Financial Symposium 2014

9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday,
April 12, 2014
8:30-9 a.m.
Cemo Hall, University of Houston
To promote Financial Literacy to students and the Houston community
In partnership with the Texas Council of Economic Education. Open to all students and the community.
In Conjunction with
The goal of the Financial Symposium is to provide current UH students and the Houston community with information on basic financial topics and on curriculum options for financial education and careers in financial services, including commercial banking, financial analysis, and personal financial planning.
2014 Bauer College Financial Symposium: Transform Yourself. Transform Your Wealth
With a goal of increasing financial literacy on campus and in the Houston community, the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston aimed to simplify the process during its Third Annual Financial Symposium on April 12. The event focused on transforming your behaviors to successfully achieve financial stability.
Session Topics
Saturday, April 12, 2014, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Cemo Hall, University of Houston.
Click each session topic for more information.
Preliminary Session 9-9:50 a.m.
Presentation on basic financial resources, including a demo of CashCourse, and overview of the workshops.
Guest Speaker:
Charles M. Neff, Jr.- Charles M. Neff, Jr., President & CEO of Integrity Bank
Mr. Neff has been a career community banker for 40 years. He is presently the founder, director, president & CEO of Integrity Bank that was formed in 2007. Integrity Bank is presently a $500.00M in total assets with 3 locations in the greater Houston area. Mr. Neff has been involved with 5 starts-up De novo banks in Houston since 1978. He has been active in multiple banking and non-profit organizations, his career and his church as well as starting several private business enterprises. He received his BBA in Finance and Economics from the University of South Florida in 1973 and also attended several banking schools over his career.
Cash Course Introduction:
Destinie Ross, Leslie Lopez- Destinie Ross, Student Financial Planning Coordinator, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Leslie Lopez, Financial Coach and Loan Coordinator, Family Services of Greater Houston
Destinie Ross is a senior at the University of Houston and will graduate with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance; currently, she works for the C.T. Bauer College of Business as a Financial Planning Coordinator and is passionate about helping her community understand the importance of financial literacy. As a transfer student from Southern Illinois University, she is a recipient of the Jesse H. Jones scholarship. Destinie is also alum of Bauer's Emerging Leaders Academic Success Program. After spending one year as a leader and significant contributor in the student organization formerly known as, Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Destinie now serves as the SCREP officer in the National Association of Black Accountants. Through her academic achievements, community service, work, and involvement in student organizations, Destinie has exemplified what it means to be a well-rounded student and a role model to our society’s youth.
×Leslie Lopez is a native Houstonian and first-generation student. She has worked as a Financial Coach and Loan Coordinator at Family Services of Greater Houston since 2011. She educates individuals on financial literacy and money management. Her role provides her with the opportunity of speaking to large group settings as well as working with individuals one-on-one. Leslie graduated with honors in 2009 from the University of Houston where she obtained her B.A. in Psychology and minored in Human Development and Family Studies. She is a member of Kappa Delta Chi, a service based sorority where she served several executive positions. Leslie was a full time employee and student throughout her college career as she worked as a Loan Coordinator financing private property tax loans. Her financial and educational background complimented each other in her current professional position. Her goal is to strengthen individuals through the power of knowledge. Leslie is completing her M.Ed. in Higher Education and Administration at the University of Houston and will be graduating Spring of 2014.
Breakout Session 1 - 9:50-10:50 a.m.
Money Management: College Edition
Learn real world strategies for managing your cash flow so that you know where your money is going and you are not caught short when emergencies happen.
Melcher HallPresenters:
Destinie Ross, Tedric Breed, Nathalie Casares and Susan Kizer- Tedric Breed, Consultant, Ryan LLC
- Destinie Ross, Student Financial Planning Coordinator, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Nathalie Cazares, Student Financial Planning Coordinator, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Susan Kizer, Economic Education Coordinator, Federal Reserve Bank, Houston Branch
Tedric Breed is a recent graduate and proud alum of the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance and a minor in accounting; he was also a part of the University’s Honor’s College. Tedric was an active member of the Program for Financial Literacy while attending Bauer, speaking to various audiences on the topics of money management, college funding solutions, investing, and more. Today, Tedric is a consultant for Ryan LLC here in Houston, assisting oil & gas companies globally in identifying tax and royalty savings.
