2022 News Archive
The Future of the Global Economy
Nov. 15, 2022 | Noon - 1 p.m., CBB 310
This event will feature a talk by a Bauer College of Business professor giving a brief introduction to the global economy, past, present and future. There will also be time for a discussion with students on benefits of pursuing international education opportunities (Short study abroad, semester exchange and COIL based courses). (Sponsored by Bauer Office of Global Initiatives)
Global Documentary Features Board Member Duy-Loan Le (MBA ‘89) and Dean Paul A. Pavlou
Bauer College Board member and alumna Duy-Loan Le (MBA ’89) is the subject of a new documentary sharing the stories of three Asian-Americans with successful, inspirational and impactful careers. The documentary also features an interview with Bauer College Dean and Cullen Distinguished Chair Paul A. Pavlou, with portions filmed in Bauer College and on the University of Houston campus.