What You Need to Know
Graduation Orientation

While attendance at the Graduation Orientation session is not a graduation requirement, we look forward to seeing you there to talk more about graduation details. No sign-up or registration is required for this in-person event.
Graduation Checklist
- Students should confirm that their major and minor is accurate (via UH account) prior to their final semester. Contact your advisor immediately for assistance if your major & minor are incorrect. Please be advised that students may not add majors/minors after the 12th class day of their final semester unless they are enrolled in all of the courses to complete that major/minor.
- Apply/file for graduation via your myUH account before the posted deadline(s). Applications submitted after the published deadlines may not be accepted. If you have missed the late deadline, please contact your academic advisor immediately to discuss your options. Graduation applications cannot be retracted. Once you submit a graduation application, you must graduate if you meet requirements.
- To Apply:
- Login to your myUH account
- Select the myUH Self Service icon
- Select the "Advising" Tile
- Select "Apply for Graduation"
- Double check that the semester and all your personal information is correct! If you see errors, contact your academic advisor as soon as possible.
- Once you have registered for the classes you plan to take in your final semester, meet with your advisor for a graduation check while the registration cycle is open for your final semester. At the time of the advising appointment, you should already be enrolled in the courses you anticipate are needed for graduation. During your advising session, your advisor can confirm that you are registered appropriately and/or recommend adjustments to your schedule. It is highly recommended that you review any schedule changes after your graduation check with your advisor to reduce the likelihood of disapproval for graduation.
- If you are currently in your final semester and would like a graduation check to review graduation procedures, please schedule an appointment with your advisor before the last day to drop.
- If you plan to walk in the ceremony, students must apply for graduation by the first deadline through myUH. For more information, please visit the Ceremony Information Page.
- Complete the UHIRE Post Graduation Outcome Survey which is required for graduation even if you are not currently seeking a job. (Fall, Spring and Summer graduates).
- Complete the Business Competency Assessment via Canvas. Completion of the Business Competency Assessment is a graduation requirement. (Spring graduates only!)
Note: You will receive email notifications relating to the surveys, so please review all email messages sent from UH carefully. If you have not received the links for the required surveys by the last day of classes, please email Todd Chaykosky at to have the links resent to your account.
Graduation Ceremony Information
- Students must apply for graduation on myUH by the 1st UH graduation deadline in order for their names to be included the program for the ceremony. Students who apply for graduation after the first graduation deadline (see above) will not have their names appear in the program. Spring graduates are listed in the May program; Summer & Fall graduates are listed in the December program.
- Visit the Ceremony Information Page for details on parking, cap and gown, invitations, etc.
- Spring graduates are eligible to participate in the May ceremony; Summer and Fall graduates are eligible to participate in the December ceremony.
What to expect after applying for graduation
- Your application status on your myUH account will not change until advisors approve or deny your graduation at the end of the semester.
- Once your final grades are posted, academic advisors will initiate the process of final certification for graduation. This process is typically completed within 60 days after the official closing of the semester.
- If your graduation is approved, the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) will mail out your diploma. Students typically receive their diplomas in the mail 2-3 months after the end of their graduating semester. If you do not receive your diploma within 3 months of completing your degree, contact OUR at 713-743-1010.
- If you have other questions about your graduation, please contact your academic advisor.
Other Information
Graduating with Honors
Students graduating under a catalog prior to Fall 2010 may find the qualification for honors at the UH Academic Catalog.
Undergraduate students who have completed the graduation requirements of the Honors College, including a senior honors thesis or senior honors project, are graduated with "University Honors with Honors in Major." Undergraduate students who have completed all requirements of the Honors College except for the thesis or project are graduated with “University Honors.” (See University Honors College.)
Undergraduate students who successfully complete a senior honors thesis or senior honors project and who are not members of the Honors College are graduated with “Honors in Major.”
Undergraduate students who complete their degree requirements will graduate with the stated academic honors if they achieve the following grade point averages earned in the last fifty-four (54) hours (all of which must be A, B, C,... letter grade courses) completed at the University of Houston. Grades of S, U, I and W are not assigned grade point values and are not used in the computation of the grade point average.
- 3.90 to 4.0 Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors)
- 3.70 to 3.89 Magna Cum Laude (with high honors)
- 3.50 to 3.69 Cum Laude (with honors)
Further, the honors calculation will include all hours completed in the semester in which the first of those final fifty-four (54) hours were completed.
Tuition Rebate
The University of Houston offers a tuition rebate of $1,000 to undergraduate students who graduate having met the requirements for eligibility. Eligible students are Texas residents, attempt no more than three semester hours in excess of the minimum number required for their degree, and graduate within four calendar years for four-year degrees, and within five calendar years for five-year degrees such as the Bachelor of Architecture. View the checklist and Rebate Request form or learn more about eligibility.