×Destinie Ross is a senior at the University of Houston and will graduate with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance; currently, she works for the C.T. Bauer College of Business as a Financial Planning Coordinator and is passionate about helping her community understand the importance of financial literacy. As a transfer student from Southern Illinois University, she is a recipient of the Jesse H. Jones scholarship. Destinie is also alum of Bauer's Emerging Leaders Academic Success Program. After spending one year as a leader and significant contributor in the student organization formerly known as, Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Destinie now serves as the SCREP officer in the National Association of Black Accountants. Through her academic achievements, community service, work, and involvement in student organizations, Destinie has exemplified what it means to be a well-rounded student and a role model to our society’s youth.
×Nathalie Cazares is currently a junior at the University of Houston, earning a double major in Marketing and Supply Chain Management with a minor in sales. She is currently in the Program for Excellence in Selling, the nation’s leading sales program. Nathalie manages working 20 hours a week as a student program coordinator with being a committed full-time student. She is detailed-oriented, self-motivated, creative and determined. Nathalie is interested in further utilizing her skills as a marketing director in the oil & gas, sports, and financial industry across the nation.
×Susan is the Economic Education Coordinator for the Houston Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Her work focuses on professional development for high school and college educators throughout the district. Innovative programs including Freedom Riders, Student Board of Directors, History Through an Economic Lens, and 100 Teens have been the hallmark of her work at the Houston Fed. Susan has a MA in Education and a BS in Economics. . Prior to coming to the Bank, she taught AP Economics at Kingwood High School. While at Kingwood she was recognized as Teacher of the Year, served as District Coordinator for AP Economics and sponsored the Model United Nations, UIL Current Issues and Events, and UIL Social Studies Teams.
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Careers in Commercial Banking and Financial Analysis
A panel of representatives will educate students on careers in Commercial Banking and Financial Analysis.
Melcher HallModerator:
Joanna Arnold- April Bailey, Senior Vice President, Commercial Banking, Amegy Bank
- J. Downey Bridgwater, President-Houston Market, Comerica Bank
- Valerie Gibbs, Houston President, Bank of Texas
- Charles Guez, Ph.D., NASDAQ Clinical Professor of Finance and Director, Commercial Banking Program, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Charles M. Neff, Jr., President & CEO of Integrity Bank
April Bailey is a Senior Vice President and Manager in Commercial Banking at Amegy Bank. Her focus is in middle market banking for clients with revenues between $10 million to $1 billion in various industries in the Houston area. Responsibilities include originating, negotiating and closing new commercial and corporate loans and deposits for existing and new clients, crossselling other products and services within the bank and portfolio management. Various industries include manufacturing, distributing, energy service, transportation, construction, and maritime.
April received her BBA in Finance at the University of Houston and her MBA in Finance from the University of St. Thomas.
April was recently on the Executive Committee as Treasurer and a board member of the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and is currently a board member of the Greater Houston Port Bureau and an advisory board member for Child Advocates. In addition, she has served on various committees for the Women’s Finance Exchange, Latin Women’s Initiative, Friends of Child Advocates and is a current member of the Emerging Women Leaders Group for the Greater Houston Partnership. Additionally, April is a graduate of the Center for Houston’s Future 2011 Spring Class Business Forum as well as a recipient of the Houston’s Business Journal Top 40 under 40 in 2011.
Her community involvement has included serving as a volunteer with the United Way Education Initiative, serving as a corporate guild liaison for Dress for Success Houston, mentoring a student/intern with Cristo Rey Jesuit High School and has volunteered with the United Way Community Investment Program to evaluate and determine various levels of funding for UnitedWay organizations. April also manages the Mid-Career Women’s Group for Amegy’s Womens Initiative Program.
April was born and raised in the Houston area. She and her husband, Kevin, have two young children, Isabela (8 years old) and Jackson (6 years old).
