Financial Symposium 2015

9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday,
April 11, 2015
8:30-9 a.m.
Cemo Hall, University of Houston
To promote Financial Literacy to students and the Houston community
In partnership with the Texas Council of Economic Education. Open to all students and the community.
In Conjunction with
The goal of the Financial Symposium is to provide current UH students and the Houston community with information on basic financial topics and on curriculum options for financial education and careers in financial services, including commercial banking, financial analysis, and personal financial planning.
Session Topics
Saturday, April 11, 2015, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Cemo Hall, University of Houston
Check-in from 8:30-9 a.m.
Click each session topic for more information.
Plenary Session 9-9:40 a.m.
Keynote Speaker:
- Steph Sherrodd, President & CEO of Texas Dow Employees Credit Union (TDECU)
The Power of Financial Literacy for You and Your Community

Steph Sherrodd, president and CEO of TDECU, the largest credit union in the Houston area, and fourth-largest in Texas, with over 200,000 members, and $2.5 billion in assets. Sherrodd left her home state of Wyoming behind eleven years ago to move to Houston to work with TDECU. She has spent most of her life in financial services and retail. Before moving to Houston, she was COO and vice president of lending at the Cheyenne, Wyo.-based Warren Federal Credit Union.
Hometown: Green River, Wyo.
Family: Married with two children, 13 and 11
First job: I worked the counter at Dairy Queen. I probably could still make the DQ curl.
Go-to karaoke song: “Love Shack” by the B-52s
Favorite hobby: Skiing. I enjoy it even more now that I'm teaching my kids.
What's on your bucket list: Watching the Olympics (in person, not on TV)
Guilty pleasure: Shoes
What do you do when you have to get away: Running. It gives me instant stress release, and I can do it anywhere.
Breakout Session 1 - 9:50-10:50 a.m.
Knowing your Credit Score and Managing Credit Cards
To better understand your credit score, you need to know what it entails and how to maintain it.
- Sherrie Young, Executive Director, Credit Coalition
How to Pay for College?
With rising costs, paying for college is one of the primary concerns for students and their families. This session will provide valuable information from a student who has gone through the process, and from the UH Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
- Tedric Breed, Consultant, Ryan LLC
- Susan Kizer, Economic Education Coordinator, Federal Reserve Bank, Houston Branch
- Destinie Ross, Former Student Financial Planning Coordinator, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
Evaluating and Negotiating a Job Offer
To teach students how to effectively negotiate a salary and to evaluate a benefits package which is offered by an employer.
- Elizabeth Knapp, Career Development Specialist, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- John Lopez, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
Breakout Session 2 - 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Money Management: College Edition
Learn real world strategies for managing your cash flow so that you know where your money is going and you are not caught short when emergencies happen.
- Tedric Breed, Consultant, Ryan LLC
- Susan Kizer, Economic Education Coordinator, Federal Reserve Bank, Houston Branch
- Destinie Ross, Former Student Financial Planning Coordinator, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
Careers in Investment Banking
A panel of representatives will educate students on careers in Investment Banking.
Jack Reader, President Investment Banking Scholars ClubIntroductions:
- Thomas George, Professor and Senior Associate Dean, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Lenny Bianco, Vice President, Energy Investment Banking, Wunderlich Securities
- Walt Boyer, Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal
- Ahmed Saleh, Vice President - Investment Banking Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co.
Careers in Commercial Banking and Financial Analysis
A panel of representatives will educate students on careers in Commercial Banking and Financial Analysis.
- Vanessa Fellers
- Donald N. Bowers II, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Jeff Dunn, EVP, Bank of Texas
- Charles Guez, Ph.D., NASDAQ Clinical Professor of Finance and Director, Commercial Banking Program, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Melissa R. Okonski, Officer, Commercial Lender, Amegy Bank
Careers in Personal Financial Planning
When choosing a career, it is not only important to consider your skills and interests, but also what careers you can align them with to support the lifestyle you desire. There will be an opportunity to hear about careers in finance, especially in personal financial planning services.
- Charles Adi, Associate, Wealth Development Strategies
- Al Coleman, Regional Manager of Education, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Susan Kyle, Financial Advisor, Waddell and Reed
- John Lopez, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business
- Justin Makris, Financial Advisor, Wealth Design Group