evaluation of Coordinated Lot Sizing Rules Under Rolling Horizon." International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE) [2012]
- Johnson, M., Narayanan, Arunachalam and Sawaya, W. "Exploring the Effects of Course and Instructor Characteristics on Student Evaluation of Teaching Across a College of Engineering." Journal of Engineering Education [2012]
- Silva, Leiser and Fulk, Kevin. "From Disruptions to Struggles: Theorizing Power in ERP Implementation Projects. Information and Organization (I&O) [2012]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Liu, J. and Heim, G. "Impacts of Information Technology on Mass Customization Capability." International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM) [2012]
- Bryant, A., Black, A., Land, F. and Porra, Jaana. "Information Systems History - What is History? What is IS History? What IS History? ... and Why Even Bother with History?" Journal of Information Technology (JIT) [2012]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Schroeder, R., Shah, R. "Linking Routines to Operations Capabilities: A New Perspective." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2012]
- Peng, Xiaosong (David), Koufteros, X. and Teixeira, R. "Organizational Structure, Integration, and Manufacturing Performance: A Conceptual Model and Propositions." Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management [2012]
- Dibbern, J., Chin, Wynne W., Heinzl, A. "Systemic Determinants Of The Information Systems Outsourcing Decision: A Comparative Study Of German And United States Firms." Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) [2012]
- Adams, Dennia, Ives, Blake and Junglas, Iris. "Tactical NAV: IT Innovation in the U.S. Army." Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases [2012]
- Schroeder, R., Shah, R. and Peng, Xiaosong (David). "The Cumulative Capability and Sand Cone Model Revisited: A New Perspective for Manufacturing Strategy." International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) [2012]
- Heim, G., Peng, Xiaosong (David). "The Impact of Information Technology Use on Plant Structure, Practices, and Performance: An Exploratory Study." Journal of Operations Management (JOM) [2012]
- Junglas, I., Goel, L., Abraham, C. and Ives, Blake. "The Social Component of Information Systems -- How Sociability Contributes to Technology Acceptance." Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) [2012]
- Heim, G., Wentworth, W. R., Peng, Xiaosong (David). "The Value to the Customer of RFID in Service Applications." Decision Sciences (DS) [2012]
- Adams, Dennis, Ives, Blake and Junglas, I. "The Walsham Hotel: The Mechatronic KoolNitro 346 Mini-bar" Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases [2012]
- Hayes, Nial, Miscione, Gianluca, Silva, Leiser and Westrup, Chris. "Theorizing Development and Technological Change: Editorial." Information Systems Journal (ISJ) [2012]
- Wayhan, Victor B., McCallum, Mallory F. and Golyer, Nicole. "TQM and Financial Performance: Are Findings of Direct Effects Methodological Artifacts?" Total Quality Management & Business Excellence [2012]
- Marcoulides, G. A., Chin, Wynne W. and Saunders, C. "When Imprecise Statistical Statements Become Problematic: A Response to Goodhue, Lewis and Thompson." Management Information Systems Quarterly [2012]
- Bregman, Robert L.. "A Value Chain Analysis of the China Price." Production and Inventory Management [2012]
- Bregman, Robert L.. "“Eating Your Own Dog Food” - Applying Course Concepts in Your Teaching." International Journal of Innovation and Learning [2012]
- Goel, L., N. Johnson, I. Junglas, Blake Ives. "Predicting Users’ Return to Virtual Worlds: A Social Perspective." Information Systems Journal [2012]
- Goel, L., I. Junglas, N. Johnson, Blake Ives. "Decision-making In-Socio and In-Situ." Decision Support Systems [2012]
- Acar, Yavuz and Gardner, Jr., Everette S. "Forecasting Method Selection in a Global Supply Chain." International Journal of Forecasting [2012]
