Digital Marketing
Ready for Change
Digital marketing positions vary from digital marketing agencies to in-house marketing roles. They can be varied and cover a little bit of everything (e-mail, search engine marketing, social media, etc.), or they can be specialized in one or two main areas. Digital marketing is constantly changing as platforms are updated, standards are changed, and new opportunities arise.
How Many Jobs Are Available?
Dozens. Houston has a number of digital marketing agencies and companies that are looking for someone in-house to work on digital marketing campaigns. These jobs are available through the Interactive Marketing Career Fair, Rockwell Career Services, American Marketing Association – Houston Chapter, personal networking, and want ads.
Who Is It Good For?
Digital marketing is a great career choice if you want versatility in your career. Digital marketing gives you the opportunity to express your creative and analytical skills, truly blending the art and science aspects of marketing. The field is always changing and very engaging.
Suggested Courses
Students interested in digital marketing should take the following courses:
- MARK 3365, Introduction to Digital Marketing
- MARK 4332, Social Media Marketing
- MARK 4333, Search Engine Marketing
- MARK 4339, Database Marketing
Other suggested courses for MARK majors interested in Digital Marketing:
- MARK 4338, Marketing Research
- MARK 4362, Applied Buyer Behavior
Apply to Receive Your Digital Marketing Certificate
See if you qualify to apply for the Bauer College Digital Marketing Certificate