SCM 7335
Logistics Management
Course Purpose
This course covers strategies for moving, storing, and distributing goods and services on a global scale through e-commerce and other emerging logistics trends.
Logistics Management serves the critical role for managing flows of materials, products, services, and cash from suppliers to the final customer and back again within a supply chain. The rapid enhancements in technology and the global expansion of business has increased the complexity of logistics management and an increasing demand for business professionals trained in the logistics management discipline. An important element of the course is in-depth coverage of logistics system development in developing countries, including economic benefit, implementation challenges, risk, and governance issues.

Expected Learning Objectives
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of business logistics including the relationship among logistics and other business functions and the principal tools and analytical models used to support logistics management decision making. The course provides core knowledge and managerial tools for professional development in procurement, operations management, transportation, distribution, and marketing career paths.
Selection of Topics Covered:
- Logistics strategy, role, and factors
- Facility Location
- Global Dimensions of Logistics
- Transportation Fundamentals
- Trade Agreements and Economics of Transportation Pricing
- Price Elasticity and Competition
- Vehicle Routing Models
- Forecasting with trend, seasonality, promotional events, and error
- Inventory Management and Reorder Point Models
- International Transportation Management
- Distribution and Omni Channel Network Design
- Network Design Analytics and Modeling
- Import/Export Operations
- Logistics Information Systems
- Customer Service and Order Management
- Emerging Trends in Logistics
- Logistics System Development in Developing Countries
- Logistics Implementation Challenges, Risk, and Governance
Course Pedagogy and Immersive/Experiential Activities
Throughout the course, students experience and practice key concepts to prepare them for careers involving logistics management. Students will experience evaluating 3rd party transportation services for global sourcing and production, forecasting demand in grocery and consumer product goods distribution systems, and facility network design using mathematical programming.
Students are provided with course notes, textbook resources, lectures. The course also utilizes readings from leading business journals, such as the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, and others. The course utilizes analyses and discussion of business cases from the Harvard Business School.
Grades are typically determined by performance in a series of quizzes and assignments that progressively cover the course material, a group case analysis, participation in immersive class activities, and two Exams.