×J. Downey Bridgwater is President of Comerica Bank’s Houston Market. Mr. Bridgwater has been a banker in the Houston area since 1978 and most recently served as the Chairman, President and CEO of Sterling Bank through July, 2011, when Sterling was acquired by Comerica Bank.
A graduate of the University of Houston and a Senior Fellow of the American Leadership Forum, Mr. Bridgwater also serves on the boards of the Greater Houston Partnership, Texas Medical Center, the Bauer College of Business Dean’s Executive Board at the University of Houston, Harris County Housing Finance Corporation, Houston Technology Center, BioHouston, The University of Texas Health Science Center, University of Houston Board of Visitors.
He and his wife Kerri, have one son, Chris, and are members of St. Anne’s Catholic Church.
×Valerie Gibbs is the Houston Region President for Bank of Texas. A twenty-five plus year banking veteran, Gibbs has experience in the Corporate, Commercial and Business Banking Groups. Prior to joining Bank of Texas in 2005, Gibbs delivered impressive results at well-respected institutions such as Wells Fargo, Amegy Bank, Sterling Bank and Bank of Scotland. As President of the Houston Region, Gibbs utilizes her experience in all facets of banking to strategically drive new client acquisitions and sales. In addition to a primary focus on Commercial Banking, Gibbs works across all lines of business to manage client retention and organic growth.
Actively involved in the community, Gibbs is on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the American Red Cross of Greater Houston, as well as a member of the Tiffany Circle. She sits on the Board of Directors for the Houston Holocaust Museum Foundation, is a member of the Steering Committee for the Greater Houston Partnership’s Executive Women’s Partnership, is an Advisory Director for the Women’s Global Leadership Conference on Energy and Technology and serves on the Executive Committee of the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce. Gibbs is a current member of the National Association of Corporate Directors, resides on the Board of Trustees for the Contemporary Arts Museum of Houston and serves as Treasurer. She is the co-chair of the 2013-2014 United Way Women’s Initiative Campaign, as well as a member of the Alexis de Tocqueville Society.
Gibbs was named one of Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2013 by Houston Woman Magazine and a 2010 Breakthrough Woman by the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce. Gibbs is an alumni of the Center for Houston’s Future. She received her BBA in Accounting from Auburn University.
×Dr. Guez is a graduate of The Ecole Superieure de Commerce, Rouen, France. He obtained his MBA and Ph.D. from Penn State University. Dr. Guez joined the Faculty of the University of Houston in 1976 to establish the International Finance Program. He also taught in the Executive Development Program.
After several years of teaching, Dr. Guez joined the business community and obtained valuable experience in the fields of International Banking (First International Bank in Houston), Oil Field Supplies (Trouvay & Cauvin), Investment Real Estate (Grubb & Ellis), and Brokerage and Portfolio Management (Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter and Banc One Securities). Dr. Guez was also an Auditor with KPMG in Paris, France.
Dr. Guez served as an adjunct faculty at the Bauer College of Business for several years while working in the Brokerage Industry. He joined the Bauer College of Business full time in 2002 and contributed to setting up the Cougar Fund. He is currently the NASDAQ Executive Professor of Finance, and Director of the Commercial Banking Program in the Bauer College of Business. He teaches Commercial Banking, Financial Markets, Financial Systems and Principles of Financial Management in the Honors Program. Dr. Guez has developed the Commercial Banking Certificate for undergraduate students. This Certificate is supported by an Advisory Board comprising twenty three Banks operating in the Houston market.
×Mr. Neff has been a career community banker for 40 years. He is presently the founder, director, president & CEO of Integrity Bank that was formed in 2007. Integrity Bank is presently a $500.00M in total assets with 3 locations in the greater Houston area. Mr. Neff has been involved with 5 starts-up De novo banks in Houston since 1978. He has been active in multiple banking and non-profit organizations, his career and his church as well as starting several private business enterprises. He received his BBA in Finance and Economics from the University of South Florida in 1973 and also attended several banking schools over his career.