2011 Publications
- Bregman, Robert L.. "An Electronic Framework to Enhance Conceptual Learning." International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education [2011]
- Chin, Wynne W., Thatcher, J. B. Wright, R. T. "Assessing Common Method Bias: Problems with the UMLC Technique." MIS Quarterly [2011]
- Chin, Wynne W., Junglas, I. Roldán, J. L. "Some Considerations for Articles Introducing New and/or Novel Quantitative Methods to IS Researchers." European Journal of Information Systems [2011]
- Hardaway, Donald E. and Richard W. Scamell. "Open Knowledge Creation: Bringing Transparency and Inclusiveness to the Peer Review Process." MIS Quarterly [2011]
- Harris, J. G., Blake Ives, and I. Junglas. "The Genie is Out of the Bottle: Managing the Infiltration of Consumer IT Into the Workforce." Accenture: Research Report [2011]
- Jamison, Day and Leiser Silva. "Managing Information Flow Challenges in the Supply Chain." Clutter IT Journal [2011]
- Manuj, I. and Funda Sahin. "A Model of Supply Chain and Supply Chain Decision-Making Complexity." International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management [2011]
2010 Publications
- Narayanan, Arunachalam, Powell Robinson. "Efficient and Effective Heuristics for the Coordinated Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem." European Journal of Operational Research [2010]
- Narayanan, Arunachalam, Powell Robinson. "Evaluation of Joint Replenishment Procedures in Rolling Horizon Systems." International Journal of Production Economics [2010]
2009 Publications
- Acar, Yavuz, Sukran Kadipasaoglu and Jamison M. Day. “A General Approach for Incorporating Uncertainty in Optimal Decision Making: Iterative use of MIP and Simulation in Solving Combinatorial Problems.” Computers and Industrial Engineering. [February 2009]
- Bregman, Robert L. “A Heuristic Procedure for Solving the Dynamic Probabilistic Project Expediting Problem.” European Journal of Operational Research. [2009]
- Bregman, Robert L. “Preemptive Expediting to Improve Project Due Date Performance.” Journal of the Operational Research Society. [2009]
- Johnson, Norman and Randolph Cooper. “Media, Affect, Concession and Agreement in Negotiation among Strangers: IM versus Telephone.” Decision Support Systems [2009]
- Johnson, Norman and Randolph Cooper. “Power and Concession in Computer-Mediated Negotiations: An Examination of First Offers.” MIS Quarterly [2009]
- Johnson, Norman, Randolph Cooper and Wynne Chin. “Anger and Flaming in Computer-mediated Negotiation among Strangers.” Decision Support Systems [2009]
- Narayanan, Arunachalam, E. Powell Robinson and Funda Sahin. "Coordinated deterministic dynamic demand lot sizing problem: A review of models and algorithms." OMEGA [2009]
- Robinson, Powell, Arunachalam Narayan, F. Sahin. "Coordinated deterministic dynamic demand lot sizing problem: A review of models and algorithms." OMEGA [2009]
2008 Publications
- Chin, Wynne W. and A. M Wicks. “Measuring the Three Process Segments of a Customer’s Service Experience for an Outpatient Surgery Center.” International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. [2008]
- Chin, Wynne, A. Schwarz and Norman Johnson. “A Fast Form Approach to Measuring Technology Acceptance and Other Constructs.” MIS Quarterly. [2008]
- Chin, Wynne, Robert A. Peterson and Steven P. Brown. “Structural Equation Modeling in Marketing: Some Practical Reminders.” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. [2008]
- Chin, Wynne W., M. Parent, and W.D. Salisbury. “Robbing Peter To Pay Paul: The Differential Effect Of GSS Restrictiveness On Process Satisfaction And Group Cohesion, Group Decision and Negotiation.” Group Decision and Negotiation. [2008]
- Cooper, Randolph and R. Haines. “The Influence of Workspace Awareness on Group Intellective Decision Effectiveness.” European Journal of Information Systems. [2008]
- Diaz-Saiz, Joaquin and Everette S. Gardner Jr. “Exponential Smoothing in the Telecommunications Data.” International Journal of Forecasting. [2008]
