Course Information

MBA and M.S. students will be able to find the graduate business courses in the UH class schedule by searching for these designators: ACCT, BZAN, ENTR, FINA, GENB, INTB, MANA, MARK, MIS, and SCM. MBA core courses are 6000-level, while electives are 7000-level; 8000-level courses are for doctoral students and may not be taken by master’s students without the express permission of the PhD Coordinator in that department.

Business courses numbered 63XX or 73XX are 3-credit courses lasting the whole semester (session 1). Courses numbered 6AXX or 7AXX are 1.5-credit courses, usually offered either the first half (session 3) or second half (session 5) of the fall and spring semesters. Professional MBA and most M.S. courses are taught from 6:00-9:00 p.m. In summer the 1.5-credit courses are taught in Summer 2 or Summer 4, and are taught 6:00-10:00 p.m..

Masters' Business Course Prerequisites

To take Masters’ level courses (6000-7000 level) in the C. T. Bauer College of Business, students must have graduate standing at UH and meet the specific prerequisites for courses as listed in the course table on this website. A prerequisite must be completed prior to the start of the course for which it is a prerequisite. Non-business majors in good standing in other graduate programs at the University of Houston main campus may take up to 12 semester hours of Masters’ level business courses as long as they meet the specific prerequisites (or have taken equivalent prerequisite courses in their own program and petitioned for the prerequisite to be waived), if space is available. Please Note: priority is given to Bauer graduate students for business graduate courses. Undergraduates and PB students are not allowed to take any Masters’ level courses in the Bauer College of Business.


If a course is cross-listed under two departments, students may not get credit for both a cross-listed course and its equivalent.

Prerequisites must be evaluated before students take courses for which the prerequisites are required. Students in masters' level business programs with questions regarding their records should consult with a graduate advisor in 424 Insperity Classroom and Business Building (CBB).

The 5000-level courses in the Certificate in Accountancy Program (CAP) can be used to waive prerequisites for graduate-level accounting courses, but do not count as graduate credit toward degree requirements for the MBA, MS ACCY, MS BZAN, MS FIN, MS M&L, MS MIS, MS MKT, or MS SCM.

Graduate students are not permitted to enroll in undergraduate business courses in the Bauer College of Business.

This website is updated frequently and supercedes the information in the UH Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog. For questions regarding the prerequisites for graduate business courses, consult a graduate academic advisor in 424 Insperity Classroom and Business Building (CBB), (713) 743-0700, or the website

Electives (27 credit hours)

MBA candidates must take a minimum of nine 7000-level or above business elective courses totaling 27 credit hours to complete the degree. Electives can be selected from the following business areas: accountancy and taxation (ACCT), business analytics (BZAN), entrepreneurship (ENTR), finance (FINA), general business (GENB), international business (INTB), management and leadership (MANA), marketing (MARK), management information systems (MIS), and supply chain management (SCM). Due to prerequisites, a limited number of the graduate accounting courses are open to MBA students; if you plan to focus your graduate studies on accountancy and taxation, you may want to consider the MS Accountancy program.

In the elective portion of the MBA degree, students may pursue one of the following three paths:

  1. Free Electives Path: A variety of courses may be taken from across the college in support of a generalist theme.
  2. Focused Path: 12 hours or more may be taken in a single department to focus on a specific functional area (for example, MIS or Finance).
  3. Certificate Path: 9-18 credit hours may be taken toward a certificate in a specialized area of business. Students selecting this option and successfully completing the required courses can be awarded one or more certificates in addition to the MBA diploma upon completion of their degree. Currently there are 25 different certificates available. Enrollment in the Financial Services Management Certificate (Cougar Investment Fund) is determined by the Finance Department; other certificates may be self-selected. Please see the Certificates tab for information on the certificates offered.
Outside Electives:

A maximum of two UH graduate-level electives outside the Bauer College of Business may be counted toward the MBA degree subject to prior approval from the chair of the relevant academic department within Bauer and the Graduate & Professional Programs Office. These electives would normally be three-credit courses and must be taken for a letter grade. Students should obtain the course syllabus from the faculty member teaching the course and submit the syllabus to GPP along with a completed GPP Petition Form, on which they would explain how the outside elective is relevant to the advanced study of business administration.

Joint Degrees

The Bauer College of Business offers a number of joint master's degree programs, which may be pursued on a part- or full-time basis. Programs at the University of Houston that may be combined with the Master of Business Administration include the following:

For all of these joint degree programs, it is necessary to apply separately and meet admissions requirements for both programs. (For example, MBA/JD applicants must take both the GMAT or GRE and the LSAT tests.) Once students have been admitted to the first graduate program, they must gain admission to the other within one calendar year. The MBA program will allow 12 hours of MBA electives to be filled by courses from the other program. Students will receive two diplomas, and must file for graduation with both degrees in the same semester.

Contact Information for Joint Degrees

Law Center
(713) 743-2280


Hospitality Management
(713) 743-2457


Industrial Engineering
(713) 743-4180


Social Work
(713) 743-8082


College of Pharmacy
(832) 842-8376