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Careers in Personal Financial Planning
When choosing a career, it is not only important to consider your skills and interests, but also what careers you can align them with to support the lifestyle you desire. There will be an opportunity to hear about careers in finance, especially in personal financial planning services.
Melcher HallFacilitator:
John Lopez- Professor John Lopez, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Cheryl D. Creuzot, CFP, J.D., LL.M, President & Chief Executive Officer, Wealth Development Strategies, L.P.
- Brandon Henry, AEP®, CIMA®, CTFA®, Director, Mosaic Advisors, LLC
Since the undergraduate days at the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, John Lopez has had an interest in personal finance savings, money management, investing, and making smart decisions when it came to money. Upon graduation, he attended Texas A&M where he earned an MBA in Finance. He entered "Corporate America" and worked for several major international firms-more at
Later in life he continued his education in personal finance by attending Rice University’s Certified Financial Planner Program and then successfully completing the CFP Certification Exam ( After early retirement and a 2 year sabbatical to travel and explore, he began teaching Financial Planning at Bauer. He is passionate about teaching students the fundamentals needed to become financially secure and ultimately financially independent.
×Cheryl D. Creuzot, a thirty-year industry veteran, is currently the President and Chief Executive Officer of Wealth Development Strategies, L.P., a position she has held since 2001. Wealth Development Strategies, one of Houston’s oldest comprehensive financial planning firms, offers contemporary, personalized solutions for individuals and business professionals who wish to protect, grow and efficiently distribute their wealth. The boutique firm consists of twenty-six associates who combine extensive financial experience and expertise to effect personalized client solutions.
Ms. Creuzot carries the same spirit of service delivery to her numerous civic and charitable endeavors. She is currently a trustee of the University of Houston Foundation (Investment Committee) and serves on the Board of Directors of MD Anderson University Cancer Foundation Board of Visitors (Government Relations Committee) and Unity National Bank (Chair of the Audit, Compliance and Investment Committee). Ms. Creuzot also currently serves on the Dean’s Advisory Board at the University of Houston. Past board experience includes the Houston Museum of African American Culture, the Ensemble Theatre, Project Row Houses, the Menil Collection Development Committee, the University of Houston Alumni Organization (Chairman) and the University of Houston Law School Association.
In addition to extensive civic service, Ms. Creuzot has received several political appointments. Ms. Creuzot was appointed by the Democratic National Committee to serve as the state co-chairman of the Women’s Leadership Forum. In 2002, Ms. Creuzot was selected to participate in the Center for Houston’s Future Leadership Forum, a business and community partnership. In 1993, Ms. Creuzot was appointed by Governor Ann Richards to a six-year term on the Texas Public Finance Authority Board, a politic and corporate body created to provide financing for state agency facilities. Ms. Creuzot served as Vice Chairman of the Authority from 1995 to 1997.
A published author of many articles on the subject of financial planning, Ms. Creuzot is a resource for print and on-line media and has been quoted in MONEY, Mutual Funds, and Black Enterprise magazines. She previously co-hosted the local talk show radio KPRC’s Organizing Your Life. She is currently working on a financial reality show pilot showcasing a variety of unique investor situations.
A sought after speaker, Ms. Creuzot delivered the key note address for the 2012 Women’s Leadership Academy Summit, the 2010 African American Financial Professionals and the 2008 National Bar Association. She was the commencement speaker for the 2009 American Intercontinental University. Ms. Creuzot has also addressed Essence Magazine’s Women Who are Shaping the World Leadership Summit, the State of the Black Union, the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, the Megafest, the National Conference of Black MBAs and the Junior League of Houston.
Ms. Creuzot has been recognized by her community and alma mater for outstanding leadership. She is the recipient of the Corporate Sector Achievement Award from the University of Houston Law Alumni Association (2012), the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Houston (2011), the Women of Distinction Award from the Houston Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation (2008), the National Black MBA Leadership Empowerment Award from the Houston Chapter (2004) and the Super Achiever Award from the Greater Houston YMCA (2001). Ms. Creuzot is a 2012 Honoree of the Houston Easter Seal’s Hats Off to Mothers. She has also been recognized by the Houston March of Dimes three times (2004, 2006 and 2008).