- Johnson, Norman, Iris Junglas and C. Spitzmueller. “Personality Traits and Privacy Perceptions: An Empirical Study In the Context of Location-Based Services.” European Journal of Information Systems. [2008]
- Johnson, Norman, Randolph Cooper and Wynne Chin. “The Effect of Flaming on Computer-Mediated Negotiations.” European Journal of Information Systems. [2008]
- Junglas, Iris, C. Abraham and Blake Ives. “Mobile Technology at the Frontlines of Patient Care: Understanding Fit and Human Drives in Utilization Decisions and Performance.” Decision Support Systems. [2008]
- Junglas, Iris, C. Abraham and R. T. Watson. “Task-Technology Fit for Mobile Locatable Information Systems.” Decision Support Systems. [2008]
- Junglas, Iris and R. T. Watson. “Location-Based Services: Perceptions of Location-Tracking and Location-Awareness Services.” Communications of the ACM. [2008]
- Krotov, Vlad and Iris Junglas. “RFID as a Disruptive Innovation.” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research [2008]
- Neu, Dean, Leiser Silva and Elizabeth Ocampo Gómez. “Diffusing financial practices in Latin American higher education.” Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. [2008]
- Silva, Leiser, Lakshmi Goel and Elham Mousavidin. “Exploring the dynamics of blog communities: the case of MetaFilter.” Information Systems Journal. [2008]
- Street, Chis, Michael Wade, Niels Bjørn-Anderson, Blake Ives, John Venable and Mike Zach. “Reversing the Downward Trend: Innovative Approaches to IS/IT Course Development and Delivery.” CAIS (Communications of the Association for Information Systems). [2008]
2007 Publications
- Chin, Wynne W. and Andrew Schwarz. “Looking Forward: Toward an Understanding of the Nature and Definition of IT Acceptance.” (JAIS) Journal of the Association of Information Systems. [2007]
- Chin, Wynne W., Andrew Schwarz, Manjari Mehta, and Norman Johnson. “Understanding Frameworks and Reviews: A Commentary to Assist us in Moving Our Field Forward by Analyzing Our Past.” The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. [2007]
- Day, Jamison, Anand Nair, Murat Kristal, Surya Pathak, William Sawaya. “Complexity and Adaptivity in Supply Networks: Building Supply Network Theory Using a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective.” Decision Sciences. [2007]
- Day, Jamison M., Faizul Huq, Nikhil Pujari and Trevor Hale. “A Framework for an Integrated Supply Chain Optimization Model.” International Journal of Logistics Systems Management. [ 2007]
- Ives, Blake and Dennis Adams. “Multi-User Virtual Environments: Vaulting from Virtual to Valuable.” Cutter Benchmark Review. [2007]
- Ives, Blake and G. Piccoli. “STA Travel Island: Marketing First Life Travel Services in Second Life.” (CAIS) Communications of the Association for Information Systems. [2007]
- Johnson, Norman, Chon Abraham, Douglas Steel and Iris Junglas. “Identity Formation, Learning Styles and Trust in Virtual Worlds.” Data Base. [2007]
- Junglas, Iris A. and Blake Ives. “Managing IT in a Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina.” MISQ Executive. [2007]
- Khumawala, Basheer, Joaquin Diaz-Saenz and John Visich. “An Empirical Comparison of Improvement Heuristics for the Mixed-Model, U-Line Balancing Problem.” International Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Management. [2007]
- Khumawala, Basheer and Margaret Noble. “Maquiladoras and Beyond: The Continuing Search for Competitive Labor.” AIMS International Journal of Management. [2007]
- Porra, Jaana. “A Lifetime of Ethical use of Computers – A Dialogue with Enid Mumford, Jaana Porra and Rudy Hirschheim.” Journal of the Association of Information Systems. [2007]
- Porra, Jaana and Rudy Hirschheim. “Enid Mumford’s Contribution to Information Systems Theory and Theoretical Thinking – Introduction to the Special Issue.” (JAIS) Journal of the Association of Information Systems. [2007]
- Porra, Jaana, David Avison, Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Elayne Coakes, Gordon B. Davis, Michael J.Earl, Amany Elbanna, Guy Fitzgerald, Robert D. Galliers, Rudy Hirschheim, Juhani Iivari, Heinz K. Klein, Frank Land, Marco de Marco and Andrew M. Pettigrew. “Enid Mumford: A Tribute.” Information Systems Journal. [2007]
- Silva, Leiser. “Institutionalization Does Not Occur by Decree: Institutional Obstacles in Implementing a Land Administration System in a Developing Country.” Information Technology for Development. [2007]
- Silva, Leiser, Jennifer González-Reinhart and Eugenio B. Figueroa. “Interpreting IS Alignment: A Multiple Case Study in Professional Organizations.” Information and Organization. [2007]
- Silva, Leiser. “Epistemological and Theoretical Challenges for Studying Power and Politics in Information Systems.” Information Systems Journal. [2007]
2006 Publications
- Chin, Wynne W. “Methods and Applications in Marketing and Related Fields, A Permutation Based Procedure for Multi-Group PLS Analysis: Results of Tests of Differences on Simulated Data and a Cross Cultural Analysis of the Source.” Handbook of Partial Least Squares Concepts. [2006]
- Chin, Wynne W. “Methods and Applications in Marketing and Related Fields, On reporting PLS based research: Issues and Approaches.” Handbook of Partial Least Squares Concepts. [2006]
- Chin, Wynne W. “Methods and Applications in Marketing and Related Fields, Cross-Validation Indices For PLS Path Model Assessment.” Handbook of Partial Least Squares Concepts. [2006]
- Day, Jamison M. and Gus Donnell. “A Survey of Supply Chain Demand Variability (Bullwhip Effect) Metrics.” Decision Sciences Institute 2006 National Meeting Proceedings. [2006]
2005 Publications
- Chin, Wynne W., A. Majchrak, C. Beath, R. Lim. “Managing Client Dialogues During Information Systems Design to Facilitate Client Learning.” MIS Quarterly [2005]
- Junglas, Iris A. “On Ease of Use and Usefulness of Location-Based Services.” International Journal of Mobile Communications
- Junglas, Iris A. and Doug Steel. “The Virtual Sandbox.” Data Base
- Silva, Leiser and Rudy Hirschheim. “Fighting windmills: Strategic Information Systems and Organizational Deep Structures.” MIS Quarterly
- Silva, Leiser. “Post-positivist Review of Technology Acceptance Model.” (JAIS) Journal of the Association of Information Systems
Competitive Conferences
- Bregman, Robert L., Strakos, J.. "A Total Cost Analysis of U.S. Supplier Competitiveness." Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, 42: 3281-3286 [2011]
- Gu, Qiannong, John K. Visich and Basheer M. Khumawala. "Production Lot Sizing with Advance Information Sharing." Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Production and Operations Management Society [2011]
- Mousavidin, Elham and Silva Leiser. "Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities." DSI. [2011]
- Visich, John K., Qian-nong Gu and Basheer M. Khumawala. "B2C Mass Customization in the Classroom." Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute [2011]
Books & Book Chapters
- Chin, Wynne W. et al. (Editors). Handbook of Partial Least Squares Concepts, Methods and Applications in Marketing and Related Fields. Springer Verlag. [2007]
- Scamell, Richard W. and N. S. Umanath. Data Modeling and Database Design. Thomson Course Technology. [January 2007]
- Silva, Leiser. "Institutionalization Does Not Occur by Decree: Institutional Obstacles in Implementing a Land Administration System in a Developing Country." Spatial Data Infrastructures in Context: North and South. Taylor and Francis, 2011.
- Silva, Leiser and Chris Westrup. (Editors.). Proceedings of the Ninth International Working Conference of IFIP WG 9.4: Taking Stock of E-Development. IFIP 9.4. [2007]
Editorial Board Positions
- Associate Professor Nina Huang is Associate Editor of MIS Quarterly.
- Associate Professor Jaana Porra is associate editor of Journal of the Association for Information Systems and is 2010 co-chair of IS Philosophy track for International Conference on Information Systems.