Ms. Creuzot is a four-time alumna of the University of Houston – the University of Houston Bauer College (M.B.A. with honors, December 2012), the University of Houston Law Center (J.D. and LL.M.),) and the University of Houston (B.A. with honors). She is a member of the Texas State Bar, the Registry of Financial Planning Practitioners, the Financial Planning Association and the Million Dollar Round Table, Houston branch. She carries the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation and has been named one of Texas Monthly’s Houston Region’s Five Star Wealth Managers (2011 and 2012)* as well as a Top 100 Advisor in the country and Financial Planner of the month by Mutual Funds Magazine (2001 and 2002)**. Ms. Creuzot is also a Registered Player Financial Advisor for the National Football League. Ms. Creuzot’s licenses include Series 7, 24 and 63 and Group 1 Life, Health and Variable Insurance.
A native of Washington, D.C., Ms. Creuzot has called Houston home since first enrolling in the University of Houston. She and her husband share roots in Houston’s Third Ward, one of six former political geographic districts. Both are long-standing advocates for the sustained growth and development of this historic community, an area renowned for a tradition of “doing for itself and others[i]”. The Creuzots have three children.
×Brandon Henry is a seasoned Wealth Management professional with extensive experience advising ultra-high net worth families and their professional advisory team in the area of advanced Financial Planning. Over the course of his career, Brandon has had the opportunity to assist hundreds of the nation’s most successful families create custom plans including, professional athletes, Fortune 500 executives and the founders of a number of Texas' leading companies.
Brandon began his career in the financial services industry at Merrill Lynch, where he co-founded a wealth management team created to provide comprehensive financial planning and investment management services to closely held business owners. After the retirement of his business partner, Trustmark National Bank recruited Brandon to Houston from California, where as Wealth Strategist, he was responsible for creating sophisticated Investment and Estate plans for Trustmark's Commercial and Energy Banking customers.
With The Hartford's Private Wealth Management Group, Brandon operated nationally as a financial advisor's advisor, providing ultra-affluent clients of major financial services firms with tailored business succession, estate tax, and liability protection planning solutions.
Prior to co-founding Mosaic Advisors, LLC, Brandon worked as a Wealth Strategist for BBVA Wealth Solutions where he was tasked with providing insight and advice to many of the Compass Bank's most important relationships. Brandon was a voting member the firm's investment committee, which guided the asset allocation process for nearly $1 Billion of client assets. In addition to this duty, his responsibilities included acting as a "Financial Quarterback" assisting families with significant resources and complex needs achieve their business succession, wealth transfer and asset protection goals.
Brandon earned the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA®) designation through a partnership with Investment Management Institute (IMCA) and Wharton Business School at the University Of Pennsylvania; Certified Trust & Financial Advisor (CTFA®) designation through a partnership with The Institute of Certified Bankers (ICB) and Emory University and Accredited Estate Planner (AEP®) designation through a partnership with The National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC) and The American College. In addition, Brandon has taught courses in Business Succession Planning at Southern Methodist University (SMU), Estate Planning at University of Houston and provided hundreds of hours of continuing education to tax professionals across the state of Texas.
Breakout Session 2 - 11 a.m.-Noon
Knowing your Credit Score and Managing Credit Cards
To better understand your credit score, you need to know what it entails and how to maintain it.
Melcher HallPresenter:
Tammy Mermelstein- Tammy Mermelstein, Certified Financial Coach
Tammy has developed several award-winning interactive financial games to inspire people to seek financial education. She is a 2012 recipient of the League of Women Voters Rising Star Award, a 2011 recipient of the Alliance for Economic Inclusion Pioneer Award, and a two time Houston Money Week Benjy Award Winner. Tammy earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Stephen F. Austin in 2000, her law degree from the University of Miami (FL) in 2003, and her Masters in Social Work, with specializations in child welfare policy and non-profit management, in 2005.
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College Funding Solutions
With rising costs, paying for college is one of the primary concerns for students and their families. This session will provide valuable information from a student who has gone through the process, and from the UH Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Melcher HallPresenters:
Destinie Ross, Tedric Breed, Nathalie Casares, Laura Ewing and Darlene Irrobali- Tedric Breed, Consultant, Ryan LLC
- Destinie Ross, Student Financial Planning Coordinator, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Nathalie Cazares, Student Financial Planning Coordinator, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Laura Ewing, President/CEO, Texas Council on Economic Education
- Darlene Irrobali, Financial Aid Program Coordinator 2, University of Houston
Tedric Breed is a recent graduate and proud alum of the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance and a minor in accounting; he was also a part of the University’s Honor’s College. Tedric was an active member of the Program for Financial Literacy while attending Bauer, speaking to various audiences on the topics of money management, college funding solutions, investing, and more. Today, Tedric is a consultant for Ryan LLC here in Houston, assisting oil & gas companies globally in identifying tax and royalty savings.
×Destinie Ross is a senior at the University of Houston and will graduate with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance; currently, she works for the C.T. Bauer College of Business as a Financial Planning Coordinator and is passionate about helping her community understand the importance of financial literacy. As a transfer student from Southern Illinois University, she is a recipient of the Jesse H. Jones scholarship. Destinie is also alum of Bauer's Emerging Leaders Academic Success Program. After spending one year as a leader and significant contributor in the student organization formerly known as, Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Destinie now serves as the SCREP officer in the National Association of Black Accountants. Through her academic achievements, community service, work, and involvement in student organizations, Destinie has exemplified what it means to be a well-rounded student and a role model to our society’s youth.
×Nathalie Cazares is currently a junior at the University of Houston, earning a double major in Marketing and Supply Chain Management with a minor in sales. She is currently in the Program for Excellence in Selling, the nation’s leading sales program. Nathalie manages working 20 hours a week as a student program coordinator with being a committed full-time student. She is detailed-oriented, self-motivated, creative and determined. Nathalie is interested in further utilizing her skills as a marketing director in the oil & gas, sports, and financial industry across the nation.
×Laura Ewing serves as the president and CEO of the Texas Council on Economic Education (TCEE). Ewing has a bachelor’s degree in secondary social studies education and a master’s in educational leadership. Prior to this position she served as a curriculum specialist in Pearland ISD. As a classroom teacher she taught for 24 years with most of her experience with economics and government curriculum. In 2003 she decided to put the lessons she had taught into practice and ran for city council in Friendswood, TX and served for two terms. She also does mission work in the Houston area and staff development in northern Mexico.
TCEE is a nonprofit that provides staff development on economics, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy throughout the state. The organization provides three student programs: Economics Challenge, PFL Challenge, and the Stock Market Game ™. TCEE and Opportunity Texas have launched a Smarter Texas project to promote financial literacy instruction in grades. K to 12 and Smarter Texans Save to encourage a culture of savings to pay for college, trade school, and other of life’s needs.
×Darlene Irrobali has been in Financial Aid for over 5 years. She currently is the SFA Program Coordinator II for Default Prevention at University of Houston and previously held the position of Financial Aid Counselor at Victoria College. As she states, default prevention work is student success work. She is passionate about promoting financial literacy throughout campus. Prior to her experience in Financial Aid, she held positions as a Staff Accountant, PFG-Victoria and Financial Accountant II, FVNB. Darlene has a bachelor's degree in accounting.
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Evaluating and Negotiating a Job Offer
To teach students how to effectively negotiate a salary and to evaluate a benefits package which is offered by an employer.
Melcher HallPresenter:
John Lopez- Professor John Lopez, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
Since the undergraduate days at the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, John Lopez has had an interest in personal finance savings, money management, investing, and making smart decisions when it came to money. Upon graduation, he attended Texas A&M where he earned an MBA in Finance. He entered "Corporate America" and worked for several major international firms-more at
Later in life he continued his education in personal finance by attending Rice University’s Certified Financial Planner Program and then successfully completing the CFP Certification Exam ( After early retirement and a 2 year sabbatical to travel and explore, he began teaching Financial Planning at Bauer. He is passionate about teaching students the fundamentals needed to become financially secure and ultimately financially independent.